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Solito/Im Alone

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    Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic Of

Posts posted by Solito/Im Alone

  1. Really hear, calm down a bit, why are we so adamant to answer ?, Why do we want to pretend to be the best with your answers ?, It is true that they say that one interprets conversations and for me the way they say it seems to me very bad taste, is not to pretend to be the best, please, that the "PRO" or "AGAIN" are very specific and not treat others badly, we thank them


  2. 1 hour ago, superhero said:



    ¤ Your Nickname: superhero +_+
    ¤ Your Address facebook taha ahmed i dont have skype id
    ¤ Age(you must have or higher than 15 years): 15
    ¤ Languages That You Can Speak: english
    ¤ Your Location: pakistan
    ¤ Experience As Admin: 2.6 year
    ¤ Can You Stay Spectator Or Playing Between These Hours (22:00 To 12:00 PM): only 10 hours  can

    ¤ Link Of Hours You Played On Server
    ¤ Reason That You Want To Be Admin: I want to be an admin to help the server
    ¤ Password [Required - Read The Rules] : D3V!7

    Read the rules first to be able to make an application
    Have good activity within 7 days
    Go back then

    • Tu nick: Estoy solito 
    • Su ip (  www.iptest.ro ?
    • Tu STEAMID:no
    • La razón por la que ha sido prohibido: IDK
    • El administrador que te prohibió:IDK
    • El tiempo: IDK
    • Tus pruebas (captura de pantalla o demo):


    You have been banned from this server.

    Connecting to
    You have been banned from this server.

    You have been banned from this server.

    You have been banned from this server.

    You have been banned from this server.

    Connecting to
    You have been banned from this server.

    You have been banned from this server.


    You have been banned from this server.

    and more

    • Sad 3
  3. On 2/9/2019 at 12:29 PM, **|NeVer B@cK Down|** said:

    yeah i admit i gave him mod cuz idk he buy mod n he died so i think he deserv chance 

    2 : About D Squad I didnt reply cuz i already said he deserve chance 
    3 : Psycho is not admin !

    G/L its in Managers HAnd now

    at the moment that I bought nemesis, he gave free up to 40K, and that is allowed, and then he began to kill, since he liquidated me in the first instance because he was in front of him.
    If you wanted to be generous and good, I should wait for the next map to turn it into nemesis, you know I have many experiences and I asked you why you had done it and you never gave me a sensible answer, I'm not to ask questions, but my years of experience in the server, I propose to help the new admin, and you are not theirs, you have enough time here, to break the rules so silly and everyday, sorry friend

    • Your name: Estoy Solito(JAJAJAJAJAJA)
    • Claimed Admin name: |NeVeR B@cK Down| ans -psycho
    • Date and time: 10/02/2019
    • Reason of complaint:I am not a person to make complaints, those who know me know, if I get to this institution it was because an infraction was committed.
      I am no longer part of the server ranks, but still I am, but I just want to help, I asked him for a little explanation of why he had done it and he did not answer d`Squad> <pLay ^ b0y was in that moment and also I ask, I do not know if they talked by chat admin then
      The truth is that several infractions were committed.
      I think in my opinion the -psyco is part of the ranks again, also an old member of the server
      correct me if -psycho is not admin? I do not know, do not detail your skin
    • Proof (screenshot or console or demo):

    this happened first


    and at 2 rounds this


    rules that were violated


    NEMESIS,  ASSASSIN, (zp commands).

    • Twice each 12 hours, you can use it one time for you, and the other one for player.
    • Its Forbidden to be used on another admin.
    • Its Forbidden to buy another mode in same map if you turned yourself nemesis/assassin.
    • Its Forbidden to be used between 2 AM to 10PM in romania time.
    • Admin is obliged to give the 1 mod on payer (zp_assassin, zp_nemesis)once each 12 hours!)
  4. te lo digo para que no pases mas trabajo, te van a rechazar debes seguir el modelo 


    ¤ Su apodo:   
    ¤ Su dirección Skype, Steam:   
    ¤ Edad (debe tener 14 años o más):  
    ¤ Idiomas que puede hablar:  
    ¤ Su ubicación:   
    ¤ Experiencia como administrador:   
    ¤ ¿Puede quedarse en el espectador o jugar entre estas horas? (22:00 a 12:00):   

    ¤ Enlace de horas que Jugo en el servidor ( haga click aquí  Debe escribir su apodo    
    ¤ Razón por la que desea ser administrador:

    ¤ Contraseña [Obligatorio - Lea las Reglas]:


    Reglas para ser aceptado.

    1. Debe respetar todas las reglas del servidor 
    2. Debe estar activo diariamente en el servidor o semidiario.
    3. Debes seguir el modelo anterior.
    4. Después de iniciar la recepción de su administrador, no se puede responder al voto de ningún administrador, de lo contrario, su solicitud será rechazada.  Sin excepciones.
    5. Respetar el título del tema :   Solicitud de administrador [Su apodo].  


    NOTA:   Para una nueva solicitud, debe esperar una semana desde la última solicitud.

    I'm sorry guys, I'm helping this player

  5. PRO

    I see that neither has looked at the rules, nor is it dedicated to changing the key always, that key was changed a long time ago, it is a former member of newlife, but put it to the test, to see how it behaves

  6. "Everything has its end, nothing lasts forever
    We have to remember that there is no eternity "
    a quote from a good singer in Spanish, good music by the way, but here I cut the boat.

    I have participated in this server for more than 3 years (as admin), I think when the first founders were there, although I was not a featured player, until the time I returned to the server, I say goodbye to this server serving with good, Serving with great loyalty, I was always the one who supported everyone, I had my highs and lows, I'm not perfect, but I always put all of my in it, but it's time to say goodbye, I do not know if I'll return, I do not know if I'll be again here, but everything changes, nothing is how you get used to things, and it is difficult to accept the change that situations exert, for my way the server will not die either, as many have passed here, as good as so bad, but I will get away from this bit of life that I have shared, until we meet again in other circumstances, take care and be loyal, do not be fooled, until then newlife, I will leave my functions, and encourage, is what I ask, is already reaching the highest peak, thanks to all. I retire completely, things of life, goodbye newlife

    Attentively: Estoy solito(JAJAJAJAJAJA)



    • Sad 13
  7. See you later friend, we made a great team, and we were always here, we know what happens and it does not happen in the server, although many do not understand, it was a pleasure to fight by your side and take this server to the top, possibly the relay generation, but never compare in the old staff. see you soon brother ?

    • Like 1


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