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Everything posted by BlasterTZM

  1. v2 , blur
  2. Free 150x250 :
  3. salut si bine ai venit !
  4. BlasterTZM


    Hello, Photoshop CS6 For Ubuntu all version : https://mega.nz/#!rtQSkZrb!a8UBLrP6GXKzjbWH5u0xQJvPCUOye8W4LmDDjjAEqcE regards.
  5. [NEW] :
  6. Like said pepper, Water it's much better.
  7. BlasterTZM


    Windows XP , have many problems with graphic - games. try to update your graphic card, or change your resolution. 1. Press : + R 2. write regedit. 3. Click to"" Software "" Valve , Half-life , click to Settings. 4. search , Screen Height And Screen Width . 5. Click to Screen Height And Modify. put 600. 6. Click to Screen Width And Modify. put 800. 7. Open your Counter strike 1.6. P:S. when you go to change a value, put decimal. I hope help you ,Have a nice day.
  8. Winner Divine (V3)
  9. v1 = v2= v3= start vote guys.
  10. of course.
  11. Name of the oponent: raven' Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Avatar Size: 150x250 *Text: fashion Watermark: csbd / csblackdevil Working time: 24 hours
  12. bine ai venit !
  13. Winner Divine (V3)
  14. Can i join?
  15. v1 = v2 = v3= Start vote guys.
  16. of course...
  17. Name of the oponent: ✖ EvoluTioN ✖ Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece): Avatar Size: 150x250 *Text: devoutt Watermark: csbd / csblackdevil Working time: 24 hours
  18. Welcome !
  19. [NEW] Free Fish Avatar:
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