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Drop It!

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Everything posted by Drop It!

  1. Hello guys. did you guys thinking give reward on top? mostly counter strike servers are giving reward top 3 or 5 . they thinking this make motivate people to play game and get server high. maybe you guys think abaut it. Regards.
  2. ¤ Nickname :Arslan ¤ Age :19 ¤ Country :Turkey ¤ Can you be online between these hours?: (2:00 AM to 12:00 PM) :Yes. ¤ Link of hours you played on server (Click ) :https://www.gametracker.com/player/arslan/ and my first nick https://www.gametracker.com/player/İl-Arslan/ ¤ Reason that you want to be admin in NewLife :Just Comeback. ¤ You can boost sometimes server?:Yes ¤ Other information :None
  3. ¤ Nickname: İl-Arslan ¤ Grade: None ¤ New Tag:[Warlord] ¤ Link of Hours Played GT link:https://www.gametracker.com/player/İl-Arslan/
  4. CONTRA! You are Removed! Also dont have pw.
  5. You are not admin so you cant vote! You are Removed! Contra.
  6. Turk olduğun için türkçe konuscam. Kardes kurallari oku bi sifre var bul onu onu editle 24 saatin var yoksa otomatikmen reddedilcek.
  7. Your nick:Drop It! Your ip ( www.iptest.ro? Your STEAMID: The reason you have been banned: Banned for move commands flooding (burst) kThe admin who banned you: Server ban me! The time:5 min ago Your proofs (screenshot Or Demo): I dont need proof this i think server ban me .
  8. CONTRA! Read Server RuIes!
  9. OF COURSE SİR ? respect model. and read rules. CONTRA .
  10. REMOVED! Someone close this kid's topic!
  11. Thanks for true report. Welcome back again!
  12. Huh little kid. You never comeback this server you are done!
  13. Wellcome!⁸
  14. Its true he banned and destroy all players somebody stop this kid!
  15. Kruezberg city ❤️

  16. CONTRA . No activity. Read rules entirely
  17. Yeah, All people play other server but... CAREFULLY:Admin is not allowed to have admin access or to play in another Zombie Server
  18. Man i cant quit your profile photo :d. @Un1cO CONTRA. Low activity
  19. Wellcome bro xD(AGAİN)
  20. Wellcome .
  21. Wellcome ^^
  22. Someone destroy this kid.
  23. Man! Damn it.
  24. He destroy you? But how? He is admin. Admin no access to destroy .


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