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Everything posted by NINJAAAA

  1. ★Nickname: Garrix ★CSBD username: @Garrix ★Rank: Administrator ★Nickname: Esketiit ★CSBD username: @Esketiit ★Rank: Administrator ★Please make sure to read the rules and make sure to respect them ( Admin Rules ) ( Player Rules ) (A Guide for New Admins) ★ Don't forget to create your (Banlist) and (Registration) ★Enter groups Required:https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/19058-~●-social-groups-●~
  2. #Rejected 1- You must follow the admin request model (You can find it here) 2- You need to be have at least 30h of activity in the server to request for admin ( You can know how many hours you have from this link ) T/C
  3. #Rejected for two reasons 1- You need to be have at least 30h of activity in the server to request for admin ( You can know how many hours you have from this link ) 2- You didn't put the admin password ( Read the admins rules to find it ) Make another request after 7 days GL. Note : If you want any help or any question you can message me in discord : ninjaaaa__ T/C
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  5. #Closed I said to yo make another request after 1 day not 3h ( you can request again tomorrow ) T/C
  6. #Rejected You must follow the admin request model! (You can find it here) Make another request after 1 day T/C
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  9. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  10. #Rejected You need at least a full week of activity to request for admin Make another request after 7 days T/C
  11. #Rejected You need at least a full week of activity to request for admin Make another request after 7 days T/C
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  13. #Accepted Message me in discord to get your Tag T/C
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