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Everything posted by Ballantines

  1. Pro from me! Dont forget to make discord account and join in group 🙂
  2. You have a good activity, pro from me!
  3. You are new in this community, you should do some more activity. Rejected!
  4. Rejected! I tell you try again in 7 days not 2!
  5. Contra. You brake rules all the time
  6. Rejected! Dont copy&paste old request and the password is incorrect! Try again in 7 days!
  7. We don’t need new admins for the moment! We will announce on the discord server when they will be reopened!
  8. Rejected! Next time you will get permanent ban!
  9. I will leave the topic open for a few more hours to see if we have any evidence.. Anyway, you will be rewarded with 500 points because you got slayed without being warned and because the admin has no proof!
  10. I want to see the evidence. You have banned a player, you must post the evidence in your ban-list. Where is that evidence? @FaLcO You haven't posted in the ban list for some time. If you don't have time, you can tell me and it will be solved!
  11. I remember when I came to this server and I had the same behavior as you, if I could calm down I'm sure you can too! Accepted! Send me a message here or discord for info!
  12. I don’t like what he said about you, but is his opinion about that. Try to don’t do that again in the future. I will give you a chance! Pro from me!
  13. Accepted! Write me in discord for info!
  14. I said last time, only the admin who is complained about is allowed to comment here! And you, SunGirl, will receive one last warning regarding private threats!
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