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About symbiote

  • Birthday 01/01/1868




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    Trap City

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  1. next time dont cheat now enjoy VACation
  2. El chapo i am de gooooooooooooooooooood
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  3. you guys retarded ? phahahahahah de funniest thin i have see for today its all fake i can give many example like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qrf8b2j6_78 wen you fold de money in a specific way you can see past event does it mean money have to do something wit it ? of course not... just cuz "Coca Cola and Fanta " match with dat in de video doesnt mean its true...
  4. hello members of csblackdevil today i was thinking to make a new falimy (clan) in a game called Counter-Strike Nexon:Zombies. de point of making a family in de game is to bring more visitors in forum but before continuing i want to know how much people are playing de game in de forum bcz creating a family without members is pointless... so i want to know who is playing it my name in game is Veggas
  5. symbiote


    it amazing how dey turn fiction weapons in to real on
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  6. symbiote


    if i go and search it google wat should i have to write to find dat sh!t? to see how its made ?
  7. symbiote


    Description of the problem: its not a problem i want to know if de text (Loading) is done wit Ps CS6 or wit some special program Photos: Other details:
  8. Why be a king when you can be a god.
  9. greatings to all happy people who have real nice lives https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IPfm30WEiPk
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