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Tylor ;x

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Everything posted by Tylor ;x

  1. v1 text
  2. Tylor ;x

    Request Fonts

    Nice Fonts
  3. Can't With Me Topic Closed! T/C
  4. Name of the oponent: @Tylor ;x @Kingston UB40 Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Size: 150 x 250 *Text: Battle Watermark: Csblackdevil Stop votes ( min. 4 - max. 8 ): 8 Working time: Closed Now!
  5. Name of the oponent: @Hopper™ @Kingston UB40 Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Size: 150 x 250 *Text: Battle Watermark: CSBD or CSBLACKDEVIL Stop votes ( min. 4 - max. 8 ): 8 Working time: 6 hours
  6. Your Nickname:Tylor ;x Your Problem:New Proplem Will Be solved by administrators Respect Screenshot:Hope all know it and This Proplem Will be solved soon Pls Don,'t make topic because all have same proplem And same member make topic in porpsal for help' Do You want help ? make your section proplem or mistakes here http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/forum/1618-faq/&do=add Regards Team.
  7. V1 effects blur and text
  8. Hello Dear Wizard

    can u give me link your facebook

    i want speak to you something

  9. As you wisnn
  10. Hello Mr.Love

    i don't know why all know me from palestine and all hate me

    Can u tell me why im not get gfx deigner for now

    i help all member and Thx

    1. ProfessionaL ♛

      ProfessionaL ♛


      First iI'm sorry to intrude

      Second I will tell you why you have been removed from grade Girls

      and i will tell you why they hate you.

      You changed your name in Ts3 to "Mr.Love Mobile" and you speak with everyone

      and you speak all [  Administrators |  Global Moderators |  Moderators ] and you said them give  Tylor ;x

      [ GFX Designers ]



      <13:16:29> "Mr.Love Mobile": me adi really
      <13:17:17> "#Verox": 
      <13:17:19> "Mr.Love Mobile": verox
      <13:17:21> "#Verox": yes
      <13:18:34> "#Verox": say fast ..
      <13:18:39> "#Verox": i have to do something
      <13:18:50> "Mr.Love Mobile": u can give tylor gfx designer
      <13:18:51> "Mr.Love Mobile": ?
      <13:18:55> "#Verox": ok
      <13:19:06> "#Verox": why you're so idiot ?

      <13:19:11> "Mr.Love Mobile" was banned for 1 day from the server by "#Verox" ((Fake) AF)

      :emot-hfive: 1st proof you were banned from @Verox 

      2nd proof : 

      <12:08:40> "Mr.Love Mobile": klay
      <12:08:50> "_Klay_": Yes
      <12:09:09> "Mr.Love Mobile": hope u can speak to administrators
      <12:09:13> "Mr.Love Mobile": to back me

      <12:48:20> "!Tylor ;x": and see my gallery
      <136:33> Your chat partner has disconnected.
      <136:50> "Mr.Love Mobile" rejoined chat. from @_Klay_ 


  11. i can add image in my gallery but i add link of imgur https://imgur.com/a/0dG1o pls Help Me.
  12. Tylor ;x

    I need help

    how i can get girl here ? can anyone tell me?


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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