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Everything posted by #ZoG

  1. #ZoG

    Need Help

    hi first follow the model, + give us more details about your pc try to play it with software
  2. i don't know what are happening,

    but my csbd is going down!

  3. #ZoG

    Need Help

    try to play it on window
  4. #ZoG

    Help ! !

    hello, i think it's your internet problem after dropping in cs check ts3 to see if that u drop just from cs xd or maybe the server can be rested/crashed
  5. #ZoG

    Need Help!!!!!

    hello, firstly you need to disable your fire-wall/antivirus then delete your files and extract it again (if you download it as winrar) if you didn't download it as winrar (just files) you have to download it again p.s: if you download it again,you need to keep your (fire-wall/antivirus) disalbled from the beginning of download until the end of installation. you can download this but isn't full good luck!
  6. 2 hours dropped ._. 

    now i can't keep my 1.4k -_- 



    internet of algeria is ****************************** ...

    1. Sw@R's #psycho

      Sw@R's #psycho

      cry more algeria is the best xD

      i say that just to peace u off :V

      damn algeria 

    2. Solito/Im Alone

      Solito/Im Alone

      So we are in venezuela my dear watson, my connection ever more lousy

  7. #ZoG

    Need Help

    hello, i think this is the latest version there is two files ( vc_redist.x64n and vc_redist.x86) select which one you need then download it Supported Operating System Windows 10 , Windows 7 Service Pack 1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Vista Service Pack 2, Windows XP Service Pack 3 good luck
  8. hello, just update your windows 7 or make sure that you are using (32bit or 64bit) which one suit with your system or download old version of ts3 from google good luck
  9. #ZoG

    Need help !

    hello, try to update your high definitio audio device driver or Go to start menu and click control panel Click on sound and click on recordings Double Click your microphone and set it up just like in the video Another way In the control panel, click on speech recognition Click on setup microphone Follow the instructions and then click finish Last way In the taskbar click on the speakers and click on the mini speaker Click on enhancements and check the first and the last two boxes Then Click OK
  10. #ZoG

    Need Help!!

    hello, maybe i can help you Click Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type %systemroot%\syswow64\regedit, then ok press go to location and set on 0 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion \Windows\LoadAppInit_DLLs Download Autoruns and Autorunsc https://technet.microsoft.com/en-ca/sysinternals/bb963902.aspx Uninstall the related program or rename the files, one by one, testing the program start up after each change to try to isolate the problematic DLL. Third party software try this one http://www.iobit.com/advancedsystemcareper.php C++ Download And Install http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=5555
  11. hello, just exit from steam and entre again
  12. happy birthday ma brother
  13. looooooooooool xD 


    1. jayden™


       i just finshed watching harry potter 5 mins ago :V

    2. #ZoG


      hahah lol xD

    3. Devolz
  14. battlefield lovers :D 

    Data to log in: Koreykurzweil1994@Yahoo.Com: hunter1994
    EAID: Scoodywoo
    Age: 1994-06-11
    Country: AL
    Email статус: VERIFIED
    The Secret Question: is present
    Premium Bf3: There
    Premium Bf4: There
    -- ==Игры (9)== --
    Игра: Medal of Honor™ Pacific Assault
    Игра: Need for Speed™ Most Wanted
    Игра: STAR WARS™ Battlefront™
    Игра: Battlefield 3™ Limited Edition
    Game: Battlefield 1 ™
    Игра: Battlefield 4™ Premium Edition


    Data to log in: Alexmarcohin@Gmail.Com: ironman2010
    EAID: AlexWaldstein
    Age: 1987-07-02
    Country: ES
    Email Status: unknown
    The Secret Question: is present
    Premium Bf4: Neto
    -- ==Игры (5)== --
    Игра: Dead Space™ 3
    Игра: Dead Space
    Game: Battlefield 4 ™
    Game: Battlefield 1 ™


    Data to log in: NickMc-Steffen@web.de: paranoid9
    EAID: Vektin
    Age: 1992-12-05
    Country: de
    Email статус: VERIFIED
    The Secret Question: is present
    -- ==Игры (14)== --
    Игра: Command & Conquer Red Alert™ 2 and Yuri’s Revenge™
    Игра: Command & Conquer Renegade™
    Игра: Medal of Honor™ Pacific Assault
    Игра: Dragon Age™ Inquisition
    Игра: Command & Conquer Red Alert™, Counterstrike™ and The Aftermath™
    Game: Battlefield 1 ™
    Игра: Command & Conquer™ The Ultimate Collection Additional Content
    Игра: Command & Conquer™ Tiberian Sun™ and Firestorm™
    Игра: Command & Conquer™ Red Alert™ 3 and Uprising
    Игра: Command & Conquer™ 3 Tiberium Wars™ and Kane’s Wrath
    Игра: Command & Conquer™ and The Covert Operations™
    Game: Dungeon Keeper ™
    Игра: Command & Conquer™ 4 Tiberian Twilight
    Игра: Command & Conquer™ Generals and Zero Hour





    enjoy :D 


  15. #ZoG

    help !

    that is not a problem .. bcs i try it in other pc with the same graphic card and it worked ...
  16. #ZoG

    help !

    that don't work
  17. PC Formated D: 


    1. Sw@R's #psycho

      Sw@R's #psycho

      mathchemch 3la fifa ? 

  18. #ZoG

    help !

    its shown like that , after those steps ...
  19. #ZoG

    help !

    i said that i updated everything even my card nvidia xd
  20. #ZoG

    help !

    Your Nickname: #ZoG Your Problem: i can't play my fifa 17 Screenshot: ps: i have the latest driver ..
  21. I feel little curious

    any eye u have ?

    i'm T15-T20 idk :V 



  22. rap algérien    ♥DIMA DZ♥



    1. À la youv

      À la youv

      Gon wanah :) 


  23. #ZoG

    help me !

    i didn't find that "autoexec.cfg" but i edit my config i know those steps but everytime i left my cs , the problem back again ... anyway , thank u guys Solved!


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