Everything posted by oskar. SCH.
¤ Your Nickname: oskar ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198347098435/ ¤ Link of Hours you played on server (Click here😞https://www.gametracker.com/player/oskar/ ¤ Current rank: Administrator Reason : I am not asking to an upgrade to moderator or a higher rank. I actually here to ask if it`s possible to get only the cmd to change map, that`s all. The reason is cuz` i am playing alot in the night when usually it`s no one of admins online (especially those which can change the map) and when we are few ppl on server, after 00:00 it happens to play big or ugly maps. And players always complain about that. And i can`t do anything. If it`s possible, i would be thankfull. I want only to change the map when it needed, especially in the night. When the elders are online, i will let them do the job. I will not abuse and i will ask always players about what map they want to play. I don t ask only for my own use 🙂 Thank you, have a good one! oskar
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Hi! This report it will be rejected by our staff for sure. But it`s not a big deal. You can do very simple another one using 2 steps. 1. Use this link to see where you need to begin a new topic about your complain : https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/10310-report-admin/ 2. Use this link before starting the report, using the model from there. Thank you! oskar.
Someone interested in crypto and NFT`s world here? 😀
As an admin online when all of this happened, i can say that i spoked with Nader about why he banned my bots and told me that they were speeding or moving strange xD Now, i think, or i don`t know if it`s true because i didn`t had time to see that, but it was my first time today that i used that bots aplication, so maybe i set wrong the settings of bots. After that i watched on youtube how it works with adding bots with aplication, and all it`s good now. Maybe with the 2 of my bots that they got banned by nader, was right. But i have nothing to say about the ban of player Niti, i really saw nothing.
ok, go and solve the cmd then. edit : You don`t even know how the story was. I saw you what you intended to do when i saw you how you spoked with me on server . I understand that you were frustrated because you know him. And another thing that i forgot to snap, was when i told him i will ban him if it will continue, he told me "hhh, go ban".. That`s the reason because he knew you will come to "help". Your cute friend, came to you and told you like "oskar banned me, oskar banned me for no reason, look... abusive admin, report, suspend". But you asked me before comming here with this cheap rep? or why he didn`t tell you "oh, amro, i called oskar noob duzin of times, and told me to stop first, then i called him again, and again, and gaged me 2 min, and i called him again noob on u@ , in the end, he baned me for 2 hours, maybe i talked trash about him". To know you, AMRO, tell me about your friends. Kind regards, oskar.
Oh, glad to came with that. First of all the ban is not on your name, AMRO and you don`t even were on server when that happend. So i don t understand why you came with the complaint in the name of him.. I kindly ask him to join us on forum to be one of our players with subscription here. Second, if that is your friend, i don`t whant to believe how it works here.... like : "when you have friends that they are high in admin rank on server, they cand do and speak anything, insult, and so on" Fourth : here it is the reason and the first proof. - > https://imgur.com/a/2l29PcO And i`ll tell even the entire story. Ok, so... I was saluted him when he came on server saying "hi"... After that, few rounds after, when i was killing him, he started calling me noob. I talked with your friend first, or you, i don t care who it was with that name.. I told him to stop insulting before gag him. (wanted to understand before using command on him).. after that, he insulted again, again and again. I gaged him for 2 minutes... (i was pretty kind) After that, being unable to use the chat, he came with insults on u@ (admins chat)... So, i just banned him for 2 hours... The reason he knows, and now, you know. And if you reffering about the reason in console... i typed "amx_ban name 120 language"... i don t know why doesn t appear the reason, but you have it here, my friend, AMRO. P.S : i never use the "power" of admin on server against players... Just to inform you. I was Owner once, before you touching de mouse or mousepad.
¤ Your name: oskar ¤ Claimed Admin name: I don't know precisely ¤ Date and time: 23:00 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/3DkvOAF (all 3 ss from my console with some conversation and the proof of being kicked 3 times in 2 minutes) ¤ Reason of complaint: I was on server playing and only few people online. Was NaDeR, a_sedk, and OMAR that from what i know, OMAR it`s HELPER. So, OMAR bought Assasin, and he did free ammo with sedk. I told him to attack without slaying, because we were only 5 on server. After that, i got kicked once. I retryed on server and i asked who kicked me on admin chat, no one responded to me, i only saw nader speaking with omar in other language that i didn`t understand. After i asked, i have been kicked 2nd time... I retryed again and asked why and who kicked me... Again, no one responded to me, and i was kicked from server 3rd time... So 3 times kicked... I don`t think it was NaDeR because i did nothing wrong, or something... I think was omar. If it`s omar, nice HELPER. If NaDeR sees my post, i kindly ask to respond about who was kicking me and the reason. It`s my 3rd report here... I can`t play and having fun like that. If i am not welcome, just say and it`s ok. 🙂 Thank you, oskar.
¤ Your name: oskar. ¤ Claimed Admin name: Robo Man ¤ Date and time: you can see in screenshot i think ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/lRd8LI9 ¤ Reason of complaint: I was on server and was the TERMINATOR ROUND. From the very first seconds i was the first that i was attacking and the first that i got killed by terminator, after 1 minute i had something to do and i wanted to go spectator. I tried with /spec but when you are dead doesn`t work, so i retry to stay spec. After few seconds that i did that, i saw almane saying "oskar rr zm" in chat. I don` t had even a bit time to respond to that, to tell them that they are wrong xD . And then without asking or being 100% sure, RoboMan banned me for actually no reason (for 2 hours, but he got me mad for that). I understand that he is old here, has a higher admin rank, blablabla, but if they continue like that .... today -1 player, tomorrow -1, and so on. He will play alone there. This is a complain only to know what is happening on server. This time i don`t care about suspend or something. I ask to be a bit more friendly with players. We actually play a game, a virtual game that we must have fun here. 🙂 Yeah, so that`s it... Again me xD And if someone is online and have time to unban, please unban to : STEAM ID : STEAM_0:1:193416353 IP : Thanks, best regards, oskar.
Your Nickname: oskar. ¤ Your Address Skype, Steam: i don t have/use skipe but the steam id is : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198347098435/ ¤ Age (You must have or higher than 17 years): 28 ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: romanian, english, italian, spanish ¤ Your Location: Italy ¤ Experience As Admin: back in 2012 till 2016 use to have a classic server named "pro.pajura.net" where i was Owner. Now it`s closed. ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM): yes ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server : i don`t know to do that but i looked on the server and it says 68hours. ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I don`t want admin with full commands. For me it`s enough frost/slay/gag... I ask for the smaller rank of admin that you have to play peacefully on server when no admin is online. They are many kids that they don`t let you play by shooting lm, don`t attack in mode surv or sniper and often i use to quit because of that. And i am not the only one. ¤ Other Information For Your Request: I am pretty active on server, and if you need to check that you can ask the other admins that are almost always online. Thanks, best regards, oskar.
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Thank you for your support. It`s not the first guy that is doing that. But when i try to play or to have fun a bit on server, it`s not so cool to have guys like him. I didn`t want to report, but was so rude and he didn t respond to me when i asked him "why and what i did wrong".. but he didn`t have anyway a response, because the reason was that i killed him before having time to hide... I like alot of ppl there that they are friendly, like mjnonb7bk, S.Pardik, kareem, they are very kindly and friendly, always if you have something to say he will respond and help you... For a good server and peacefull, you need guys that are coming to play for fun and mentain the server as a cool place to have fun. For now on, i will report any problem whith the abusive admins. When a supermoderator takes a decision with my report, please let me know. Thanks alot for reply.
¤ Your name: oskar. ¤ Claimed Admin name: .:In:. ¤ Date and time: 09:47 ¤ Proof (screenshot of console or demo): https://imgur.com/a/u6Xjohj ¤ Reason of complaint: I was today on server playing and i bought ASSASIN mode, i have killed some in first seconds and one of them was .:In:. (the admin). After 2 seconds i was slayed with no reason. I play alot on this server and i enjoy. But you have to many admins that they are incapable and they abuse with the slay/gag and so on. I want to gave him a leson and suspend him for a while, even if he is old admin/donator or whatever is he on server. Admin acces is not for him. Thank you for understanding, see you on server.