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Everything posted by #*|King|Star|*

  1. Hey guys, I make destroyed the server Because someone finds someone who can not estimate other people will not modify, that 's why I will do anything to destroy this server I am a helper if someone has done my rest in this forum but I care about the loyal people like it was not very The important thing is to add their name this person no't
    This is the person who does not modify @BMW e63
    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Viceroy


      Lol, he deleted my reply because it was hurting him xD :25r30wi:

      All thanks to @Legends ♛ for banning him :emot-golfclap:

    3. CoMMaND0^™


      kid,try to destroy this sv again and u will see him 

    4. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      No,one do this  without reason men !

      this a day for forget and any one had done any mistake or touch any server will take what he desreve 

      and  @BMW e63 when you speak with any one from staff make sure if he real or fake 

      bcz you are responsible about this ;) 

      good luck guys have a good day 

  2. Listen to me now just follow what i will say and problem will be solved. Go Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and press start task manager after that find explorer.exe the select him press end processes after that go in right top corner it say "APPLICATIONS" Then select "new task" and write explore.exe. This should help you... Do this if your internet is not good. Or this problem is about your net.. myb your net is not to good so try to fox your net...chack modem cable and other staf.. If that all this dont work try to do this: Click start menu go in control panel then Network and Internet after that Network And Sharing Centre and find new Local Area I hope this will help you if no send me message on ts we will try something else
  3. @eXpLoReRs  @FaLLeNNNN' @SoRrY. @Sethhh. @Mr.Love @DiD4И @#king 0F DARK
    My Best Score in wormax pelase who can chining Leadar Wormax pelase add my name I have Best score now u94AKtg.png

  4. who can fix problem webgl pelase who can help @DiD4И

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. #*|King|Star|*


      I make Webgl.force false and Webgl.enabled false
      but I have peroblem for this see image Kt34Evg.png

    3. DiDИ


      dude , your graphic card have oldddd version xd , try to update it

    4. #*|King|Star|*


      dark I use googel chrome before use firefox this problem Problem Webgl
      I hope understant me

  5. yestrday get ban 1 day bcz kill mr.Love and sethhh and cosmian and mr.love join wormax  name [CENSORED] star

    in wormax xD :25r30wi::P I think next get ban in csbd
    I think this game no't have Reason in ts3 why get ban
    I wait some one kill me in wormax

    1. DiDИ


      but seriously dude , you're ruining the game by following everyone you see ...

    2. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      pls the truth or  dont speak ;) 

  6. V1 Image Image effect good work
  7. I got banned because you eat this person @Sethhh. In wormax :25r30wi::25r30wi::25r30wi:
    If you think that I will not kill you again Cancel this ban I know you can ban but I think that the game has no subject or reason for the ban Please cancel the ban 
    my Ip
    I think @#king 0F DARK kill you always :P 


  8. It 's not a problem. It' s a problem with your password. It 's one of the managers that changed it If you talk to him about this problem you will be able to solve it I think it will be the solution Greetings
  9. You want to check the password and please write it correctly so that it does not join the server Make sure you are good with the manager and if you happen to talk to him on the wrong and he can solve I hope understant me
  10. ر Stare with the Manegars and say to them of the change pw me The problem will be solved You must type the correct pw
  11. Hello You wrote it wrong wrote this in cansole setinfo _pw *********
  12. Everyone does not take the challenge because I will defeat everyone, so for some reason they withdrew. I do not care because I'm sorry to win. Please be able to Closed this post or all see my work @# R K O @InfiNitY-™ @Verox @Timm- @FaLLeNNNN'
  13. Man pelase Recpect Reuls Battle and Read text and add text in image and past finished work send your work in message I hope understant me
  14. I want join I can ?
  15. man I Rejcted you go Read Reuls And you have changed Text .
  16. Rejcted this battle GFX
  17. Man pelase Remove some message
    and accpted this Battle


  18. Name of the openion: all GFX Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece):Avatar Size:150x250 *Text:Work Watermark: CSBD Stop votes ( min. 4 - max. 8 ):8 Working time 24
  19. Your Nickname: |King|Star| Your Problem: I no't can join this game I have win xp sp3 but me want join game gave me error Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/V34xG
  20. What 's going on in the server I'm not seeing such a large amount of activity has been completely removed at Highlife.zm :mad:

    I see this in old The person who did this is aNaKoNDa This is in the past now of the work of this problemhttps://www.gametracker.com/server_info/
    pelase FIX this if can administrators:reading:
    @FaLLeNNNN' @eXpLoReRs @Legends ♛ @BMW e63

  21. Thx man now fix T/C
  22. Your Nickname:|King|Star| Your Problem:I no't can download zm_gbox.bsp Screenshot: I see this in cansole Your map [maps/zm_gbox.bsp] differs from the server's.


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