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Everything posted by Renglus

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  5. CONTRA You don't respect the rules Often categorizing it as "trolling", and you argue about it You're often seen strafing, and have been warned many times for it. Next time there won't be any warnings And that's all ignoring your activity, which is subpar Improve your behavior and start respecting the rules before applying again
  6. CONTRA Literally just joined the forum and applied No game tracker link, no activity Follow the model next time, and provide necessary information
  7. CONTRA Regarding your low activity, you also don't interact with the server much or play in general Play for a week, talk and interact with players more and apply again And show us a better reason you want to be an admin
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  9. CONTRA You're a toxic player You barely respect the rules Even if you were active you are unfit to be an admin with your behavior
  10. Yeah, no.. CONTRA for obvious reasons If it's not a joke request, then rethink how you apply Comply with the needed requirements to apply, being an admin in another server isn't enough reason to put you here without knowing more about you
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