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Everything posted by Bisky

  1. I really wanted to give you pro, but u were so unlucky that I was on you when you retry. No excuses like ''I pressed M4/M5'' because you were not stucked. So, Contra! πŸ™‚
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  3. Rejected. Come back with another request in 7 days and remember to not desire tags that contain words like ''admin'' since ur not an admin.
  4. Rejected! Unfortunately we cannot add this tag because of various reasons. πŸ™‚ If you still want tag, make another request and do not include such words like ''admin''. Have a wonderful day!
  5. If you know that you will still play for frags, this rank is not for you πŸ˜„ However, based on your activity, I will give you Pro, but keep in mind what my colleagues told you and what I've also told you.
  6. Hmm, you have a ''decent'' activity, but not that good. Anyway, improve your activity and everything should be fine πŸ™‚ Still, I'll give you a chance, Pro
  7. Contra, the activity is soooo low.. Imporve it and I'm pretty sure that everything will be ok in the end πŸ™‚ Have fun!
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  9. We have this kind of server, but we might need someone to stay active on it and someone who has enough time to maintain it. https://discord.gg/zkYJH9YpZR
  10. Contra, improve you activity πŸ˜„
  11. Not that nice activity as my colleagues said. I m pretty sure that you can improve it πŸ™‚ For now, rejected and closed.
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  13. You only have 2 hours on our server, wich is not enough. Do some activity and come back with a request. Rejected and closed.
  14. I will give my personal opinion in this case. I will personally accept complaints/bad words/ some usefull tips from a person wich plays on our server. Indeed, you have the right to express your opinion, even if it's good or bad, it's your opinion, I respect that, but I personaly won't take it in consideration from a person that has 12 hours on our server playing from time to time. You weren't here to see the entire evolution of the server going from almost bad, to almost perfect. So, nothing else to say here. Take care.
  15. Request rejected. Minimum 30 hours played. You have to respect all server rules and other players/admins You should be active in the server for atleast 2 hours on the server per day. You should have been playing on this server for the last 2 weeks consistently.(PLAYING. NOT AFK) You must understand and be able to speak English well or semi-well Respect the Topic Tittle: Admin Request [ Your Nickname ] You are allowed to make only one request per 7 days Even though you told us that u don't remember your old account, we cannot take this request in consideration since you have 1h played on our server and there is no proof having an old account. πŸ™‚ Make activity and come back with another request. T/C.
  16. We can try with this, there is not big difference, there are like 4 hits from Assassin/Nemesis.. So not that big difference πŸ˜„
  17. The truth is that, everytime will not be a balance between human and zombies in these mods. Why's that? Because there are also 2-3-4 afks during these mods and this number can be higher. We have to take in consideration the gameplay, like for example, if humans don't have jets in these mods, it's quite impossible for them, unless there are 6 afk Nemesis/Assassins Reducing the HP for humans, will make it easier for Nemesis/Assassins. We have to find a ''common'' place for each side. Like reducing dmg on Sniper/Increasing on Survivor, Increasing dmg on Nemesis/Reducing dmg. We can also do a 1 week test with these changes, but we'll see.
  18. Hello Hello, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We decided to change the date when announcing the AoM! At the end of every month we will announce it! ❀️ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, our ADMIN OF THE MONTH issssss *drummmmmsssss*.... @AndreeA0!!! Congrats, Andreea! Keep up the good work! πŸ™‚ There was a thought battle between @AndreeA0 and @BlueJOker131 ! Both had nice activity (on forum also) and good server involvment! @BlueJOker131 already has VIP on our server until 17/02, after that, you will be rewarded with VIP until the end of the month! Congratulations once again guys! ❀️
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  20. Also from me Contra You don't respect rules πŸ™‚ Saw you multiple times not attacking/wasting time when in Assassin mod just not to attack. Also, sometimes after you buy survivor/sniper, you go out for 2 maps and come back and u buy again surv/sniper. Not cool.
  21. Awaiting for his opinion. But as far as I can see from your language, you're also not the goodest guy on the server. πŸ™‚ But, let s wait for his answer.
  22. Pro, but improve your activity! Good luck.
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  24. As my colleagues said above, your activity is Very Very low Contra from me πŸ˜„


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