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Dragos Ionut

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Everything posted by Dragos Ionut

  1. Nick: Dragos Time: See pic Site: gtrs Proof: pic Contact method: paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
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  3. Your Name In Server: Dragos - Your Lucky - Number: 3 - Tag 3x Friend's old owners/legends : @Casper_l1 @-AndreeA @tsemaa I will also tag some other old owners/founders/legends , maybe i have a chance to bring some of them back . @linko @kukata @Aysha @Ru-gAL.™ @*Ir0n m4N* @Bisky @Psychoo @AnnaToupet At some point in history , each of you have been an Owner/Founder here in NewLife , i have no ideea what happend with you , but i just hope for the best and maybe see you around here. Best wishes and kind regards Dragos.
  4. Hi Andreea , you ve been admin here before as i seen in the record from our database, i don`t think there will be any need for anything else as this says a lot about allready , hope you ve came back and if you improve your activity again , maybe top up for an admin request . Best wishes and kind regard`s Dragos.
  5. Nick: Dragos Time: See pic Site: gtrs Proof: pic Contact method: paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily
  6. Nick: Dragos Time: See pic Site: gtrs Proof: pic Contact method: paypal Daily/Weekly/Monthly boost? : Daily, 4x
  7. Hi @Pisces , this is Dragos and i`ve been reviewing your report. To be honest i`m on your side and i do understand you 100% , what @ERTUGRUL said it`s a matter of speculation , i mean.... it`s impossible to predict someone behavior before it going to happend so you wold have been able to make a demo about it. I will allways try to defend the players and not to cover up a behavior "situation", yet .... i also do understand that there is no real proof against @Maniac- . But in souch cases i will tend to protect the player. Best wishes and kind regard`s Dragos.
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  9. Hi @NewHy6 , this is Dragos writing , as long as i remember regarding your ban , you have applied for admin and got rejected . As soon as you came on the server you came with eather some hack's/scripts or just insulting everyone , i can't remember clearly what actually happend as i wasan't online at that time but seen the comments on discord , and yet you did got banned , changed the ip multple times and got banned all the time. I maybe wrong , but this is what i remember. I'm really waiting for the admin or admin's that banned you to come by and explain it , just to refresh my memory . Best wished and kind regards Dragos.
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  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  13. Hi @for the lin kuei , this is Dragos and i have been reviewing your admin request on our server , i`m sadly going to inform you that i have been taken the decission to give you a Contra/Against your request and the reasons it`s a following of not having enough hours for the position requested and also not telling the truth in the request , i will also attach the gametracker account you are using as a proof (https://www.gametracker.com/player/for the lin kuei/ . Don`t let that dissapoint you as this is not an end , you just need to improve the hours just a little more and perhaps if you don`t have allready a tag for your name as no one wold be able to use your name as it s password protected. Have fun , play more , engage with the game and make history. Best wishes and kind regards Dragos.
  14. Hi @NewHy6 , regarding your admin request , i`m sadly going to inform you about my decission that it`s going to be a Contra/Against and the reason it`s a following as not enough hour`s overall as a gameplay but also as a daily gameplay and verry important as you haven`t read the rules and didn`t included the admin pw. It`s verry important to not be dissapointed as this is not an end , i wold suggest you to keep up the game , visit us more often , have more fun , maybe have a tag request after all and try again next time. Keep up with the game and take care , best wishes and kind regards Dragos.
  15. Hi Michael , regarding your request , honestly .... you don`t have regular activity and in my opinion not enough hours , for that i`m sadly going to inform you that i will give a Contra/Against your request , but don`t let that dissapoint you (if you will get rejected) , keep up with the hours , play more , have fun , engage with the game , i know some times it s not allways easy as most of us are working , we also need time for sleep and stuff but it s good to try , perhaps you should also get a tag request so no one can use your name before everything else. Regards Dragos.
  16. Honestly , yeah .... if you play for rank i think it`s better to just apply for a tag . It`s gonna be password protected so no one can use your name. Activity it`s good but too new to the server (like only 7 days) , if you gonna keep up with the activity i will give you a Thumbs Up/Pro for it , regards Dragos.
  17. ¤ Porecla ta (la fel ca pe forum): Dragos Ionut ¤ Adresa dvs. Skype, facebook: facebook.com/dragos.fresh ¤ Vârsta: 26 ¤ Limbi pe care le poți vorbi: Romana/Engleza ¤ Locația dvs.: Dunstable, United Kingdom ¤ Experiență ca administrator (ultimul link GT de server): 10+ani , m-am lasat ultimii 2 ani , am avut si serverul meu de zp 6.0 pe timpul cand adminii aveau skin de hitman si assassin u avea skin de silent hill 🙂/ 10+ years , i-ve quit playing counster strike for the past 2 years for my own reasons.... , i had even my own server on the time it was at 6.0 when admins had the hitman skin (i really loved that one) and the assassin had the silen hill skin . ¤ Poți să rămâi spectator sau să joci între aceste ore (24:00 - 12:00 PM): vinerea/sambata/duminica Da ! //// Friday/Saturday/Sunday , yes i can. ¤ Link de ore pe care l-ați jucat pe server (faceți clic Aici trebuie să vă scrieți porecla) https://www.gametracker.com/player/Dragos/ ¤ Motivul pentru care vrei să fii administrator: In mare parte sa ajut in comenzile mici , gag la cei care injura , slap respectiv slay. /// Mainly the main reason it s to help out with the smaller command`s like gag for the player`s who insult`s others , slap and slay . ¤ Parolă / cheie pentru admin [Citiți Regulile pentru a o găsi]: NewLifeZM2023 Edit: I`ve just wanted to re edit the topic for the one`s who only speaks English., so i`ve added English . Overall the server it`s well mantained , has enough admins but there are missing`s here and there , it s good to have eyes everywhere . I think i can be a good candidate , i don`t really have proof`s for my experience but i do have my account on this forum since 2016 and also really good experience with java/amxx developing as i still have the sma files from my previous server as a proof.
  18. ¤ Nume: Dragos ¤ Vârstă: 26 ¤ Etichetă dorită: Fallen ¤ Legătura orelor jucate (minimum 10 ore) ( Clic ): https://www.gametracker.com/player/Dragos/
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