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DrAKeNN タチ

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  1. Multi-account Is not allowed.

  2. Anyone who wants to be an admin, we have a free admin

  3. Your Nickname:DrAKeNN Your Age :21 How you could help us a Devil harmony member ? : i was DJ in Teamspeak 3 back in old days How much you rate Devil harmony project from 1 - 10 ? :8 Other information about your request ?: - Last request link : first
  4. VoteD !!
  5. Nickname:DrAKeNN Age:21 Link with your forum profile:https://csblackdevil.com/forums How much time do you spend on our channel ts every day?: 3 - 4 hours Where do you want to moderate? Check this topic: Free time How much time you can be active on the Journalists Channel?: For me, all time Link with your last request to join in our Team: At least 6-7 hours per day Last 5 topics that you made on our section
  6. Contra Low activity
  7. Hello, my friend, if you want to join the forum’s team, you must work hard until this appears to us, and now you are not working at all. I warned you before to stop copying previous members’ topics, and you did not respond to the warning. Don't  do it. And work hard to get what you want 

  8. Hello, once again i will tell you, add sources on your topics!

    Those who didnt had sources already have been hidden, next time be careful man

  9. Hello brother you are making a post for me. Someone before you posted the same topic Please do a good job and publish a post You are just a publisher

  10. Nick: DrAKeNN Real name: mohand How old are you?: 21 Which Games you play? and for how long?(each of them): Cs 1.6 , League of legends , MW3 , BUBG , Left 4 dead , Valorant , FiFA Mobile Where are you from?(country and city): Egypt , Alexandria describe yourself(at least 50 words) : I don't like to talk about myself, but I will say some things. I like seriousness and I'm a little lazy. I love winter. I hate talking too much. I like being alone sometimes, but not always. There's no person who can stand being alone. I don't listen to songs. I don't drink beer or wine. I like football. I support Real Madrid, Al-Ahly of Egypt, and Raja of Morocco Note some of your qualities: Nice and don't belittle anyone Tell us some of your defects: Nice and don't belittle anyone Had you before any kind of responsabilities(describe it): Sure On which category/categories have you been active lately?(describe your activity): Journalist , Devil harmony , vgame reviewers Which category/project you want to care off?: vgame reviewers , journalist How well you speak english?(and other languages): English , French A little , Arabic Do you use TS3? Do you have an active microphone?: No For how long can you be active after you get accepted?(days, weeks, months, years): Years in cha allah Contact methods: Last request: First one Note : I started the activity two days ago and I saw the show and my friend invited me to come here. I promise you that I will give what I have to help the community and I will always be active in all departments. and i have a little experiance in cha allah
  11. Not only will there be a new royal leader of the United Kingdom after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, but things around the country – from the national anthem to money – will change as well. After the announcement of the monarch's death Thursday, her eldest son and heir, Prince Charles, 73, became King Charles III. Plans had been in motion for the queen's death for years, known as Operation London Bridge, as well as plans to begin the king's reign, known as Operation Spring Tide. But there are still things that will change in coming days, months and possibly years. Here are some things expected to be different in the U.K.: The national anthem The national anthem for the U.K. is "God Save the Queen." With Charles on the throne, the name will change to "God Save the King." All lyrics will stay the same, except mentions of the queen will change to "king." All pronouns in the anthem will also be changed to "he" and "him." Money All currency in the UK, known as the pound sterling, features the queen's portrait, which will eventually be replaced with the king's portrait. The Guardian reports about 4.5 billion bank notes are in circulation with the queen's portrait, and it would take at least two years before the king appeared on them. The queen also appears on some bank notes and coins in Canada and other Commonwealth nations, but the status of new portraits is unclear in those countries. What experts say about the situation "It's well within the British government's right to place limits on delegation sizes," said Lewis Lukens, who served served as deputy chief of mission of the U.S. Embassy in London from 2016-2019. British authorities don't try to determine who gets invited to an event such as a royal funeral, "they let the countries decide who (participates)," Lukens said. If, for example, Biden and the first lady had not been able to attend and the U.S. decided to send Vice President Kamala Harris and second gentleman Douglas Emhoff, the "Brits would be OK with that," Lukens said. In some cases, the British government might make an exception and allow the U.S. to bring a larger delegation because of the special relationship between the two longtime allies. But not in this case because of “high demand” for seats, Lukens said. Even if Biden had been allowed to bring ex-presidents with him, Trump probably would not have been invited, political analysts said. The animosity between the two men is so poisonous – Trump still refuses to accept the results of the 2020 election, while Biden accused Trump and MAGA Republicans in a prime-time address of threatening the very foundations of democracy – that it’s unfathomable that Biden would ask Trump to join him at the queen’s funeral, political analysts said. "Trump never so much as acknowledged Biden’s win in 2020, and for all sorts of well-documented and well-understood reasons, Trump represents a distinct threat to our own democracy," said William Howell, a political scientist at the University of Chicago’s Harris School of Public Policy. "The honorable thing, right now, is not to bring Trump back into the fold." Former presidents have historically been called on to represent the country at such events as a way to demonstrate American friendship, goodwill and respect, Engel said. Trump, however, is different, Engel said, noting the former U.S. president's unpo[CENSORED]rity with the British public. Just 32% of people in the U.K. expressed confidence that Trump would do the right thing regarding world affairs in a Pew Research Center survey in January 2020. Politics aside, there’s an even more practical reason for Trump to stay away from the queen's funeral, Engel said. “One shouldn't do anything that's going to overshadow the person who died,” he said. “And the (queen’s) funeral is not about the American presidents or American politics. The funeral is about honoring the longest-serving sovereign in British history. If Trump were to go, that's all we will be talking about.” https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2022/09/09/changes-uk-queen-elizabeth-iis-death-money/8025370001/
  12. The next pandemic agent is an enigma, but it will surely come from animals. Avoiding new scabechinas is in our hands First of all, note that the headline has the same effect as a drop shot by Charly Alcaraz. It looks like an innocent or clumsy ball until it bounces and somehow sticks to the clay as if it were smeared with fish tail. If he had written "predict the unpredictable" he would have incurred a contradiction of those that set Aristotle's hair on fire and would have made an unforced error. The unpredictable, of course, cannot be predicted, and in fact there are mathematicians and economists who consider the unexpected to be the only genuine source of change in the behavior of stocks and financial markets. Einstein discovered relativity in 1905 and, as the mathematician John Allen Paulos says, no newspaper published in 1900: "It's only five years until relativity is discovered!" The predictable is already discounted by the markets. Only the unpredictable can force them to redo their accounts. But now comes the drop. The headline is not about predicting the unpredictable, but about preventing it, which is an entirely different matter. Since no one knows who the next pandemic agent will be, governments will feel – already feel – a strong inclination to put the issue in the box of lost steps, where some next ruler will find it when nothing can be done. Overall, they will say, if we can't predict who the next Leviathan will be, we can't do anything about it. From time to time, the Lord sends us a plague and we have to swallow it as if it were the cosmic pottery that swept away the dinosaurs. This argument is a fallacy with balconies facing the street, and it must be pulverized if we want to learn something from the disastrous and cruel recent experience. Too many people have died to look the other way. To begin with, viral jumps from animals to people have been the cause of all the pandemics of the 20th century, and probably much further back. If an animal virus jumps to people, it finds a po[CENSORED]tion of millions or billions completely untouched by its attacks. The technical term for this spread between species is zoonosis. As far as we know, which is a lot, all pandemics are zoonoses. So whatever is to come, it will almost certainly come from an animal. Can we put barriers against any virus that comes from animals? Oh yeah. You only have to put 20,000 million dollars a year in veterinary and management. In total, not in one country or another. The interested reader can find a solvent analysis in Nature. https://elpais.com/opinion/2022-05-19/prevenir-lo-impredecible-la-gran-leccion.html
  13. Yo, make sure you include the source in ur topics man


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