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Souvenez-vous, c’était en 2019 lors de la dernière édition du salon de Francfort. Cupra était alors une toute jeune marque, lancée officiellement depuis moins d’un an et pourtant déjà pleine de projets d’avenir. Parmi eux, le Tavascan, un concept de SUV sportif qui devait alors venir enrichir la gamme alors uniquement composée du Cupra Ateca à l’époque, version revue et corrigée du SUV déjà vendu avec le logo Seat. Mais depuis sa révélation lors du salon allemand, l’étude de style n’a plus jamais donné de nouvelles, tombant alors quelque peu dans l’oubli. Le Cupra Formentor, dévoilé en début d’année 2020 et commercialisé quelques mois plus tard a alors occupé le constructeur et la presse, reléguant alors définitivement le Tavascan aux archives des concept-cars. Enfin, c’est en tout cas ce que l’on pensait jusqu’à présent, alors que le SUV pourrait finalement faire son grand retour. Dans une interview accordée à nos confrères de Top Gear, le patron de la marque Wayne Griffiths a en effet confirmé que celui-ci serait bel et bien produit. Il affirme en effet que « nous poursuivons le développement du Tavascan. Nous n’avons pas encore annoncé exactement où, quand ni comment, mais c’est notre plus grand rêve que nous essayons de concrétiser : le développement du style se poursuit, et il est absolument en phase avec le concept-car ». Il faut donc comprendre ici que les lignes de la version de série seront très proche du prototype présenté à Francfort, avec ses lignes agressives et sa face avant pour le moins étonnante, intégrant une immense calandre béante. Le SUV change du tout au tout par rapport au Formentor, jouant en quelque sorte le rôle de chaînon entre ce Cupra Tavascan et l’Ateca, reprenant quant à lui à 100 % le design de la version de Seat, hormis quelques détails esthétiques spécifiques. Néanmoins, le SUV pourrait se montrer un tout petit peu plus sage dans sa version de série, les concept-cars affichant toujours des lignes plus extravagantes que ce qu’il est possible de faire en production. L’intérieur devrait lui aussi rester proche de celui du concept, avec son large écran tactile et son combiné numérique. Pour l’heure, aucune information n’a encore été donnée sur la fiche technique de la version de série. On connaît néanmoins les caractéristiques du concept, qui devraient sans aucun doute être assez proche du modèle de production, dont la date de révélation n’a pas encore été annoncée par le constructeur. Pour rappel, le Cupra Tavascan est propulsé par deux moteurs électriques, soit un sur chaque essieu, revendiquant alors une puissance totale de 306 chevaux répartie entre les quatre roues. Une configuration qui permet alors au SUV sportif de réaliser le 0 à 100 km/h en seulement 6,5 secondes. Embarquant une batterie de 77 kWh, le concept est alors en mesure de parcourir environ 450 kilomètres en une seule charge selon le cycle WLTP. Autant de chiffres plutôt prometteurs qui devraient assez peu évoluer sur la version de série, qui devrait alors rivaliser directement avec les Tesla Model Y et autres Ford Mustang Mach-E.
Please use the sharing tools found via the share button at the top or side of articles. Copying articles to share with others is a breach of FT.com T&Cs and Copyright Policy. Email licensing@ft.com to buy additional rights. Subscribers may share up to 10 or 20 articles per month using the gift article service. More information can be found here. Joe Biden and leaders of the G7 group of rich democracies will on Friday vow to boost vaccine supply to the developing world, although divisions remain over the speed at which the west should share “surplus” doses. Boris Johnson, UK prime minister, is hosting the virtual meeting, which will focus on the fight against Covid-19 and efforts to tackle climate change. China is also expected to be discussed. It is the first meeting of G7 leaders since April and the first attended by Biden since he became US president. Under Donald Trump the G7 was a largely ineffective and sometimes fractious forum. But Biden’s decisions to rejoin the World Health Organization and the Paris climate accord — which the US will re-enter on Friday — have raised hopes that a multilateral approach can start to deliver results in both areas in 2021. This week Emmanuel Macron, French president, said Europe and the US should urgently allocate up to 5 per cent of their current vaccine supplies to developing countries where Covid-19 inoculation campaigns have scarcely begun and China and Russia are offering to fill the gap. In an interview with the Financial Times, he said: “The enemy of multilateralism as we speak, now that we have American re-engagement, is slowness and ineffectiveness.” A spokesperson for Angela Merkel said on Friday that Germany had already agreed to respond to Macron’s call to provide greater support to the rest of the world. Johnson, who hosts a G7 summit in Cornwall in June, will urge leaders to step up efforts to vaccinate the developing world against Covid-19 and back a new 100-day target for the development of vaccines for future emerging diseases. The UK has ordered more than 400m doses of various Covid-19 vaccines, meaning many will be left over once all adults have been inoculated. Johnson wants surplus vaccines to be given to the developing world.
Nickname: @DuCkyBhaI Age: 22 Link with your forum profile: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/82469-duckybhai/ How much time do you spend on our channel ts every day?: 5.5 hours Where do you want to moderate? Check this topic: Free Time--Media ScreenShot as you have over 30 hours on CSBD TS3 Server (type ''!info'' in CSBD Guard) : https://www.zinguard.net/user/6027e83c085e5f64dd518c26/info Link with your last request to join in our Team: First Last 5 topics that you made on our section:https://csblackdevil.com/forums/forum/104-free-time/ See to all Free Time news Lifestyle Auto moto Sport
[DH-BATTLE] Happy boy Vs Roselina[W Happyboy]
DuCkyBhaI replied to _Happy boy's topic in Battles 1v1
i'll vote for DH2, more better -
During the lockdown, Mumbai-based entrepreneur Shaan Khanna noticed her fashion and networking WhatsApp chats were becoming dominated by food. Everyone was taking to their kitchens and selling their specialities. From everyday comfort foods like Sindhi Curry and Salli Chicken to niche items like pork pickle and peanut butter buns, home chefs were cooking it all. Khanna, who has a background in building networking platforms for emerging businesses, saw an opportunity to create a WhatsApp group specifically for home chefs selling their creations and people interested in buying them. So in the summer of 2020, she created ‘Food Lovers,’ a WhatsApp chat for residents of Cuffe Parade and Colaba. Khanna herself began selling her father’s kebabs on the chat, while others offered sourdough bread, assorted dips and jars of sambhar. Now, at the beginning of 2021, there are five ‘Food Lovers’ WhatsApp chats with members from all over Mumbai. We talk to people who embarked on culinary adventures during the lockdown about how they got their starts, how their small businesses evolved, and what the forecast is for home chefs in 2021. When the pandemic hit, Samay Ved’s business of supplying manpower to airports ground to a halt. By June, Ved, who lives in Andheri, says, “I was tired of sitting all day. I got my idea for Roti Mania from a conversation I had with elderly people. They were having a tough time making chapatis for themselves since most of their house help had left. So my business started off supplying authentic, homemade whole wheat chapatis to senior citizens.” Gradually, families and young people also started ordering from Roti Mania and Ved began diversifying his offerings to include gluten-free flatbreads and theplas. Ved’s story is a common one, of a young person using the lockdown to help their communities and find purpose. Another common story is of housewives entering the workforce for the first time. Toral Shah, a housewife from Andheri, began spending more time in the kitchen during the lockdown. Her family saw her potential and encouraged her to start Healthy Bites, a homemade mukhwas and energy bar business. “The response continues to surprise me,” says Shah, adding, “There is so much demand for personalized and safely delivered healthy snacks.” While WhatsApp groups offered a marketplace of staple foods, snacks and authentic ghar ka khana, formally trained chefs also made inroads into the home chef ecosystem. Anisha Berlia, trained at the Culinary Institute of America and Le Cordon Bleu London, had always wanted to start a pastry business. “Lockdown gave me the time to apply my undivided attention to testing recipes, sourcing ingredients, and to convert our garage into a workspace,” says she. In June 2020, she launched The Sweet Life by Anisha, a business based out of Nariman Point specialising in Entremets, a complex French pastry
i'll vote for DH2, more better
Notice to amateurs! Are you a fan of cars and Formula 1 ? Then you should definitely like the sale we are talking about today. And for good reason, the vehicles, which are already available for purchase, are not just any. Beyond the prestigious logos on their hood, these have indeed an interesting pedigree, since they all belong to Sebastian Vettel. The quadruple Formula 1 champion has indeed decided to part with no less than eight vehicles from his personal collection, currently offered for sale by Tom Hartley Junior, a British seller specializing in luxury car transactions. For now, these are still stored in the house of the star of motorsport, located in Switzerland, before joining their new owners, probably in the coming weeks, when it is already possible to order. If you feel like it. For now, the champion has not commented on the reason for the sale. Is it a matter of making some room in his garage, which is no doubt full, by getting rid of cars that he rarely uses? It is probable, whereas the cars presented here have a very low mileage. But according to some rumors, it could be that it is the new employer of Vettel, namely Aston Martin , which is at the origin of this big spring cleaning. His contract would oblige him to drive only in vehicles of the British brand. The team's press service for its part wanted to deny these rumors, saying that " we are not aware of Sebastian's plans for his car collection and we have not made any request in this regard. ". Anyway, we invite you to discover now the list of cars put on sale by Vettel, in order to perhaps make your choice!
n all probability". Prof Sharon Peacock told the BBC's Newscast podcast the new variant has "swept the country" and "it's going to sweep the world, i She said her team's work sequencing variants of the virus could be required for at least 10 years. The Kent variant has already been detected in more than 50 countries. It was first detected in September 2020 in south-east England and its rapid spread over the following months was cited as the reason for the introduction of new lockdown rules across the UK in January. How worrying are the new coronavirus variants? Variants and mutations: The science explained Prof Peacock, director of the Covid-19 Genomics UK consortium, said: "What's really affected us at the moment is transmissibility." She added: "Once we get on top of [the virus] or it mutates itself out of being virulent - causing disease - then we can stop worrying about it. But I think, looking in the future, we're going to be doing this for years. We're still going to be doing this 10 years down the line, in my view." She explained this was not because she thought the pandemic would go on for 10 years, but she believed they would be sequencing new variants for that length of time. Current vaccines were designed around earlier versions of coronavirus, but scientists believe they should still work against the new ones, although perhaps not quite as well. Prof Peacock said the vaccines approved for use in the UK appeared to work well against the existing variants of the virus in the country. The Covid-19 Genomics UK Consortium is a network of public health bodies and labs and currently analyses more than 20,000 positive tests a week. In recent weeks, it has been explained that about 5-10% of positive tests are selected randomly to be sent on for further genome analysis but the consortium says, as the number of cases falls below its capacity, its aim is to genetically screen every positive coronavirus test. Prof Peacock told Newscast that while it is normal to see variants, only a very small number have "special features". These can make them more transmissible, avoid the immune response and affect vaccination, or have the potential to cause more severe disease. "These are the things we are looking out for. I'd say it happens vanishingly rarely but we have to be on the look out for it," the expert, who was previously director of the government's National Infection Service, said. It comes as the World Health Organization is recommending using the Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine even in countries tackling new variants of coronavirus. The Oxford jab has attracted controversy about its effectiveness against new variants, whether it should be used in the elderly and how far apart the doses should be given, due to a lack of data. How well does the Oxford vaccine work? Early data from trials in South Africa - where a variant has acquired mutations that seem to help it evade immunity from vaccines and from previous infections - showed the vaccine was offering "minimal protection" against mild and moderate disease in young people. But the WHO's director of immunisation, Dr Katherine O'Brien, said the South African study was "inconclusive" and it was "plausible" the vaccine would still prevent severe disease. Oxford scientists still expect their vaccine to prevent people from becoming seriously ill with Covid-19 and needing hospital treatment. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has urged the two million people yet to take up their offer of a Covid jab to "come forward" this week. The government is aiming to offer a first dose of a vaccine to 15 million people - those aged 70 and over, healthcare workers and people required to shield - by 15 February. As of Tuesday 13,058,298 had received a first vaccine dose, a daily rise of 411,812.
Good Luck
Nickname : @DuCkyBhaI Tag your opponent : @Roselina ♣ flowers Music genre : Sad song Number of votes ( max 10 ) : 6 Tag one leader to post your songs List: @Roselina ♣ flowers
Le concessionnaire britannique H.R. Owen Bugatti a vendu pour la Saint-Valentin un exemplaire unique de la Chiron Pur Sport baptisé Alice. Une petite attention à plusieurs millions d’euros. Vous pensiez avoir fait mouche en offrant une boite de chocolat et des roses à votre bien-aimée pour la Saint-Valentin ? Si cela fait bien sûr toujours plaisir de recevoir ce genre de petite attention, une femme a quant à elle eu une surprise encore plus insolite de la part de son cher et tendre. Non, nous ne vous parlons pas d’un cadeau sortant un peu de l’ordinaire, ou pourquoi pas, d’une demande en mariage, mais d’un présent encore plus couteux. Et pour cause, c’est une Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport qui a été livrée à celle dont on sait en réalité assez peu de chose, hormis le fait qu’elle se prénomme Alice ? Comment ne savons-nous ? Tout simplement car son mari a pris le soin de faire broder son nom sur les appuis-tête de la supercar, mais également de le faire inscrire sur les seuils de porte. Ça change du peignoir ou des chaussons personnalisés, non ? Mais le mystérieux client de la concession britannique ne s’est pas contenté de personnaliser les sièges de l’auto, puisque l’intégralité de celle-ci a été imaginée pour plaire à sa nouvelle propriétaire. L’extérieur profite en effet d’un traitement rose et blanc plutôt élégant comparé à certaines personnalisations usant de cette couleur. Mieux encore, cette peinture Silk Rose a été conçue sur-mesure à la demande de ce mari transi, au compte bancaire sans doute très bien garni. Cette teinte, nous la retrouvons également dans l’habitacle, habillé de cuir blanc et d’Alcantara et agrémenté de surpiqures rose clair. Que l’on aime ou pas cette configuration, il n’en reste pas moins qu’elle demeure relativement sobre tout de même, loin du mauvais-goût affiché par certains clients de ce type d’auto. C’est bien simple, tout a été personnalisé afin de rendre cette auto unique, ce qui n’est déjà pas bien difficile, au vu de son exclusivité. Pour toutes les envies De son côté, le PDG de H.R. Owen, Ken Choo se félicite de cette création, affirmant que « le client est venu nous voir avec une vision de l’aspect qu’il souhaitait donner à sa nouvelle Bugatti, et nous sommes ravis que la profondeur et l’ampleur du catalogue d’accessoires et d’options de Bugatti permettent de réaliser même les designs les plus ambitieux. C’est incroyable de voir chaque Bugatti fabriquée d’une manière différente ». Il est en effet possible pour les clients de la marque de personnaliser chaque détail de leur nouvelle auto, voire même d’en faire créer une sur-mesure, comme c’est notamment le cas pour la Bugatti La Voiture Noire, présentée en 2019 au salon de Genève, à la demande d’un mystérieux acheteur. Pour rappel, la Bugatti Chiron Pur Sport reprend le W16 8,0 litres de la version standard développant 1 500 chevaux et 1 600 Nm de couple, lui permettant de réaliser le 0 à 100 km/h en seulement 2,3 secondes. Revue pour améliorer sa stabilité en courbes, cette version profite d’un châssis amélioré avec des ressorts plus rigides et de nouveaux amortisseurs, tandis que de nouvelles jantes en magnésium font leur apparition. Le prix pour ce petit bijou made in France ? 3,2 millions d’euros, sans la personnalisation.
Did you know over 2,400 years ago Hippocrates said, “Walking is a man’s best medicine”? Current research continues to confirm his belief. Walking routines deliver a host of health benefits like boost metabolism and increase circulation. Walking can actually reduce pain from arthritis. It supports healthy cartilage and can help prevent degenerative diseases that cause stiffness, swelling and joint pain. Walking routines also defend against osteoporosis by reducing the loss of bone mass. Walking doesn’t require any special equipment or skills and provides a great way to maintain our health, mobility and functional independence as we age. So, take a daily dose of medicine and start your walking routine today.
KARACHI: A local private pharmaceutical firm, allowed to import Russia’s Sputnik V in Pakistan, Monday said it was in contact with leading private health facilities in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad for the supply of Sputnik V vaccine but so far, no agreement has been reached with any of the health facilities or institutions in the country. “At the moment, we are in contact with several leading health facilities, including Shaukat Khanum Cancer Hospital, Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, Shifa International Hospital, Islamabad, Doctors Hospital, Lahore, and some other leading institutions for the supply of Sputnik V," an official of the AGP Limited told The News adding that so far they had not signed any agreement with any health facility or institution in the country. Clarifying that they have not entered into a supply agreement with any hospital or diagnostic center for the supply of Sputnik V vaccine either directly or indirectly in Pakistan, the AGP official said as per the emergency use authorization and other permissions they have, they can only provide the vaccine to large hospitals and institutions but cannot sell it in the market. He maintained that the emergency use authorization and subsequent permissions restrict them to provide Sputnik V vaccine only to leading health facilities and institutions and not to sell it in the market and added that they would fully follow the directives and guidelines of the drug regulatory authorities of the country. “We are expecting the first consignment of the Russian vaccine in the country within a week. More consignments to follow in the weeks and months to come," the AGP official.