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cam slabut

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  1. OK. Good, finally I have the chance to do it. The dumb admin you talking about is 3zz( I don't remember her full nickname) and she told me to slay a PLAYER WHO SHOT HER LM. SO, I DID AS THE RULES SAID, I SLAYED THAT PERSON. I found later that the player I slayed was actually a suspended admin(as 3zz at that time actually-that is why she did not slay him and made me to do it). Then we were reported by an other admin and then we got removed due to the fact that we did not have any proof of that(ss). Tsema or Ral23 I dont remember clearly who told me once that Neo and 3zz are really good admins and I can learn a lot from them(i still have the ss of that I just have to search it), so I listened to 3zz as she was more experienced than me and SLAYED Tizana(she is the one who destroyed 3zz lm). Of course it might be as Tizana said, she might not have shot 3zz's lm so in that situation I am really sorry, but I only TRUSTED 3zz when she said that her lm got blown up. The decision of 2 admins to be removed was taken way too quickly in my opinion. One of the things I promise if I become admin again is that I WILL MAKE SURE THAT PLAYERS DID NOT RESPECT THE RULES AND THEN I will give them slay. This is the truth si tsema sunt sigur ca iti dai seama ca situatia nu era atat de deplasata ca sa iei acea decizie. Inca o data, exista probababilitatea ca eu sa fi luat decizia gresita si atunci imi cer scuze, dar am ales sa ascult de 3zz care ma ajutase destul de mult in tot timpul in care eram incepator. I am sure that all the things I did before this problem were good for the server and I respected the rules. The decision is in your hands I said what I had to say. I forgot to add. About the low activity, I was really busy with my studies. Sunt la liceul Mircea cel Batran(Constanta) pentru cei care probabil il stiu. E cam in top 10 din Romania. I could not stay active at night and on day time I was at school and going to highschool by bus(I stay in Mangalia and the highschool is almost 60 km away from my home so). Plus this summer I am starting working for the first time( I am 16) and I will work for about 7 hours a day for the whole week(ca si curier la un hotel nush cum se zice in engleza).
  2. Nickname: cam slabut Don't have adress facebook, neither skype Age: 16 Languages: Romanian, English My location: Romania, Mangalia Experience as Admin: I was once more but I got removed due to not having proof of the problem. I can't stay spec and I can't play between those hours. Link of hours played: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/ Reason that you want to be admin: I love this server and I really get along with the players and the staff. I know I can help this server as an admin. I am on NL discord server and I can be active on staff channel. Password/key for admin: NewLife XoXo
  3. I have nothing against idea. It is a pretty good one and as Neo said we can increase our numbers on discord which can make our server be more played and liked by the others. And 75 points is not that much anyway but when there is something you can obtain for free I am sure that anyone would go after it.
  4. PRO Take care and respect the rules. Good luck and have fun bro.
  5. Nickname: cam slabut Grade: player New tag: doom biatch Link ore jucate: https://www.gametracker.com/server_info/NEWLIFEZM.CSBLACKDEVIL.COM:27015/top_players/?query=cam+slabut&sort=2&order=DESC
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