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Everything posted by WHAT IS GOING ON

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. - Your Name In Server: WHAT IS GOING ON??? - Your Lucky - Number: 20 - Tag 3x Friend's: @VollmeR @El Máster Edwin@✘ tayab™ ✘
  3. Pro! because of your good behavior and knowledge of rules, Activity is also good but I please you make it better. GL.
  4. PRO.. I'll give you a chance but try to improve your activity, you must have 200 minutes daily.. good luck.
  5. Request #Accepted. Send me info here or in Discord! T/C
  6. Rejected! Respect our model T/C.
  7. Request #Accepted. Send me info here or in Discord! T/C
  8. Rejected! Respect our model T/C.
  9. Players who Insult (12 min). Players who abuse in English or any other language (12 min). @Milliardo Peacecraft You and your friends deserve a ban for retry gag + Insult Staff and players (Mother) + changing names You were admin here and you know the rules Report rejected! T/C
  10. Pro from me, Good activity, respects rules, Good luck
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. @NewHy6 Reason for the ban sgs / strafe / bhop / script, >> Proof << Me and @VollmeR decided to give you the last chance, Next time you will be banned permanently. Unbanned.
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