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☕ Eid al-Fitr ☕






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Everything posted by 乡мя.ЪคЪค™

  1. Hi everyone, i hope u’r all doing well . Can a designer help me with the making of an esports logo?

  2. Hello everyone . Have a great day ! 😄

  3. June 2014 : https://postimg.cc/jWNy1S4G


    when we used to have good times , times fly

    i just wanna say REST IN PEACE ZoMbieE my brother 😒 may allah send you in jannah , forever in my heart , leo❤️

    1. A.N.R Anouar A.N.R

      A.N.R Anouar A.N.R

      Oooh god

      May allah forgive him..

      He was strong guy

  4. Noob still alive

    1. ✘ tayab™ ✘
    2. 乡мя.ЪคЪค™


      If you are still playing cs and you are not admin in any server i just wanna invite you in streetzm like the old times

  5. Eid mubarak to all my muslims friends ❤️

  6. V2 , effects and text
  7. Ku je m plak 

    1. aNaKoNDa


      ku je baba, koh e gjat 😄

    2. 乡мя.ЪคЪค™


      Pse ktheheni kur e lejm krejt jqj na boni mu kthy prap 😁

    3. aNaKoNDa


      prandai osht hap serveri 😄 te kthehen kta te vjetrit

  8. Hello everyone, how u doing

  9. joined the game today ,, you guys has destroed the beautiful game . sh!t addons 

    1. walker™


      sad but true 

  10. Hello guys , how's vocation going ..?


    here it's shit 😂

    1. walker™


      edhe nja 25dit edhe tani shkoj nvacation 

      ama per momentin is super VK

    2. Jeenyuhs


       Do not use inappropriate language. Speaking in any language other than English or Romanian is not allowed. @walker〆

    3. walker™


      @Yeezuz it was an mixed language Alb & english so there's no problem thx 

  11. Hello evey1 hope you doing well in life , kinda i miss everyone and miss playing

    1. FNX Magokiler

      FNX Magokiler

      hi man, wait u good dude so, life is hard but ever will back we will wait dude good luck ❤️ 

  12. Hello everyone hope you doing well ❤️ Wishing peace in this beautiful world and we stand with 🇺🇦 


    guys help me with subscribe and likes just started this journey today https://youtube.com/channel/UC8tVqzRf9tltIPsNFoyiPDQ 

    yours baba❤️

  13. hello guys hope u doing good in life , i connected today in game after many months ago and i saw my nickname used by someone else , i dont mind it just im letting u know that isn't me in case they brake rules or i dont know , greetings .
  14. hello guys hope you doing well ! 

  15. the biggest noob is on forum ? xDDD

    1. A.N.R Anouar A.N.R

      A.N.R Anouar A.N.R

      Helllo baby🤣😁

      How are u?

      No. im just visiting..i have no time

  16. evidence ? yeah here There reason i got gagged The time ban but bro people like u have 749894 faces 🙂 you are just a kid who hide behind lying , u are a rat , i got banned for retry gag not for insulting
  17. i insulted yeah then you gagged me for this i retry and you banned for retry gag not for insulting two faces guy ...
  18. Useless thing , you can anti-pika or anti-destroy without using VPN just type something in console (for which im not saying so those hackers wont know) and then u can rejoin in game in seconds .
  19. Pro , nice activity as a start and good respecting player . Just make sure your account nickname is same as in game .
  20. Your nick: Mr.baba. Your ip: Your STEAMID: - The reason you have been banned: i retry gag and then got banned 60 , after that i tried to rejoin after one hour but it still says im banned then i thought maybe it's a server problem then i used VPN to check and after joining game i got destroyed + parma , but in fact Necro banned me 60 then unbanned and then banned again 3000 which i didn't know . The admin who banned you: Necro The time: Your proofs (screenshot Or Demo) : Check Here


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