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ex1t last won the day on August 27 2023

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About ex1t

  • Birthday 08/28/1990


  • ex1t


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  1. Hello @Shikokkk please complete the application correctly.
  2. hello @Agent47 to make someone stupid is an insult. and regarding slay, the admin did the right thing. the regulation says that you are not allowed to put lm at afk.
  3. you spoke badly you got the gag, it doesn't have to warn you
  4. Rejected
  5. as omer said. you stayed on the server just afk to do the necessary hours. my opinion is that we need admins to be present on the server, not just afk. CONTRA
  6. @Codrut1001in demo iti sare tinta, dar este greu sa ma pronunt, lasa colegi sa decida, este prea scurt demo-ul
  7. I see you daily on the server, from what I've seen, you're a quiet player, regarding the past, I offer you one more chance. PRO
  8. I haven't seen you very often on the server, please do some more activity and come back with another request. CONTRA!
  9. in primul rand te rog sa nu jignesti pe nimeni. da am fost pe server in momentul respectv, adminul i-a dat slay fara sa vada ce s-a intamplat. parerea mea este ca adminul nu a procedat corect. dar decizia finala ramane la Wesker sau Ballantines. first of all, please don't offend anyone. yes, I was on the server at the time, the admin gave him a slay without seeing what happened. my opinion is that the admin did not proceed correctly. but the final decision rests with Wesker or Ballantines.
  10. I for one did not see you on the server very often, or at least I realized if you were there or not. collect some more activity and come back again. CONTRA
  11. ¤ Nume: ex1t ¤ Vârstă: 33 ¤ Etichetă dorită: Romania ¤ Legătura orelor jucate (minimum 10 ore) ( Clic ): mai mult de 10 ore
  12. RO as dori sa fac si eu 2 sugestii care cred eu ca vor fii bune pentru server. 1. daca se poate un m4a1-s de la /vm sa poata cumpara si cu ammo, nu doar cu puncte. 2. daca se poate baga voicechat. sigur o sa fie "putin" chaos, dar exista comanda de mut sau voice_enable 0. va multumesc EN I would also like to make 2 suggestions that I think will be good for the server. 1. if it is possible to buy a m4a1-s from /vm with ammo, not just with points. 2. if voicechat can be inserted. sure there will be "a little" chaos, but there is the mute command or voice_enable 0. thank you DE Ich möchte auch zwei Vorschläge machen, die meiner Meinung nach gut für den Server sind. 1. ob es möglich ist, einen m4a1-s von /vm mit ammo zu kaufen, nicht nur mit Punkten. 2. ob Voicechat eingefügt werden kann. Sicher wird es „ein bisschen“ Chaos geben, aber es gibt den Mute-Befehl oder voice_enable 0. Danke
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