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  1. Ā¤ Your Nickname:Zaid Ā¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: Ā¤ Link of Hours you played on server (https://www.gametracker.com/player/zaid/ Ā¤ Current rank: Moderator i want my Semi elder Back , i got downgraded bcs of my incactivity
  2. You Have To wait 30 Days for another request
  3. You didnt see the message, i slapped u twice and asked you again and perhaps didnt anwser , and about other admins they were on spec ,dont you bring yourself to the blacklist again.
  4. I Asked You Thousand Times What did you play last map,but you didnt anwser so i slayed you
  5. ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ : go killl :D:D:D [GamePlays] Watch new GamePlay video of THUGLIFEZM here => https://youtu.be/MyL6YG_czg0 [ADMINS]Staying Spec at night will help you to get fast upgrade ! [Zombie Outstanding] Damage to Abu0_0Fadi0 :: 1,228 damage ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ : 800 hp [Zombie Outstanding] Damage to Abu0_0Fadi0 :: 1,051 damage [Facebook group] Join to our Facebook Group of ThugLifeZM Link => https://www.facebook.com/groups/thuglifezm/ [ADMINS]Admins should attack first in Mods Survivor/Sniper ! Abu0_0Fadi0 killed Zaid with knife ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ : 400 ^_LoVe_BaKu_^ killed Abu0_0Fadi0 Giving Him Free after you became terminator On A Biohazard Mod After Killing Everyone Except him , When he killed Me , You finished him. You are breaking every rule on the server when there is no admins. After All Its Called Teaming!
  6. This Is not a proof, make a demo or photo
  7. Respect The Model!!
  8. Wrong Model!!
  9. Ā¤ Your name: Zaid Ā¤ Claimed Admin name: rami Ā¤ Date and time: 6:43 Ā¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/vJmyCTr Ā¤ Reason of complaint: He didnt attack on the terminator mod he should be attacking after 2:30
  10. Ā¤ Your name: Zaid Ā¤ Claimed Admin name: .::LmbE::. / Abo_!_LaHaB Ā¤ Date and time: 6:28 Ā¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/lCUMtn7 https://imgur.com/a/7r0LdB6 Ā¤ Reason of complaint: They were fighting on the server using admin commands. Breaked all the rules! and i forgot this too https://imgur.com/a/oFssiji
  11. Ā¤ Your Nickname: Zaid Ā¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: None Ā¤ Link of Hours you played on server https://www.gametracker.com/player/zaid/ Ā¤ Current rank: Super Moderator I Have 2 Bots name : GOAT https://www.gametracker.com/player/GOAT/ https://www.gametracker.com/player/(1)GOAT/
  12. Ā¤ Your name: Zaid Ā¤ Claimed Admin name: SonaK! Ā¤ Date and time: 25/11/2022 3:14 Ā¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/Xte6j7d https://imgur.com/a/06uYckX Ā¤ Reason of complaint: He gaged S !gMa for 5 Minutes for no reason!
  13. Ā¤ Your name: Zaid Ā¤ Claimed Admin name: SonaK! Ā¤ Date and time: 11/22/2022 2:44 Ā¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo):https://imgur.com/a/Sr9HeLW Ā¤ Reason of complaint: I Was kidding with hellboy , and sonak gaged me me and when i ungaged myself since it was unfairly , he banned me https://imgur.com/a/7YXWIA0 While Co-Owners insult us and treat us with no respect, shall we be silent?
  14. He is breaking the rules always, he is asking for ammo in @ public and spamming chat plus he is using cmds for admin,he dont know any rules , he should be removed
  15. Ā¤ Your Nickname: Zaid Ā¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: None Ā¤ Link of Hours you played on server (https://www.gametracker.com/player/zaid/ Ā¤ Current rank: Super Moderator


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