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Everything posted by Exxidae.

  1. thank you, got it solved. you can close the topic. i appreciate the people that replyed to my need. thanks
  2. Description of the problem: I have no idea why or how but since yesterday every transparent text and/or gif that i want to save . all of them have the white shadow-like thing around them. i didn't even put drop shadow effect from blending options or dither at all. even if i just put a text and combine it with a gif it still appears that white shadow around it. any solution ? i didn't find any way to remove that... Photos: Other details: running on windows 7 . x64 bit , using adobe photoshop cs6 extended version 13.0.1
  3. Exxidae.

    Help Me !

    Send me your ip adress trough p.m if that won't work , reinstall your cs. i would like a staff member of csbd to close this topic. this issue isn't a big one and it'll be fixed
  4. ø Modalitate de contact (Y!m / Skype): Skype : Deadbutter.universe // Yahoo : Magicworldonline@yahoo.com Sau P.M pe forum ø Produs(e) scoase la vânzare: Cont De Steam Cu 20 De Jocuri cumparate . Valoare totala a jocurilor este de $97,25 ø Preţul produsului(elor): 20% din cei $97,25 , Ceea Ce Are Veni la $20 sau $21,50 . Accept Doar Euro / Dolari sau Lei ø Poze produs(e): ø Metodă de plată: Transfer Prin Paypal / Visa Card ø Alte specificaţii: Sunt 22 de jocuri dintre care doar 20 cumparate. ultimele doua sunt cs 1.6 (non-steam) si brawlhalla (free to play) http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198272697503/ No VAC bans on account . [(Parola de la steam + nume) si (emailul + parola)] , le vei primi in Timp ce se desfasoara tranzactia.
  5. Well, Not that. i know how to do that. that's not my problem. i want to know how to create the ashes animation , how to make each red piece like in the showen gif , but i want to make it go the way i want , the movement and how to make it look like that. similar to your signature, you have grey snow/rain particles moving , i want to know how to make those particle look good and to be able to make an animation afterall, i know it requires a lot of layers but i can't find any tutorial how to create them This Topic May Be Locked To Prevent Any Spam / Off-topic Or Any Reply Againts The Community's Rules
  6. I've Seen These 2 Videos Before Posting This, It's Not Really What i requested :/ . but i appreciate the time take to try helping me out buddy.
  7. Description of the problem : I Can Not Find Any Tutorial On How To Make These Fire Sparkles Or Custom Sparkles Like I Can Choose The Color And The Direction They Go And The Way I Want it. i'm pretty sure it's a bunch of layers put into animation timeline but how do i make the tiny particles look like that and how do i create them and make those effects? i've seen every single tutorial from Csbd - > Devil's Club - > Media - > Design - > Tutorial. and i didn't find any that can show me how to make this . and i've searched up google , photoshop tutorials , youtube , the entire web and i can't find a single tutorial to show me how to do this :/ please help me out .Photos: Other details: Do i need After Effects For This Or Can i make it in photoshop cs6 ?
  8. V1 , text , effect , stroke, animation
  9. GOOD LUCK man, I appreciate all your work which you've been done on this server and i hope you will have anything you wish in life and the best moments in your heart. bye man, i hope we see you back here sometime
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