Everything posted by Viking 007
Accepted. Send me pw in pm
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1 - you didn't wait for one week from your last request. 2- You ask for admin in other servers. BUT, I will give you a chance. You have good activity I wish you continue on it, and I wish you will be loyal to this server. Accepted As Helper. send me name, tag and pw in pm.
Rejected. Make good activity, Read rules and then make new request after one week.
Accepted. Pm me or pm @*NewLife-Ciprian*
Pro for helper, 1- Good you waited one week from your last request 2- Fixed activity but you need to impove it more
Accepted As Administrator. send me name, tag and password (password different from the password you are using now for tag) in pm or send to @*NewLife-Ciprian*
- Already was admin here. (Was removed only because of long absent). - Good as admin, - Knows and respects rules - Very good activity. PRO FOR MODERATOR.
Rules to be accepted. After you start your admin request, you are not allowed to reply to any admin's vote, otherwise your request will be rejected. No exceptions. NOTE: For new request, you must wait one week has passed since the last request. REJECTED
Pro. Very good activity and good player, knows and respects rules
I will keep rejecting your requests untill you do what I said.
REJECTED NOTE: For new request, you must wait one week has passed since the last request. Your last request is yesterday. You can request next sunday. Otherwise your request will be always rejected. T/C
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You were removed one day ago for asking upgrade many times and non doing your job as admin. You need to show us that you deserve to be admin, first read rules and make good activity and then comeback with new request after one week minimum. CONTRA.
Good that you copie/past my warning. You come with proof against yourself. 1 - Being spectator is forbidden in this server. You were warned many times then kicked. 2- Being AFK is not forbidden 3- If you see me don't do my job as manager then report. 4- Next time you tell me "you are a joke man" you will see my second face Good luck in next report.
Is not me. I dont have tag for now to protect my name, so anyone can use it. And is not my ip. And i didnt get in game this day
Welcome back eduardo And i'm sorry for you member of family
Was admin here, good admin but removed because of bad activity. I give you a second chance and I wish you make more efforts to keep good activity per day. I give you Pro.
P.S: For changing new Tag is needed 2 weeks to be passed from last Week. REJECTED
1- Bad activity 2- you didnt read rules. for me, make a week of good activity, read rules and comeback with new request. CONTRA.
You need to fix your activity. Pro for helper
Your activity is medium, But you didnt read rules. Contra !
After you start your admin request, you are not allowed to reply to any admin's vote, otherwise your request will be rejected. No exceptions. REJECTED. NOTE: For new request, you must wait one week has passed since the last request.
Contra. No activity.