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Everything posted by TSUNAMI_10Q

  1. did i or did i not eat that strawberry.??

  2. -i opened this topis so we can share and discuss our gaming experience like what is you favourite games of the past year 2013 for me both Xbox ONE and PS4 i found that Assassin's Creed IV is the best no question about that and i also liked THE LAST OF US in PS3,OMG the storyline the graphic it's just "touching"
  3. keep calm and skip this time

  4. keep calm and skip this time

  5. -People aren’t against you; they are for themselves -Climb mountains not so the world can see you, but so you can see the world -Go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated -sometimes ACTIONS speak louder than words
  6. Keep Calm and Go Back To Sleep

  7. -about an week ago i was serching in the net,i found a really a good application can turn you android phone to a wireless microphon a really nice idea you can use it to speak via skype or other programs and the cool thing about it is you can use it from any room you want in your house because this application is based on WIFI communication that way you can have a full liberty in your movments,or you can connect it via cable or bluetooth in case there was no WIFI, -PLUS WOMIC application does not need root access for him to work that means it will work on any android phone WOMIC application have two parts: PART1:which is the program you should install in your PC PART2:is the apllication you need to install in you phone --the downloading process and installation guide: 1-first thing you need to do is download WOMIC application from here(http://www.wirelessorange.com/womic/use.html)you should download it with your phone because the application should install in your phone and download the drivers and clien on PC,now these install it in you PC 2-how to use:go to you phone app and look for "transport wifi" you'll find an ip addrese next to it enter that ip adress in your client PC by going to connection tab then connect and Choose WIFI after whene you all done copying the ip click OK and go back to your phone application click settings and set start (you should see the mic icon turns from gray to green,that means your mic is activated)click OK and that's it NOW you have a wireless microphon you can use in your PC.. PS:to enable WO MIC in skype go the following paths:tools>options>general>audio settings,in the microphone choose "microphone (WO MIC devise)"
  8. i changed all my passwords to "incorrect" so whenever i forget,it says "your password is incorrect"

  9. Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.

  10. first day in 2014, and it's boring,im going back to 2013

  11. people said that im lazy,while the truth is i just really enjoy doing nothing

  12. so another year goes by and another comes and we are still here.. i wish you all long life and happiness in 2014.. may your [CENSORED]ure be fortune....
  13. hello and welcome... hola y bienvenidos...
  14. HELLO Kristopher
  15. salut et bienvenue... hello and welcome...
  16. hello Carl and welcome
  17. hello Radek and welcome
  18. salut et bienvenue.... Hello and welcome...
  19. Welcome to CSBD
  20. Welcome
  21. wellcom........
  22. my brother sam ...hello and wellcome
  23. Paul William Walker IV was an American actor. He became famous in 1999 after his role in the hit film Varsity Blues, but later became best known for starring as Brian O'Conner in The Fast and the Furious film series... Born: September 12, 1973, Glendale, California, United States Died: November 30, 2013, Valencia, California, United States Height: 1.88 m Children: Meadow Walker may your soul rest in peace:
  24. ¤ Name in game:NG ¤ Age:20 ¤ Name:Nadir ¤ City:Alger ¤ Contry: ¤ Country:Algeria ¤ Favorite Games:CS 1.6-deus ex human revolution-assassin's creed ¤ A short description about you:like to spread peace all over the world ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil:by an old friend ¤ Server preferred (server only community!):HighLifeZM ¤ A picture of you (if you already have one and want to post):


CsBlackDevil Community [www.csblackdevil.com], a virtual world from May 1, 2012, which continues to grow in the gaming world. CSBD has over 70k members in continuous expansion, coming from different parts of the world.



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