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    the best day is the day when you are in love with someone girl

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  1. csblack star open join in csblack demons my name is SmileY iam GFX

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SkyL1ne


      see my gallery and if u wana know iam Revolution hehehe 


    3. B O O G Y M A N

      B O O G Y M A N

      hhh ok $

      yeah i remember you :P

    4. SkyL1ne


      what u think am i good in design see gallery SmileY

  2. tarek CSBS is back join but we change name join link http://csblackdemons.com/forums/

    1. SkyL1ne


      my name is smiley what is ur name just pm me i will give u GFX

  3. tarek u like my gallery xD


  4. happy birthday loading
  5. About This Game: Join your favorite YouTubers on an Epic Quest in PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist. Enjoy this amazing 2D platformer! EVERYTHING YOU LIKED ABOUT THE MOBILE VERSION, NOW WITH COOP MODE!! ⋆ COLLECT BROCOINS to buy new CHARACTERS, ATTACKS and DEFENSES! ⋆ UNLOCK ALL THE YOUTUBE STARS and try to beat the game as PewDiePie, Marzia, CinnamonToastKen, JackSepticEye, Cryaotic, Markiplier and more! ⋆ REAL VOICE ACTING by the YouTubers! ⋆ FIGHT EPIC BOSSES to save your fans! ⋆ BEAT ALL DIFFICULTY LEVELS and prove that you are a hardcore gamer! ⋆ CHALLENGE YOUR FRIENDS in the survival arena and brag about your score! ⋆ COLLECT ALL THE SECRETS hidden in the stages. ⋆ AMAZING CHIPTUNE MUSIC by RUSHJET1! "Legend of the Brofist is one of those rare games attached to a license that will appeal to just as many people who have no link to PewDiePie whatsoever as those who do." 10/10 -Trusted Reviews "Kickass chiptune soundtrack, colorful levels, and tight touchscreen platforming." 8.5/10 -Destructoid Trailer of game:
  6. i searched in fps but no one do fire watcher


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SkyL1ne


      okk but he didnt post the photos+video e posted only text

    3. asdasdads Prince

      asdasdads Prince

      Post only games that are not shown never before.

    4. SkyL1ne


      kk dont delete it okk 

  7. league of legends
  8. welcome to csblackdevil bro hope u enjoy here
  9. v1 text,blur
  10. welcome to csbd have fun
  11. Fear is the Biggest Enemy

    1. WɅVΞ


      Hahahaha don't steal LOADINGs PRofile feed NOOOOB HAHAHAHAHA

    2. SkyL1ne
  12. welcome have funn...
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