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Everything posted by AND1

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  3. contra low activity dont request in turk languange i never saw you in server you dont have a password try next time
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  5. Hey 🙂


  6. ill give you a chance but try to increase your activity respect the rules and have a good behavior read the rules
  7. Contraa!! you have bad activity you have a bad behavior and always like to argue and you break so many rules i warned you several times for strafing so next time have a good behavior and respect rules.And dont reply to your own admin request.
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  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
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  13. CONTRA i never seen you on server you should improve your activity Good luck next time
  14. Contra You always break the rules ask for ammo and doesnt attack in mods good luck next time
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  18. Okey as u were saying about the teamup i never team up and i dont like teaming up and i dont have aything with kirazMevsimiYt we werent friends or anything else and i dont even know why he wasnt attacking him bcs i wasnt focused one the game that time i was focusing helping player @Piscesfor banning 8ball1 bcs he did rr and we were talking with him to ban 8ball1 And u said ur mother languange i thought that u were insulting anyone thats why u gagged you because i was focuing more on banning 8ball1 not in game as for the tam up i never do that idk why he teamup with me Thank you
  19. CONTRA youre always afk increase activity by playing in this way you can never help players or server
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