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About ɪɴdAndreazZ

  • Birthday 11/10/2002


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ɪɴdAndreazZ's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)

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  • Dedicated Rare
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  • First Post Rare

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  1. Contra : I have not seen you comply with the rules in general and the activity
  2. PRO : - You have very good activity, I congratulate you. - You don't break the rules in general when you're in the game
  3. CONTRA : - You have good activity in the game, but I would like you to attack when there are mods. I know you can in the next week, cheers.
  4. Nobody has to force you to do anything, since you have to have your own account, if you think you won't be able to then you won't be. you have to have confidence in yourself. by the way mine is CONTRA : - You're a good player but I don't see the most activity in the game or the amount of hours that it is recommended to be an administrator, I know that you will be able to achieve in the following week, cheers.
  5. PRO - You have very good activity in the game - I haven't seen you break the rules
  6. CONTRA: - Asks for ammo - There is no respect in general and with the rules
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. ¤ Nickname: ɪɴdAndreazZ ¤ Grade: player ¤ New Tag: TheGirl ¤ Link of Hours Played GT link CLICK HERE : https://www.gametracker.com/player/ɪɴdAndreazZ/
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