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-Artisan ツ

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Everything posted by -Artisan ツ

  1. Live Performance Title: Flenn - Normal (Slowed • Reverb) Signer Name:- Live Performance Location: - Official YouTube Link: Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video):
  2. Music Title: Flenn - Jacuzzi (Slowed • Reverb) Signer: - Release Date: 07/11/22 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer:- Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video):10/10
  3. Congratulations!!!  🔥🔥🔥🔥🇩🇿

  4. The National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane) released this Saturday the inflation figure in Colombia for the month of October, which was 0.72%. In September, the increase had been 0.93 percent. The variation of the Consumer Price Index throughout 2022 reached 12.22 percent, compared to 4.58 percent registered in October last year. The variation throughout the year in the month of September had reached 11.44 percent. In turn, the cost of living for Colombians, taking into account the last 12 months, has been 10.86 percent, compared to 4.34 percent in the same cut of 2021. (Also read: Women, the ones who found the most work in September, did 1.2 million) Food and non-alcoholic beverages rose by 1.21 percent, as well as transportation, which increased by 0.9 percent. Purchases of air and land tickets (many of them already before the end of the year season), as well as the purchase of vehicles, led to increases in the cost of living in this area, according to Piedad Urdinola, director of Dane. Education had a behavior of negative increase in the cost of living, with -0.02 percent. (You may be interested: J. P. Morgan asks the government to act in the face of a crisis of confidence) The foods that increased in price the most in this last month, according to Dane, were potatoes, arracacha and yams. The city where there was a greater increase in inflation in the last month was Sincelejo (Sucre), while the capital where prices rose the least was in Barranquilla https://www.eltiempo.com/economia/finanzas-personales/inflacion-en-colombia-en-octubre-del-2022-segun-el-dane-715421
  5. Rhino horns are rapidly shrinking in size, due to pressure from humans. South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Kenya: These countries are home to the remaining po[CENSORED]tions of wild rhinos. At the beginning of the 20th century, according to World Wildlife Fund (WWF) records, there were 500,000 individuals in the wild, distributed among these territories. Today, however, less than 10% of that figure remains. To a large extent, he denounces the institution, because of the excessive hunting in search of rhinoceros horns. The ecological pressure that human beings impose on the species is already modifying its body. In recent years, researchers at the University of Cambridge have seen rhino horns shrink in size. Scientists suspect that it is a form of forced evolution, which the species is taking to protect itself. This is what we know. A dizzying (and forced) evolution From the European colonization of Africa, hunting began to be considered as a recreational activity. Particularly large species: elephants, lions, tigers and rhinoceroses have been victims of the crushing advance of European invaders. Their corpses have been distributed in Europe and Asia, almost as an exploration trophy. Similarly, big cat tusks and rhinoceros horns have played roles in traditional Asian and African medicine. Therefore, although their commercialization is illegal, they are sold at exorbitant figures on the black market. Sometimes even as aphrodisiacs. A recent study from the University of Cambridge sheds light on the physiological consequences these dynamics have had on rhinos. From a photographic archive, the researchers realized that its horns have shrunk in less than a century. Also read: Rhinos have been extinct for millions of years, reveals a genomic study A defense mechanism? The study was published in People and Nature, where the team measured the horns of 80 rhinos photographed in profile between 1886 and 2018. The files belong to the Rhino Resource Center, and include all five rhino species: white, black, Indian, Javanese and Sumatra. They have all been victims of the same phenomenon. According to the researchers, poachers seek out rhinos with longer horns because they can get more out of them. Thus, the po[CENSORED]tion of rhinoceroses with smaller horns is the one that survives, and its genetic characteristics are transmitted to succeeding generations. “WE WERE VERY EXCITED TO BE ABLE TO FIND PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE THAT RHINOCEROS HORNS HAVE BECOME SHORTER OVER TIME,” EXPLAINS THE LEAD AUTHOR OF THE STUDY, OSCAR WILSON, IN A RELEASE. “THEY ARE PROBABLY ONE OF THE MOST DIFFICULT THINGS TO WORK ON IN NATURAL HISTORY DUE TO SAFETY CONCERNS.” Still, the fact that his horns shrink is not good news. Over millions of years, rhinos developed them to defend themselves and grab food. Therefore, as its defense and feeding tools are reduced, the species also faces new challenges to survive. https://www.ngenespanol.com/animales/los-cuernos-de-rinoceronte-se-estan-encogiendo/
  6. It’s 6.30am and a man called Simon Brake and I have walked out of a hotel in Kraków, eastern Poland, to meet Sasha for the first time. Sasha climbs from a black Toyota Land Cruiser. He’s Ukrainian, around 6ft 5in tall and heavily built. He speaks barely a word of English and neither of us speaks any Ukrainian. But he is a trusted friend of a trusted friend, has a huge grin and is going to drive with us to Lviv, western Ukraine, in one of three ambulances that Simon and a bunch of volunteers have brought as far as Kraków for donation to charities in the war-struck country. Simon and I will follow in the other two. Via a translation app on his phone, Sasha tells us: “A few kilometres before the border, we’re going to turn off the motorway and drive north through forests to the border. Don’t worry.” Simon’s journey began several months and 1050 miles away from Kraków, in Teddington, Middlesex. In the days and weeks after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February, Ukrainian expats in Simon’s town started using local social media pages to try to raise funds and find volunteers to drive several 4x4s to the country. One of them, Irina Webb, helped to organise a journey; Simon drove to Kraków and came back with a plan to go again, this time with ambulances, and set about raising the money to do it. He put in a lump of his own money and set up a fundraising company, naming it Mighty Convoy. “It’s a not-for-profit company in the process of applying for charitable status,” Simon tells me. “It won’t employ anyone and will be reliant on volunteers.” Between the spring and the summer, Mighty Convoy and its new Ukrainian friends raised enough money to buy three ambulances. But buying them isn’t as easy as it sounds. Specialist Vehicle Solutions (SVS) of Dudley, Worcestershire, specialises in ambulances and could supply three patient-transport vehicles, each around eight years old, at £6500 apiece. “I’ve got to know a few charities [since the war started],” says SVS owner Steve Manning. “Some have got money but don’t know how to spend it.” And some individuals in the motor trade, he says, haven’t always treated them generously. Volunteers have been sold unreliable vehicles or, lacking experience, drivers have gone without V5 registration documents and the other paperwork that’s needed for vehicle export – of which there’s a lot. One volunteer had to leave an ambulance in Poland for a fortnight until he could come back with the right papers to get it out of the country. Since March, though, SVS has sold “almost 40 vehicles” – mostly ambulances and the odd box van – that have been driven on to Ukraine. Apollo Auto Centre helps check these three over, free of charge, for Simon. To aid reliability in the harsh conditions the ambulances will face in Ukraine, and so they are likelier to make the trip trouble-free, SVS often removes or bypasses exhaust gas recirculation or particulate filter electronics. “More than half the time, that’s the cause of a van going into limp-home mode,” says Steve. More soberly, SVS can remove pneumatic rear ramps and air suspension. Unlike in slow-paced patient transport in the UK, Ukrainian users are said to prefer noisy manual stretcher or wheelchair ramps over quiet pneumatic ones, because they can be deployed and stowed away more quickly under fire. https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/features/autocars-ukrainian-journey-deliver-aid-ambulances
  7. Clutching white candles and black signs, the solemn-faced mourners gathered across Seoul to grieve the young victims of the Itaewon crush - and deliver a stinging rebuke to the government. As public anger continues to build over the biggest tragedy in South Korea in nearly a decade, thousands turned up for several vigils and protests held across the capital. On 29 October, a deadly crowd crush killed 156 people - mostly young people - and injured another 196 during Halloween festivities in the nightlife district of Itaewon. One week on, the authorities have launched an investigation, raiding municipal offices and local police and fire stations. The national police chief has apologised, as has President Yoon Suk-yeol, who has vowed to improve crowd control measures in the future. But it has not been enough to slake the public thirst for justice. Many feel a deep sense of shame that authorities have failed to protect its young - an irony for a country known for its youthful, K-pop driven image on the international stage. On Saturday, activist and political groups rode on that wave of anger with at least seven vigil-protests across the capital. The biggest one was organised by Candlelight Action, an alliance of progressive groups, which had been holding regular political protests against President Yoon even before the Itaewon tragedy. It was held near City Hall which saw two lanes of a major road blocked off to accommodate tens of thousands of protesters. Many carried black protest signs that said "Stepping down is an expression of condolence" - a pointed message for President Yoon. Onstage, speakers took turns to rail against the government in speeches interspersed with mournful song performances and prayers recited by Buddhist monks. "Although the government clearly has responsibility, it is looking for perpetrators from irrelevant organisations… the incident occurred because the government did not play its very basic role," said one speaker. "Step down, Yoon Suk-yeol's government! Step down, Yoon Suk-yeol's government!" the crowd chanted, waving their candles and placards. Earlier in the day at Itaewon, a crowd of 200 protesters from various youth political groups gathered near the site of the incident. Clad in black clothing and face masks, they held aloft banners that read: "At 6:34 the country was not there [for the victims]". This was a reference to the time of the first emergency call made to the police, hours before the crush actually happened. In total 11 calls were made that night. After observing a minute of silence while facing the alley, their heads bowed, the group silently marched down the busy main thoroughfare of Itaewon. Screams and warnings in Itaewon emergency calls How the Seoul Halloween tragedy unfolded Korean police were called hours before deadly crush They held white chrysanthemums - the flower of grief in Korean culture - and black placards reading: "We could have saved the victims, and the government should recognise their responsibility." "I felt sad at first. But now I'm angry. I'm here because this incident could have been prevented. Those people were close to my age," said 22-year-old university student Kang Hee-joo. At their final stop, a war memorial, youth activists took turns to deliver speeches. "This society is not normal, we are not safe. The government is not fulfilling its responsibility, it has pushed it to the youth… what kind of lesson did we learn from the Sewol incident?" said one speaker, referencing the 2014 ferry disaster that killed more than 300 people, mostly high school students. "They always promise change with every election. But why is there always a social disaster? This is what the young people are questioning," said another. Back at City Hall, a sea of candles flickered as night fell, bathing the masked faces of the protesters in a warm light. Many of them were middle-aged or older people. Yeom Sung-won, who has two young adult children, could still vividly recall the Sewol incident. "That was very sad. And it's unbelievable this is happening again. That's why I've come here," said the 59-year-old architect as his eyes welled up with tears. "I'm heartbroken, it's so senseless." "The government has ignored them. It should protect its citizens and secure their safety no matter what." https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-63526479
  8. Live Performance Title: Didine Canon 16 X LARGO Solomente (vidéo Lyrics) remix Signer Name:- Live Performance Location: - Official YouTube Link: Your Opinion About the Track (Music Video):
  9. Music Title: TAGNE - NADI CANADI (Clip Officiel) Signer: - Release Date: 05/11/22 Official Youtube Link: Informations About The Signer:- Your Opinion About The Track (Music Video):10/10
  10. DH1: 2 Vote DH2: 0 Vote Winner: @-Ace Ϟ ™
  11. If that's the case I'll forgive you but be careful next time Report Rejected.
  12. After two days of discussion, the plenary sessions of the Chamber and Senate yesterday approved the tax reform of the government of Gustavo Petro for some 20 billion pesos by 2023, the most ambitious goal in history. What follows is the conciliation of both texts –which are different– so that the project can pass presidential sanction and become a law of the Republic. (You can also read: Tax reform: the articles that were approved in the Senate) “This reform is a great contribution to the change that the National Government intends to forcefully advance. Two elements are combined: guaranteeing that we have a solid fiscal policy and the additional resources to be able to promote social peace,” assured the Minister of Finance, José Antonio Ocampo, who said that the money obtained will go to issues of peace, education, health, housing and aqueduct, among others. (Also read: Gustavo Petro celebrates approval of tax reform: 'Excellent job') The President also celebrated the approval of the reform and congratulated through his Twitter account both Ocampo and the director of the Dian, Luis Carlos Reyes, as one of the architects of the success of the project. The Government filed the initiative on August 8, one day after the President's inauguration, and thanks to his urgent message, it had an abbreviated procedure: a first approval in the economic commissions and a second – yesterday's – in the plenary sessions. of House and Senate. In these almost three months of discussion with different political actors, businessmen and civil society, among others, 5 billion pesos fell from the initial goal of 25 billion pesos. Issues such as the pension tax, the celebration of VAT-free days, border gasoline subsidies or the tax on oil, coal and gold exports also fell by the wayside. https://www.eltiempo.com/economia/sectores/impuestos-que-trae-la-reforma-tributaria-de-20-billones-de-pesos-aprobada-715079
  13. Homo sapiens led the Neanderthals to extinction without violence. It was enough for them to have sex with them to end the species forever. For nearly 5,000 years, Homo sapiens founded prehistoric families with other early hominids. This is not new: there are extensive genetic records that shed light on interbreeding between the two species. However, a new study suggests that sex between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens drove the species to extinction. Researchers at the Natural History Museum in London suggest that prehistoric Homo sapiens wiped out the Neanderthals without violence. Rather, over time, intercourse between the two species reduced the number of Neanderthals on Earth. This is the reason. Also read: A new finding shows that sex between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens was more common than previously thought Prehistoric humans 'absorbed' Neanderthals According to a study published in PalaeoAnthropology, intense interaction between Homo sapiens and Neanderthals eventually drove the species to extinction 28,000 years ago. This is so, the researchers explain, as there is no evidence that "humans have influenced the Neanderthal gene pool." In contrast, sex between Neanderthals and prehistoric humans has been documented in the human genome. Currently, say the authors, about 2% of contemporary humans have Neanderthal genes. On the contrary, it seems that Homo sapiens continuously 'absorbed' individuals from the fertile groups of the other species. This is explained by Chris Stringer, head of human evolution research at the British museum, in a statement: «[…] IF THE FERTILIZED NEANDERTALS WERE REGULARLY ABSORBED BY THE GROUPS OF HOMO SAPIENS, THEY WERE ALSO ELIMINATED FROM THE GENETIC POOLS OF THE NEANDERTALS, AND SUCH A CONSTANT ESCAPE OF YOUNG INDIVIDUALS IS NOT SOMETHING THAT COULD BE MAINTAINED FOR A LONG TIME IN SMALL GROUPS OF HUNTER-GATHERERS". At present, it is not known whether the gene flow was unidirectional, the authors note in the study. What's more: there is not even certainty about the success of reproduction between both species. What is a reality is that sex between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens happened for millennia. Most likely, Stringer details, is that "the Neanderthal genomes we have are not representative." However, only 32 Neanderthal genomes have been fully sequenced so far. As more genomes of the species are sequenced, it will be possible to know "if any nuclear DNA from Homo sapiens passed to Neanderthals and to show whether this idea is correct or not," the authors conclude. https://www.ngenespanol.com/animales/como-fue-el-sexo-entre-neandertales-y-humanos/
  14. An exclusive limited-run Alfa Romeo supercar is under serious consideration for production, and could be given the green light to be built within the next few months. Alfa boss Jean-Philippe Imparato said that the project could be announced as soon as March 2023. “When you visit the museum of Arese, you see so many ideas from our past,” said Imparato. “Yes, we are working on something ‘few of’ [as in the firm would only make a few of them in a limited run] for Alfa Romeo. It is not yet known what form the car will take, be it petrol or electric, but Imparato hinted that it would be a bespoke Alfa model rather than shared with another Stellantis brand or model, such as the Maserati MC20. “It’s 1969 [the Spider] since the last time Alfa Romeo was stamped on a chassis,” he said, adding it would be “a cool thing” to do it again. He said the model would not just be a track car, but one that could still be driven everyday despite its likely price and positioning. “It could be iconic, super-sexy and recognisable as an Alfa Romeo at first sight. “It’s not done yet, but it’s ongoing. The positioning is ongoing. We have so many fans asking for something special,” he said, before adding that he hoped to be able to give an answer to them in March next year. His description suggests it could even stray into hypercar territory, with a suggestion that the price could run into the hundreds of thousands. Imparato said this limited-run car is parallel to Alfa’s core range of models. This new range of cars has been signed off until 2027 after the return of Alfa to the black in 2021 and the first half of 2022. One model per year will be launched. Beyond 2027, it has presented a product plan to its parent Stellantis until 2030, and each year of success between now and then will allow a subsequent model to be signed off. “Each year, we will lock the next five years of the product plan with Stellantis,” he said. The new range kicks-off with the launch of the 280hp Tonale (pictured below), a plug-in hybrid version of which will be added to the range early next year. This will help cut Alfa’s CO2 emissions by 40%, which “allows us to develop”, said Imparato. Next year will also see the launch of revised versions of the Giulia and Stelvio. https://www.autocar.co.uk/car-news/new-cars/alfa-romeo-supercar-just-months-away-sign
  15. Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Friday countered former Deputy CM Sachin Pilot’s potshots at him saying that PM did not praise him but merely shared facts, and that he doesn’t have any internal challenges within the party. Talking to journalists in Baran, the CM, asked about internal challenges in the party, said: “There are no challenges. In politics, every person has some ambition, hum kyun bura maanein (why should we mind it?). Every person has ambition and should have it too. The difference is in approach; I don’t want to say anything more, just that we all should fight and win the next elections together as this is in the public interest not just for Rajasthan, but for the country.” Also Read |Ashok Gehlot responds to Sachin Pilot’s jibe: ‘Should not make such remarks… want everyone to follow discipline’ On Wednesday former deputy chief minister Sachin Pilot had said: “The statements given by the Prime Minister yesterday (on Gehlot), his praises… I believe it’s very interesting, because the Prime Minister had praised Ghulam Nabi Azad similarly in Parliament, and we all saw what happened. I find it interesting but it must not be taken lightly.” Asked about this “praise”, Gehlot said: “What praise? He shared facts. He did not talk about my performance. I would have considered it praise if he would have agreed to my requests.” Gehlot said he had three requests for the PM, none of which were considered by him; first being declaration of Mangarh Dham as a national monument, second being a railway project from Ratlam to Dungarpur via Banswara, and third being a nationwide implementation of the state government’s Chiranjeevi Health scheme. Also in Political Pulse |Why Sachin Pilot spoke out: Ashok Gehlot’s frequent barbs, silent Cong high command He said had the PM considered his requests “then I would have agreed that he was praising me. He (PM Modi) said that among the lot of Chief Ministers (during his term as CM), he (Gehlot) was the senior; and today too, he is the senior-most among the CMs. He shared facts. I don’t consider this as praise”. https://indianexpress.com/article/political-pulse/pm-did-not-praise-me-just-shared-facts-ashok-gehlot-8250282/
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