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Everything posted by perlatu.

  1. perlatu.

    Request Fonts

    BlasTerJaxX font: http://www.dafont.com/old-london.font?text=BlasTerJaxX
  2. perlatu.

    Request Fonts

  3. - STOP VOT - revo': 13 votes fury.: 0 votes Winner: v1 (revo') Congrulations, revo' !
  4. v1: v2: - START VOT -
  5. No, sorry only me and revo'.
  6. Name of the oponent: revo. Theme of work: http://40.media.tumblr.com/37d7a0a04d9253422b7dc872714b66a0/tumblr_muxjsutzoe1roly9io1_1280.jpg Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) Avatar Size: 150x250 *Text: Battle Watermark: CSBD / CSBLACKDEVIL Working time: 24h P.S: The legend is back !
  7. v2 - text, blur
  8. v2 - textura, text, effects
  9. v2 - blur, text, gif
  10. v2 - text, C4D's, texture, render position is perfect,
  11. perlatu.


    Hi, download patterns for here. For install patterns follow this steps: 1. Click on Bleeding Options --> Pattern Overlay --> Load Patterns. 2. Click on the file with patterns (.pat file). 3. Done, now you have patterns. For put on the image follow this steps: 1. Right click on this tool , on menu with Text Tool, Smudge Tool etc. (this tool is ''Clone Stamp Tool''.) 2. Click on tool ''Patern Stamp Tool''. Image: 3. Put this settings: . 3.1. First step: This is dimension of pattern, you set a your like dimension. Second step: This is mode of pattern (Overlay / Soft Light / Normal etc.), you set a your like mode. Third step: This is opacity and flow, you set a 100% opacity and 100% flow or you like a opacity and flow. Fourth step: This is a pattern tool, click on this tool. Fifth step: This is a your patterns, you choose random patterns. 3.2. For put on image a pattern, need make a new layer and put pattern on image with ''Pattern Stamp Tool'' .
  12. v4 - text, pattern, brush, border
  13. v1 - text, brush, gif
  14. v2 - text, pattern, blur, border
  15. v2 - text, blur, effects
  16. v2 - text, c4d, background, effects
  17. v3 - border, effect, text, gif
  18. v4 - twitch effect and blur
  19. v2 - pattern, blur, text
  20. v1 - blur, text, gif
  21. perlatu.


    1. Ai un model de respectat. 2. Pentru a importa videouri îți trebuie programul QuickTime .
  22. perlatu.


    Tutorial put flames, sparks or another effects: http://csblackdevil.com/forums/index.php?/topic/136932-pstutorial-sparks-photoshop-by-effect/#entry884077
  23. v1 - text, blur
  24. v1 - C4D-uri aruncate ici-colo, text nu se potrivește cu c4d-urile. v2 - Brushul este foarte bun si plasarea tenderului, dar textul... v3 - Textura aleasa bine , background-ul se potrivește cu renderulrenderul. v4 - Acea textura cu linii..., background-ul făcut din c4d nu prea arata bine, textul nu e bunbun. v5 - Borderul e interesant, dar acele "bule de apa"... v6 - Background-ul din c4d e bun, plasarea c4d-urilor si renderului e perfecta, textul se potriveste cu creatia, pattern, culorile se îmbina perfect. v7 - Smudge perfect si interesant, borderul si textul se îmbina foarte bine. v8 - Backgroundul si c4d-urile sunt bune, textura si efectele sunt si acestea bune. v9 - Text ce se potrivește, plasarea renderului si c4d-urilor, blurul, efectele si sursa de lumina sunt perfecte si se îmbina perfect. Alegerea mea este v9. Bravo tuturor !
  25. v3 - text, blur, patternpattern, border


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