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Everything posted by #aries.exe

  1. Microsoft and Crystal Dynamics have released a trailer "launch" for Rise of the Tomb Raider, one week before the appearance on the market of game. Video sequences below reveals a little of the story as well as a new location for the adventures of Lara Syria. Rise of the Tomb Raider will have two open world game environments (Syria and Siberia), and the producers promise puzzles more numerous and complex than in the previous title. The heroine Lara Croft will be able to climb trees, swim, hide in vegetation, more weapons to wield the same kind or lost them to do if already detected by enemies. Rise of the Tomb Raider will be released for Xbox One and Xbox 360 on November 10, 2015. The PC version will be released in early 2016 (in versions for Windows 10 and Steam), while Rise of The Tomb Raider for Playstation 4 is scheduled for the 2016 winter holiday season.
  2. Do you remember the Outlast? Horror first person from studio Red Barrels left a strong impression to all those who have played, enjoying the appreciation and the trade press. The po[CENSORED]rity of the game grew with his inclusion in the PlayStation Plus program (free to subscribers was offered in February 2014) and the advent Whistleblower's expansion. Studio Red Barrels confirmed that since delivery of working Outlast's DLC for the second game of the series. Outlast II will take place in the same universe with the first title of the series, but will provide completely new characters and settings. But will remain constant tension and fear, basics of Outlast experience. Outlast II will be released in the fall of 2016 for both PC (Windows), Mac and Linux as well as the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
  3. Ubisoft has confirmed that the development of Rainbow Six: Siege has been successfully completed, the game was sent to factories to be multiplied. On this occasion, it has been completed and the video series "Inside the Rainbow", which were presented through the characters that will be part of system operators in Rainbow Six: Siege. The fifth and final trailer of the series is dedicated SPETZNAZ service in Russia. Operators of Rainbow Six: Siege service specialists are special forces from several countries around the globe, each with its own equipment and attributes. In the final version of the game will find 20 such operators came from five intervention services: SWAT (USA), Gignat (France) SAS (United Kingdom), GSG9 (Germany) and SPETZNAZ (Russia). Rainbow Six: Siege will focus on multiplayer, Ubisoft confirmed that the game will not provide a single player campaign. Instead, players will be able to train with bots or Terror Hunt mode. Rainbow Six: Siege will be released on December 1, 2015 for PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. PlayStation 4 and Xbox versions One will run 60 frames per second in Versus mode and only 30 frames per second in Terror Hunt mode. Instead, the PC version will offer the same framerate - 60fps - All game modes available.
  4. Even the Capcom were present on stage a press conference in Paris Sony PlayStation Games Week 2015 presenting a series of news regarding Street Fighter V. First, it was revealed the release date of the game: Street Fighter V will make its appearance, PlayStation 4 and PC on February 16, 2016. Also, it was revealed that his new character will make an appearance in Street Fighter V: this is Dhalsim, classic fighter series which returns with a new look. Dhalsim will be part of the initial distribution of 16 characters that will be included on the game disc. Then, throughout the year 2016 will be launched further 6 additional characters. Players can purchase these fighters are using Fight Money (currency that can be earned in game meeting certain conditions) or using real money. Street Fighter V will be released on February 16 2016 for PlayStation 4 and PC versions, and provide the ability to play online games cross-platform (PC players will be facing The PS4 and vice versa).
  5. Square Enix and Crystal Dynamics continues the series of video "Woman vs. Wild ", dedicated to Rise of the Tomb Raider. They focus on presenting some elements of the game. The second episode, which you can watch below reveal details about human enemies that Lara will encounter and the methods that the heroine will use to eliminate. Obviously not missing any weapons or crafting system Rise of the Tomb Raider will have two open world game environments, one of which will be Siberia and puzzles producers promise more numerous and complex than in the previous title. The heroine Lara Croft will be able to climb trees, swim, hide in vegetation, more weapons to wield the same kind or lost them to do if already detected by enemies. Rise of the Tomb Raider will be released for Xbox One and Xbox 360 on November 10, 2015. The PC version will be released in early 2016 (in versions for Windows 10 and Steam), while Rise of The Tomb Raider for Playstation 4 is scheduled for the 2016 winter holiday season.
  6. Electronic Arts and DICE studio, through the voice of Sarah Jansson (Senior Producer on the team realizatoare), announced the launch of Mirror's Edge [CENSORED]ure: Catalyst was postponed. Originally scheduled for February 23, 2016, the game needs additional development time and postponed until May 24, 2016. Obviously, the plea for postponement is additional finishing the game, Mirror's Edge: Catalyst is, unlike his predecessor, a completely open world game, the Faith, the main character will be able to explore an entire city. According to the producing team, Mirror's Edge Catalyst will not be a continuation of the first game, but rather a reimagining of it, improving its vital elements: first person parkour and heroine Faith story and personality. Mirror's Edge: Catalyst will be released on May 24, 2016, in versions for Playstation 4, Xbox One and PC.
  7. Welcome to CsBlackDevil Community. Enjoy you'r stay - have fun!
  8. As expected, David Cage has not been absent from the scene at Paris Games Week Sony in 2015, presenting for the first time, the new game studio Quantic Dream. It is about Detroit: Become Human, android Kara continuation of the story that began in a technological demo revealed in 2012. The demo, which you can watch in full below, was named after the main character - the android Kara - and tell a short story of assembling artificial beings that acquires feelings. Detroit: Become Human existence will continue Kara adventure in a world that has embraced the concept of humanoid robots. Valorie Curry returns in the title role, the actress who gave life and Kara original demo. Detroit: Become Human will be available exclusively for the PlayStation 4 yet there is no information about a possible release date. Instead, the previous games made by Quantic Dream - Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls - to be launched in remastered versions for Playstation 4.
  9. Sony used the press conference at the Paris Games Week 2015 to present the first ever multiplayer component of Uncharted 4: A Thief's End. Beside that was presented first trailer dedicated multiplayer of Uncharted 4 participants PGW 2015 can try the game from the bench to Sony (just below you can watch some footage of gameplay filmed the booth PlayStation). Uncharted 4 will keep the dynamic style of multiplayer in previous games in the series, but will add some new, such as the ability to call on allies (sidekicks) characters controlled by AI with different abilities, introducing mystical powers ( mysticals), taken from the ancient supernatural abilities Uncharted games, or using grappling-hook environment for efficient navigation. While the single player campaign in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End will be run using a 1080p (1920x1080) and 30 frames per second, the multiplayer component of the game will use a compromise graphics, lowering the resolution to 900p (1600x900) to maintain a constant framerate of 60 fps. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End will be released on March 18, 2016, exclusively for PlayStation 4. The first contact with the game developed by Naughty Dog we will have but within 4 to 13 December 2015, when keepers package Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection will automatically receive access to the beta testing session multiplayer component. Images: 1st - 2nd - 3rd - 4th - 5th & last!
  10. Good bye ! Good luck for you'r [CENSORED]ure mate ! Take care of you'r self - Study more ( Keep it Up (y) )
  11. Welcome to CsBlackDevil Community. Enjoy you'r stay - have fun!
  12. Welcome to CsBlackDevil Community. Enjoy you'r stay - have fun! (:
  13. Activision and Treyarch studio released a new trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 dedicated to launching the game will take place in two weeks. This time we have the trailer made entirely of gameplay sequences. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will focus on three main modes of play: campaign proper, which will be tackled in cooperative multiplayer (only PS4, Xbox One and PC, will miss versions for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360) competitive multiplayer component; and how zombies, called Shadows of Evil, whose action takes place in the early 40s. They are joined Free Run - a game in which different routes be taken against time travel using the skills of Treyarch designed specifically for this game. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will launch on November 6, 2015, in versions for Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC (made by Treyarch), PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (produced by Beenox Studios and Mercenary Technology).
  14. Square Enix Eidos Montreal studio and released a new trailer for Deus Ex: Divided Mankind, focused this time on Adam Jensen, the main character of the game, returned from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Action in Deus Ex: Divided Mankind will take place in 2029, two years after the events of Human Revolution, starring Adam Jensen being. It will be part of Task Force 29, a new division of Interpol responsible for countering a new kind of terrorism. But Jensen has full confidence in colleagues from Task Force 29, providing intelligence and by The Juggernaut Collective, another secret organization. Jensen will be improved and this time skills through artificial implants, which will be double the present number Human Revolution. RPG elements characteristic of the series will be complemented by the diversity of locations where Jensen will have the opportunity to travel in the new game: Utulek Station in Prague (Czech Republic), for example, it is a slum inhabited by individuals with artificial implants. Deus Ex: Divided Mankind will be available on February 23, 2016 for Play station 4, Xbox One and PC.
  15. Welcome to CsBlackDevil Community. Enjoy you'r stay - have fun!
  16. Cu mai puţin de o zi rămasă până la apariţia jocului pe piaţă, Ubisoft a lansat nu unul, ci două trailere finale pentruAssassin’s Creed: Syndicate, câte unul pentru fiecare dintre cei doi eroi ai jocului: fraţii Jacob şi Evie Frye. Acţiunea din Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate va avea loc în Londra, în a doua parte a secolului al XIX-lea, în plinărevoluţie industrială. În prim plan se vor afla fraţii asasini Jacob Frye şi Evie Frye, pe umerii acestora căzând sarcina de a elibera po[CENSORED]ţia asuprită de forţele templiere conduse de Crawford Starrick. Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate va fi lansat maine, pe 23 octombrie 2015, în versiuni pentru PlayStation 4 şi Xbox One, în timp ce ediţia pentru PC se va lăsa aşteptată până pe 19 noiembrie 2015. Acţiunea din Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate va avea loc în Londra, în a doua parte a secolului al XIX-lea, în plinărevoluţie industrială. În prim plan se vor afla fraţii asasini Jacob Frye şi Evie Frye, pe umerii acestora căzând sarcina de a elibera po[CENSORED]ţia asuprită de forţele templiere conduse de Crawford Starrick. Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate va fi lansat maine, pe 23 octombrie 2015, în versiuni pentru PlayStation 4 şi Xbox One, în timp ce ediţia pentru PC se va lăsa aşteptată până pe 19 noiembrie 2015.
  17. Square Enix şi Crystal Dynamics au dat startul unei noi serii de materiale video dedicate lui Rise of The Tomb Raider. Lansate sub titulatura “Woman vs. Wild”, acestea se concentrează pe prezentarea unor elemente definitorii ale jocului. Primul episod, pe care îl puteţi urmări în continuare, dezvăluie detalii suplimentare despre povestea jocului, precum şi despre mediile de joc şi ameninţările pe care va trebuie să le înfrunte Lara Croft în acest titlu al seriei. Rise of The Tomb Raider va avea două medii de joc open world, dintre care unul va fi Siberia, iar producătorii promitpuzzle-uri mult mai numeroase şi complexe decât în titlul anterior. Eroina Lara Croft va fi capabilă să urce în copaci, să înoate, să se ascundă în vegetaţie, să mânuiască mai multe arme de acelaşi tip sau să-şi facă pierdută urma dacă a fost deja detectată de inamici. Rise of The Tomb Raider va fi lansat, pentru Xbox One şi Xbox 360, pe 10 noiembrie 2015. Versiunea pentru PC va fi lansată în prima parte a anului 2016 (în variante pentru Windows 10 şi pentru Steam), în timp ce Rise of The Tomb Raider pentru PlayStation 4 este programat pentru sezonul sărbătorilor de iarnă din 2016.
  18. Bethesda încheie azi seria de clipuri video amuzante, prin intermediul cărora îşi propune să reamintească fanilor desistemul S.P.E.C.I.A.L., folosit de Fallout 4 (şi celelate jocuri ale seriei) pentru a descrie caracteristicile eroului controlat: strength, perception, endurance, charisma, intelligence, agility şi luck. Ultimul clip al acestei serii se opreşte asupra abilităţii luck (noroc) Acţiunea din Fallout 4 va avea loc la 200 de ani după dezastrul nuclear din 2077, cam în aceeaşi perioadă cu evenimentele din Fallout 3. De această dată jocul se va desfăşura în regiunea geografică din Statele Unite ale Americii cunoscută sub numele de Commonwealth, care include oraşul Boston. Spre deosebire de titurile mai vechi ale seriei, povestea din Fallout 4 va începe chiar în ziua atacului nuclear: 23 octombrie 2077, personajul principal adăpostindu-se în Vault-ul 111. Fallout 4 va fi lansat pe 10 noiembrie 2015, pentru PlayStation 4, Xbox One şi PC.
  19. Publisher-ul Bigben Interactive îşi va uni forţele cu studioul Frogwares pentru un nou joc al seriei Sherlock Holmes. Este vorba despre Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter, descris de producători drept un thriller poliţist ce-şi va face apariţia în primăvara anului viitor. The Devil's Daughter va fi cel de-al optulea joc al seriei ce-l are în prim plan pe celebrul detectiv al lui Sir Arthur Conan Doyle şi primul realizat în exclusivitate pentru consolele de generaţie nouă şi PC. Cu această ocazie, echipa de la Frogwares promite un mediu de joc open world, în care Sherlock Holmes va fi nevoit sa solutioneze nu mai puţin de cinci cazuri. Nu vor lipsi nici secvenţele de acţiune, şi nici elementele oculte. Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter va fi prezentat în premieră la Paris Games Week (eveniment ce se va desfăşura în perioada 28 octombrie – 1 noiembrie în capitala Franţei), jocul fiind aşteptat pe PlayStation 4, Xbox One şi PC în primăvara lui 2016. Other Images: Click! & Click!
  20. Telltale Games a anunţat când va lansa cel de-al şaselea episod al seriei de jocuri Game of Thrones. Denumit “The Ice Dragon”, acest capitol va încheia acest sezon al seriei dezvoltate de Telltale Games. “The Ice Dragon” va fi disponibil începând cu 17 noiembrie 2015. De asemenea, cu această ocazie, cei de la Telltale au hotărât să ofere gratuit primul episod al seriei de jocuri Game of Thrones – “Iron From Ice”. Îl puteţi descărca gratuit pentru PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, precum şi pentru dispozitivele bazate pe iOS şi Android. Din păcate, se pare că această ofertă nu este disponibilă şi pentru ediţia de PC a jocului. Seria Game of Thrones de la Telltale Games are la bază universul, personajele şi evenimentele din serialul HBO Game of Thrones, la rândul său o adaptare pentru televiziune a romanelor lui George R.R. Martin. Seria adventure Game of Thrones de la Telltale Games începe după evenimentele din sezonul al treilea al serialului TV şi se va încheia chiar înainte de startul sezonului al cincilea. Jocul spune povestea casei Forrester din Wolfswood, din nordul continentului Westeros, purtători de stindard pentru casa Glover şi aliaţi de nădejde ai casei Stark. Game of Thrones Episode 6: The Ice Dragon va marca o nouă premieră pentru Telltale Games: va fi pentru prima dată când un joc al companiei va fi lansat în aceeaşi zi – 17 noiembrie 2015 – pentru toate platformele disponibile: PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 şi dispozitivele mobile bazate pe Android şi iOS.
  21. Fanii seriei Back To The [CENSORED]ure ştiu că data de azi, 21 octombrie 2015, este ziua în care Marty McFly şi doctorul Emmett Brown au ajuns “în viitor”, cu ajutorul faimoasei maşini a timpului pe roţi. Evident, ocazia nu a fost ratată, Universal Studios alegând această zi pentru lansarea boxset-ului Back to the [CENSORED]ure 30th Anniversary Trilogy, care, pe lângă cele trei filme, oferă numeroase bonusuri, inclusiv documentare dedicate procesului de realizare a celor trei pelicule. De asemena, Telltale Games a relansat jocul Back To The [CENSORED]ure într-o ediţie adăugita 30th Anniversary, care include interviuri cu Bob Gale, producătorul şi coscenaristul trilogiei de filme Back To The [CENSORED]ure, actorul Tom Wilson (Biff Tannen în film şi joc), membri ai echipei Telltale Games, precum şi cu AJ LoCascio, vocea lui Marty McFly din joc. Cu această ocazie, nici fanii Back To The [CENSORED]ure pasionaţi de Grand Theft Auto V nu au stat cu mâinile în sân, realizând o replica fidelă a uneia dintre scenele faimoase ale filmului cu ajutorul editorului inclus de Rockstar Games în joc. O puteţi urmări în clipul de mai jos.


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