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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






Manager CS 1.6
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About SParKleSS

  • Birthday 03/14/2004


  • SkyZm Staff And I Love Bssissa



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    Eating :)
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  1. PRO from me active player , good behaviour and always helping good luck
  2. ADMIN COMMANDS ***BIG BOSS*** amx_exec ***FOUNDER*** zp_points zp_bomardier zp_reptile zp_hybrid zp_samurai zp_sonic ***OWNER*** amx_immuneon amx_immuneoff ***CO-OWNER*** zp_assassin zp_nemesis zp_sniper zp_survivor amx_map amx_reloadadmins amx_reloadvips zp_jetpack zp_giveap zp_jettoall zp_giveaptoall amx_eliminate amx_uneliminate ***PRE-MANAGER*** zp_plague zp_lnj zp_nightmare amx_destroy ***ELDER*** zp_swarm zp_avs zp_multi amx_votemod ***SEMI-ELDER*** zp_human zp_respawn zp_zombie ***MODERATOR*** same as administrator ***ADMINISTRATOR*** amx_ban amx_freeze amx_unfreeze amx_psay amx_votemap amx_last amx_showip ***HELPER*** amx_gag amx_ungag amx_kick amx_t amx_ct amx_slap amx_slay amx_nick amx_spec y@ [hud chat] u@ [admin chat] amx_unban ***LEGEND*** amx_ban amx_freeze amx_psay amx_votemap amx_last amx_showip amx_gag amx_ungag amx_kick amx_votemap amx_t amx_ct amx_slap amx_slay amx_nick
      • 2
      • I love it
  3. ADMIN REGULATIONS amx_gag 'name' 6 minutes/12 minutes 'abc' can be used: • On players who insults (For all languages) • On players who spam (Asking ammos, jetpacks, mods, points, laughing a lot) • This command can't be used on another admin (except managers) amx_slap 'name' can be used: • On players/zm who didn't attack on mods ,infection ,camping ,blocking .(max 3 slaps/person) • On last minute of the round 2:29 on mods(Sniper,survivor,terminator) (Not in the beginning of the round). • This command can't be used on another admin (except managers) amx_slay 'name' can be used: • On players/zm who didn't attack in mods after x3 slap • On players/zm who blocked you in tunnel after u warned him • On players who destroyed your lm • On players who are using lm on afks • This command can't be used on another admin (except managers) amx_freeze 'name' can be used: • -On players/zm who didn't attack in mods after x3 slap • -On players/zm who didn't attack on mods especially (Sniper,survivor,terminator) • -On players/zm who camps in water for long time. • -On last minute of the round 1:29 on mods(Sniper,survivor,terminator) (Not in the beginning of the round). • -This command can't be used on another admin (except managers) *EXCEPTION : When server gives free ZM MOD (hybrid,nemesis,assassin,bombardier)to an afk user (player/admin) . You can use amx_freeze on him. Reasons: 1-for fast round, bcz users lost time killing an afk user using auto attack. 2-users will earn ammo pack easily. For example: proto was hybrid afk+autoattack. All the team shooting all the round but.They got less ammos lost 4min round time. Note for managers: in this case you can use amx_immuneoff+freeze. Note for admins/managers: If an player rr.gag rr.zm (any manager/admin isnt allowed to ban the player, instead take -50 points from the player) And admins can easily inform any manager in - game ( server ) or in discord and the manager shall complete the duty . If the player continues to rr.gag rr.zm after -50 points taken from him , then you shall go with -100points . amx_nick 'name1' 'name2' can be used: • On players who joined server with a bad name • On players who joined with another server name/Ip in their user. • This command can't be used on another admin (except managers) amx_ct 'name' / amx_t 'name' can't be used from admins, if u have a problem contact managers. • All admins are allowed to use: u@(for chat admins)/Y@ (to inform users)not for spam. amx_votemap 'map1' 'map2' can be used : • In First 3 rounds(max) if map was bad for players / or the if the maps was in last maps. • If actual map extended more then 3 times • in last round if the future map will be in lastmaps,or will be bad for players • Note : before vote for maps you should ask users about it. amx_ban 'name' 'time' 'reason' can be used: • On players using hack(aimbot,speedhack) (5000min) • Players who insult out of control (religion,family,etc ) (500min) amx_Eliminate 'name' 'reason' /amx_destroy 'name' can be used : • On players blacklisted • On players who are using hacks • On players inviting to other server/community/discord. All admins are allowed to use: • amx_showip to show ip of users • amx_psay for private messages • amx_last for checking ip/steamid of the last 10 users left the server • amx_banlist For checking banned players with their total info about the ban amx_kick 'name' can be used: • On players who joined with bad name and insisted to play with it after you used 'amx_nick' on him amx_spec 'name' can't be used without reason only: • By BIG-BOSSES • Note: other grades founder, owners, co-owner, pre-managers can use it to spec/watch a player for some reason. Zp commands : zp_human 'name' can be used : • On all users(admins/player) • When the round is a normal infection • Once per map • After the third Round of the map zp_zombie 'name' can be used : • On all users(admins/player) • When the round is a normal infection • Once per map • After the third Round of the map zp_respawn 'name' can be used : • On all users(admins/player) • When the round is a normal infection • Once per map • After the third Round of the map zp_start mod (zp_lnj, zp_avs,zp_multi, zp_swarm, zp_plague, zp_nightmare) can be used : • When the round is a normal infection • when users has less than 180 ammo • Note: You are allowed to use amx_votemod before start, or to ignore using. (for amx_votemod u must wait 15 rounds, only Founder/Big-Boss can votemod earlier depending on the situation/demand) • once per map. zp_biohazard can be used : • When the round is a normal infection • when users has less than 180 ammo • once per map and 4 times/24h as max. zp_nemesis 'name' / zp_assassin 'name' can be used : • 2 times/24h (one for you and one for other) • After third round of the map • when the users has less than 180 ammos • After two normal infection rounds. zp_sniper / zp_survivor / zp_terminator / zp_samurai can be used : • 1 time/24h • After third round of the map • when the users has less than 180 ammos • After two normal infection rounds. • between 10:00 to 22:00 time server. zp_bombardier / zp_hybrid / zp_reptile can be used : • 1 time/24h • After third round of the map • when the users has less than 180 ammos • After two normal infection rounds. zp_sonic can be used : • 2 time per map zp_giveap 'name' 'number' can be used : • Once / 1 h with 100 as max. zp_points 'name' 'number' 'reason' 'password' can be used : • Used by founders to people who bought/purchased (Do not touch this command unless you're told to or payment) zp_jettoall can be use : • once per map zp_giveaptoall 50 can be use : • once per map
      • 2
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  4. PLAYER REGULATIONS GENERAL RULES: -you are not allowed to buy more than 1 mode on the map; slay/kick/ban -you are not allowed to curse the administrators or the other players; post any dissatisfaction on the forum, but on the basis of a coherent proof -you are not allowed to advertise on other servers -you must have a civilized, coherent language, so that everyone can understand you; vulgar language is not accepted (you can get banned/exterminated) -Zombies must attack humans in every round/mode otherwise Admins will slap/freeze/slay them. Specific Rules: Admins must not buy modes back to back maps(any kind of modes - single player) [They must wait one map to buy a mode again] Players can buy one mode per map If a player gets a mode from server then following rules apply: • If the server gives u a human mod, then u can buy a zombie mod. • If the server gives u zombie mod, then u can buy a zombie/human mod. • If the server gives u human mod, then u cant buy other human mod (1 human mod per map). you are not allowed to buy points mode every map! You should wait 1 map to buy it! Players and admins must not purchase ammo from points before round 4 Max ammo you can purchase at once is 300 (200 +100 or 100 +100 +100) finish/use this and then u can buy more Camping/not attacking zombies in modes will get slapped when 2:29 seconds left and freezed when 1:29 seconds left and slay (if 1 or 2 zm left in the last 10 sec only if human cant reach him in time) Note : Players/admins who are reported/caught for rr.zm/rr.gag/insult will be penalized by deduction of points depending on the severity (-50/-100/-200...)
      • 1
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  5. make sure to make a discord account and join our discord other than that pro from me good luck
  6. ¤ Nick: ¤ Ip: ¤ Period: ¤ Reason: ¤ Proof: Please read the rules before using these commands! Every ban must be posted in a your banlist or you can get punished !
  7. ¤ Date / Time: 6/15/2024 at 1:50 PM ¤ Nick:WOLF ¤ IP: ¤ Time of ban: 60mins ¤ Reason:retry after gag ¤ Proof:https://imgur.com/a/tgnZNoX
  8. ¤ Date / Time: ¤ Nick: ¤ IP: ¤ Time of ban: ¤ Reason: ¤ Proof:
  9. keep watching me, piece of shi

    1. SParKleSS


      no clue what u talking about 

  10. welcome back


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SParKleSS


      uh i didnt ? i just said i thought i wont call anyone gay beside u dw

    3. -Sn!PeR-


      thats some loyalty shi, appreciated love <33

    4. SParKleSS
  11. voted
  12. how do i send u a message i forgot

    i see u started a server 


    1. -Sn!PeR-


      Contact me on discord u piece of shi



      Or lets just talk in instagram

  13. happy bday love <33 allah y3tik floss w sa7a :* 

    be good brother

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -Sn!PeR-


      laa gha kantfekkro w nqoloo happy bday wakha meyet

    3. Ismail Bouzit

      Ismail Bouzit

      Microb nary chgalih hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    4. SParKleSS


      still alive apperantly 

      thx tho


  14. keep spying on me u piece of shi

    also what the f is that song on ur profile

    ur musical taste is just as shitty as u are

  15. ¤ Your name:SParKLeSS ¤ Name of the administrator who abused:Vengador ¤ Reason for report:Wasnt attacking while he was a zm ¤ Date/Time: now ¤ Proof:https://www.mediafire.com/file/zg0mvzw0a7uue27/not.dem/file even admins kepts saying @attack and players in chat


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