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Cristii xD

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About Cristii xD

  • Birthday 07/31/1995


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  1. Welcome Back!
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  4. Hi it's true I used the command to give me amo, but for you for the players , not for me! I don't understand what your problem is !? You got the jetpack, didn't you? then? Read the regulations or ask someone before you come with a report. Rejected . T/C!
  5. I voted too, but from what I see is the old ip ...
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  7. I agree with these.
  8. [RO] Vezi ca ma acuzi aiurea prietene incepi sa aberezi! Sunt loguri in care se vede orice abuz , exemplu al tau , daia ai primit 1 war 😉 Daca as fi abuzat cu ceva as fi avut cu siguranta aceasi pedeapsa ca a ta ! si ca sa lamuresc eu tot , te-a enervat faptul ca ti-am dat suspend pentru limbaj , si pe server te-am infectat si te-a apucat pe mine se vede clar la inceputul Acest-ui Video unde este toata conversatia noastra 😉 in fine il las chiar pe @SatanKlaus sa te lamureasca si sa inchida acest topic facut aiurea! PS: Nu te mai crede cine nu esti , ca dupa o sa iti fie greu 😉 [EN] You see that you are accusing me, my friend, you are starting to get angry! There are logs that show any abuse, your example, you received 1 war 😉 If I had abused something I would definitely have had the same punishment as yours! and to clarify everything, you were annoyed by the fact that I suspended you for the language, and on the server I infected you and grabbed you, it is clear at the beginning of this Video where is all our conversation 😉 in the end I even let @SatanKlaus clarify you and close this topic made in vain! PS: Don't believe who you are no longer, because after that it will be hard for you 😉
  9. Request Accepted. T/C!
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