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Everything posted by Fir3

  1. What’s up Jayden? 
    Remember me g ?

  2. Yo what’s good G? 
    You remember me right ? 😛

  3. What’s up Dave

    remember me ? 😉

  4. what's crackin Dave ✌🏿️

    Remember me ? 

  5. Empty your inbox plz

    1. rusha^^


      oh sure, u can send a message now.

  6. Whats up dave 

    Missing you so much buddy 😞


    1. 𝓐𝓵𝓲𝓮𝓷-


      dude you are forever in my heart man xD

      me to miss you brooooooooooooooooo

      if you wana talk come ts3 or steam ill try to come online daily ok dear 😉 

  7. Yo Hold on hold on is that really you Adem ?

  8. where are you man?

    1. KilleR_PrO


      I am here, Do I know u?

    2. Fir3


      I am F!r3 Br3t}{3r remember me ? :)

  9. .Hey you moron listen if you start spamming again in our server sections you will be Banned!

    Drunk ass nigga!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fir3


      Check our section (Free discussion) in Zmnewworld!

    3. #*|King|Star|*


      I thank you dont mangers for insult you wtf man dont Reply here 

    4. Fir3
  10. Hahaahha your city Germany really nigga?

    1. Fir3


      Your from India and you city is germany xD 


  11. Zayn r u from germany or pakistan ?:P

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Fir3


      I asked u where r u from? XD

    3. ZaYYnNNn


      Both :3


    4. Fir3


      Hahahahahahahaha can u speak german?

  12. Fir3

    Getting Manager cs 1.6 soon:)

    1. Fir3


      Can u come on skype 

    2. Adem-


      Congrats from now 

  13. O.o my Indian got manager cs 1.6 :congratualtions::P

  14. Congratulations brother you become global moderator :yuhu:

  15. Fir3

    Again got removed from manager cs 1.6 :P:lol:

    1. Adem-


      i didnt i left ThugLifeZm forever 

    2. Fir3


      Comr back in Zmnewworld :P

    3. Adem-



  16. Aller was ist bei dir los ein tag bist du Manager cs 1.6 und ein tag nicht :lol:

    1. Showt Time

      Showt Time

      hhhhhhhhhhhh einige Probleme :)

  17. Congratulations buddy you got your grade back :yuhu:

    1. YASSIN


      thank you brother 

  18. Fir3

    Where is your manager cs 1.6? :P:lol:

  19. Congratulations brother :yuhu:

    1. Mr.TaLaL


      Thank You So Much:white-heart-facebook-emoticon:

  20. Thank you so much dude this is very helpful for those who didn't know how to use FTP so thank you so much! Have a nice day Regrads, KMN
  21. Fir3

    Lol man your from Morocco and your city is berlin xD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NeO-,


      Sorry , do i know u? xD is not ur business anyway , i can do anything i want ! hands off.

    3. Fir3


      I am just telling you maybe u forget to remove that word

      you Nazi !

    4. NeO-,


      yep, you are right i did fake information before a long time , before csbd updating theme and updating country system.

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