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Everything posted by vMuz1c-♕™

  1. good bye guys , see u in the hell !

    1. Blackfire


      yea good bye bruh. see you in heaven ?

    2. ✘ tayab™ ✘
    3. Lil Pump ^^
  2. Rule :

    • if u couldn't be my friend ,dont be my enemy ,cuz my enemys are dead


    1. Lock流


      hahahha u funny af -.-

  3. V2 only blur
  4. Welcome back
  5. rbi yrhmo ? الله يرحمه ?
  6. هههه عزيزتي انا لا اصافح النساء

  7. @Blexfraptor can i join bro? ✌️
  8. Happy birthday ❤️
  9. Happy birthday ?
  10. ? راحت الفي أي بي 

  11. look how many GFX-designer csbd have got from algeria.

    GUCCI- / ROVEN / BoRIng / greeNZ / Flenn. / ✘ Otman™ ✘ / ▲ ✘ ♣Ret H@Cker♣™ ✘ ▲ / The Ga[M]er. / Levan / ✘ PsychO™✘ / Anounyme / S A C I / Derouiche™ / #Farouk Messi / GUCCI™

    15 designer -.-

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Otman.™


      Work for it and u will be 16

    3. vMuz1c-♕™


      @Lock ♕ not only those 4 , Deroucihe and Anounyme also are super designers

    4. ✘ tayab™ ✘
  12. Old but golden ! 

    good n8 guys ? 

    1. Blackfire


      yea super amazing song anyway

      GN ugly xd.

    2. Lil Pump ^^

      Lil Pump ^^

      Wa3ta Music Kho BN8 ? 

  13. Both are ugly But i choose V2 for the effect
  14. Welcome to CSBD Dont forget , read rules to avoid punishments
  15. can i join ? please ?
  16. Hmmm *-* 

    nothing to do -_-


    1. maykel.


      Comeon dance with me kiki

    2. vMuz1c-♕™


      where ? ?

      just find a place , Nd i'll dance -,- 

    3. ✘ tayab™ ✘
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