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Everything posted by cindigo.糸

  1. A battle on gfx ? :v 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. -Sn!PeR-


      how the [CENSORED] u lost ur old everything, csbd acc, wtsp, discord, the fk u trynna do lmao

    3. Suarez™


      at least i already have csbd account but he dont hes a loser😅😅😅

    4. -Sn!PeR-


      he's brain damaged 

  2. Accepted but that image is low resolution image so the quality will be disreaced. anyway alright.
  3. Unlock some topics on design section, So i can reply to them.

  4. Take a look on my gallery, and share you feedback so i can improve ;) 

  5. Your vote matters ;) 

  6. Keep it open may some one like amaterasu or other designers join me
  7. Opponent's Nickname : @Otman™, @@.S.S.I.@ Place an image : Type of work : avatar Text : free Dimensions: 150x250 How many total votes ?: 15 Work time: 6 hours or when ever it is ready
  8. Welcome To My BesT Profile ? 

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