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About -YoSeF

  • Birthday 04/22/2006


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  1. At the first, I'm freedom to use any reacts on anyone's gallery, secondly if you don't consider what he said is an insult so that's the translation of what he said "Why did you make a shit reaction like your face in the forum?" He offended me because I reacted , it's not even provoking bec. everyone can react whatever he wants They did the same reaction I used on 7amodi's gallery, Did this provoke me? That reaction never provoked me Also as a manager in a server, he want to be more respectful with the players in addition if he wanted to ask me about that reaction, he could ask me respectfully . And? Look who keep insulting and offending without any reasons, The reaction was never a reason to provoke anyone, you just own a childish mind I'm waiting the owner of the server to end this nonsense
  2. ¤ Your Name: YoSeF ¤ Accused Admin: @7aMoDi ¤ Time And Date: Just now ¤ Reason Of The Report: He called me shit in Arabic because I reacted to his post in the forum with dislike. ¤ Proof:
  3. ¤ Your Name: YoSeF ¤ Accused Admin: BLACK CLOVER ¤ Time And Date: Just now ¤ Reason Of The Report: Insulted my mother because i killed him on his sniper mod ¤ Proof:
  4. ¤ Nick: YoSeF ¤ Grade: - ¤ New Tag: C.E.O
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  6. Pro Active is good but try improve it .
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  11. V2 colores
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