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Everything posted by VollmeR

  1. Hello @ThheIncredibleHulk First of all I don't like kicking you at all, and secondly me and a Daddy Boss (@kukata) pointed out that you should activate AA, but you just ignored us both with this absurd excuse that it's a workstation computer. Why don't you use a personal computer? (if you have one) In any case, this report is unnecessary and definitely made to get one over on me. And besides, you could have just been offline after the kick, leaving the space for a player who actually wants to play. Best regards Pre-Manager VollmeR
  2. Pre-Manager VollmeR
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  4. Pre-Manager VollmeR
  5. Pre-Manager VollmeR
  6. Pre-Manager VollmeR
  7. Pre-Manager VollmeR
  8. Hello @sasukeee1234 You have a very good activity to join us as an admin. I've never seen you break the rules, and I've never had to slap you during mods. But I advise you to read the admin rules thoroughly and several times and everything else that goes with it. Best regards Pre-Manager VollmeR
  9. Hello @Soldado 76 Your activity is sufficient for you to apply to us as an admin, but I have to tell you that you didn't fill out some of the form correctly. I also read that you don't attack and camp in mods. I recommend that you read the rules carefully, try again in a week. Best regards Pre-Manager VollmeR
  10. Hello @AHMED.. I think you should try again in a week with a new application. Currently you don't seem to be following the rules, which I can gather from the comments from the other team members. For the above reasons I have to give you: Best regards Pre-Manager VollmeR
  11. You are using the graphics i made! hehe :=D




    I have more, you want to have them too?

    1. Akrapovic


      Send me pm 


  12. Hello @MultiPlayer CS I think you should think twice about whether you really want to become an admin. You are not attacking in mods + you asked many times for ammo which a prospective admin should never do, or anyone applying for it. And a few seconds ago you told me you lost all your ammo (400) and then you asked again for some, then i looked at you and i saw that you still got them and that means you lied to me. I don't like that kind of thing at all and that's a really strong negative point for me. Best regards Pre-Manager VollmeR
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  14. Hello @tomatto Your activity is not very convincing and from my previous commenters you don't seem to be following the rules. I advise you to improvise and apply again next week. Best regards Pre-Manager VollmeR
  15. Hello @BLESSED You have a decent activity too start with, also i never saw you behave bad or break some rules. I hope you are well experienced, if not... We will teach you to be a very good Admin. Best regards Pre-Manager VollmeR
  16. Yes Batata! @Ballantines ?
  17. Voted. :=D
  18. Voted. :=D
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  20. Voted. =D
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