firstly I never addressed with bad words towards the admins should you make sure first before speaking, the admin calls me crying boy for claiming 6 proceeds to give me gag for 12 minutes just for claiming just for saying the following that the admins don't respect????? wtf where is the insult LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL?
secondly I never received a name change warning until they even went so far as to tease & they proceeded to put my name back on me again and tell me you're happy?
edit tsemaa: to avoid multiple useless posting
I said to you to stop changing name and retry. And i was talking before your line with "admins dont respect rules", before that you used some bad words, so that is why you received gag.
Also, like i said, your ban is expired now, it was only 60 mins. You still push it with your complain...but the rules you dont wanna read, and after that make some statements 🙂