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--- x X x ---

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  1. First of all, he started to destroy the mines without saying anything thats why I started to record the demo. Only after breaking 2 lm's he told us move. Also, you can see there is nemesis roaming outside, if we go out we both die just because XxforussxX decided to change his mind and did'nt want to stay inside anymore, why did he come inside in the first place ? Many times, in the same situation when I want to go out, the admin will tell me to shutup, or if I shoot the mine even once, I will get direct slay. I think its shameful that someone is defending XxforussxX because in my opinion admins, with such high rank destroying players mine is unacceptable. I thought admins were supposed to help the players not act selfish and have no regard for the rules.
  2. ¤ Tu nombre: Diversión ¤ Nombre de administrador reclamado: XxforussxX ¤ Fecha y hora: ayer ¤ Motivo de la queja: Disparo lm ¤ Prueba (captura de pantalla, consola o demostración): haga clic aquí No sé por qué no se estaba comunicando con * box * para eliminar su LM. Él acaba de comenzar a destruir mis LM y * box * y luego simplemente dijo "muévete". Debe saber cómo comunicarse con los jugadores pidiéndoles que simplemente eliminen el LM para poder salir ... y debe saber CÓMO SEGUIR LAS REGLAS BÁSICAS. Para un administrador como él que está en una posición tan alta como fundador, debe saber cuáles son las reglas básicas. ¿Qué tipo de ejemplo les está dando a los jugadores? Espero que se considere una acción estricta para este acto.
  3. Firstly : You Must Follow this Model Or your Request Will be Rejected Direct ! ¤ Your name: Orange ¤ Claimed Admin name: jax ¤ Date and time: Yesterday ¤ Reason of complaint: Tells others to attack and camps himself, causing the round to extend for no reason. When i tell him to attack, gags me and tell me to shut the fu*k up ¤ Proof (screenshot or console or demo): https://ibb.co/0mvXmYC https://ibb.co/db0M9mt https://ibb.co/54KxDKK


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