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Status Updates posted by "HaMsIK"

  1. Emo i mbaruar cbn pse ta kan heq moderatorin

    1. walker™


      emo cben ti ,

      po e lash 1 muaj un dhe me thane do fillosh nga e para po nuk do zgjasi shum per mod prp 


  2. Back on

    Missing for Just 3 days

    And Feeling like a "Big Dog" to back ;)

    1. http://prntscr.com/ik0kgt
    2. https://prnt.sc/ik064e

    the best hight ping off my internet i reched today :25r30wi::emot-golfclap::emot-smugbert:

  3. Congratylation once again ;)  :ar:

  4. Urime per GFX-in ;) u riktheve hhhh :congratualtions::emot-hfive:

    1. Timm-


      flm zemra :white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

      smund te bej me shum like per sot :P neser

  5. new proffile song and cover to :am::ay:

  6. Congratylation enjoy it ;):congratualtions::ar:

    1. #king 0F DARK

      #king 0F DARK

      congratulation* 1f438.png

  7. When you say something , when you try to ignore someone , when you think something like to i say this to i say that, or to make something for him ... " thing one time like you was in he's place think it and then think , think again till you will understand the point !!!

    1. FuRy SrXX-

      FuRy SrXX-

      i dont now what u talk about i really like that

  8. Gezuar Vitin e Ri , qoft nje vit i mbar per kedo , ju uroj fat e mbaresi t gjith Shqiptarve qe jan ketu edhe kudo <3 .

  9. -2 pi*a n'dhom - gjendja ron, 2 Shoqe t'gushta t'pim tap tu honger n'dhom, Im kinda wavey - they call me baby, Sa bukur duken atje posht kur buzet bashk i prekin, I mora prej koncertit - do shkojm nga deti, Lazarat ke xhepi mtha Kom shoqen thash merre me veti, Zemrat e veshme me t'ngushta, Bythet e cume dhe t'mushta, Gjoksin e bom po t'bukra, Nuk folin dhe duken si t'urta, Permas mrapa ke benzi - Ulem ke mesi, Pamja Panorama Syt fik dhe Yjet i ndezim, Jeten e kam pa rregulla - jetoj sikur s'vjen mo e nesermja, I Hedhi syt nga dritarjaaa - Prap siper reve ahhh, -Prap siper krejtve - prap kta krejt kan urrejtje, -Prap un vazhdoj i njejti hala tu bo pare me etje, Dora e mushme krejt akull - nuk dihet se sa ka shku ora, Sa her qe e shikoj duket sikur i ra bora Chorus: - Hi nga Bora, - Shesim vec bora, - Akull si bora, - Zdi sa osht ora, - Diamanta te dora - Sexy si nora, - E bukur si eraaaa Rita Ora Cut hala edhe pse mjesi, Tu shtu vetem numra te xhepi, Ju thash qe 1 dit kam me mrri, Krejt atje nalt dhe pse nisen te qeshin, Ta shofim se kush qesh i fundit, Ku jam un do vi edhe grupi, Tapetet e kuqe ju mbani per vete, Sa t'bukura te gjith ju po dukni, X2: -Un jam kalorsi i fundit, Mbas meje do vin imitusit, Nese nuk je pjes e grupit, Atehere je vetem 1 groupie, Femna jote kurioze - lidhja e jon misterioze, Zemra e vogel tifoze - kshuqe i dhash dicka qe te lozte, M'kerkoj qe nata t'baronte me magji dhe fjal te buta, Kshuqe u luta u luta u luta, Abracadabra i f*ckd her u zhduka,

  10. Congratulation again :):):D

    1. Wanted :x

      Wanted :x

      thx you hommie :* 

  11. soon :25r30wi:, im unbaned in all sv of csbd e.e now i can join again server :) , thanks to @Mr.Love for evrythink .

    1. CoMMaND0^™


      but why u banned from all servers ??

  12. Nuk hyja dot n cs sps ishte sikur isha banned n gjith sv (Not Responding) tani hyra jam shum mir , por tani doli problemi tjt n ts3 edhe pse kam net t mir n cs edhe csbd/fb n ts3 eshte kshu AQb-tEsnQ5illR-pgbyOzQ.png

    1. "HaMsIK"


      man i have good net for moment , but i dont know why not connect :/ couse that tell when not have internet , i have good internet for moment , idk whY ? and what to do :/ i reinstal it but steal is same problem.

  13. Congratylation you deserve it .

    G L to your future . :congratualtions:

    1. InfiNitY-™


      Thanks bro,
      i appreciate it :)) 


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