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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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About Revox

  • Birthday 06/25/1999


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    Founder blackcatzm

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  1. V2 ...nice effects
  2. pro try to improve your activities in server and forum as well GL !
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  4. mar7be byk ❤
  5. Contra poor Actitvity .. If you want to join our Staff u have to improve it little more
  6. PRO for administrator good activity well behave person GL !
  7. Revox

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  8. ACCEPTED pm me with ur infos T/C
  9. hi revox can i get tag?

  10. Awh gonna miss ya buddy😄

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. XAadii


      Frist of all I m not giving my opinion and I am just trying to open Ur eyes and Ur mind aslo why u r here for make (gf) far from u. taking revenge with someone like this and we majority r here Muslims and we accept that forgiveness is better revenge than other things.


      And u wrote wrong not she was she is founder of warnight and all of my staff will support her and can pay for it . And about Ur sever blacklisted from ur sever is enough for that . 


      And about all this story I understand that there is not any respect for women in Ur mind and why u r involving Ur self in there personal problem for Ur marks or what. 



      @glowXDPs . Try to respect someone and mostly any women to be a successful in Ur future otherwise u always to that stupid things on internet forever ..






    3. [M]anuel


      I don't care if they have personal problems, I already told you, and why does she still have access to your server? Are you a boy or what? when an administrator leaves the server you have to automatically change the password of your server, that was your problem... and REVOX's. We have proof that he banned all the people on our server but then we saw that it wasn't him, that's why they banned him again remove the ban so stop talking about revox that has nothing to do with here, here I am defending angel since she can't do it......... My last comment, I'm tired of arguing with a child that doesn't even have anything to do with the problem! have a good day

    4. oliprostyle


      Lol not just abusing she was angry that we won't go to play to your server  so she though she can destroy ours. End of this conversation she is guilty.

  11. Voted !
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