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ζ√The^Collection_# √ζ

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    Moldova, Republic Of

Everything posted by ζ√The^Collection_# √ζ

  1. How I see Unkn0wn GFX-™ not supported. Just me and the Shkodra-™ v.1 v.2 Start Vot !
  2. STOP Vot ! # Collection (9 vot) Winner! Hackstory. (1 vot) Felicitari si tie!
  3. Felicitari fratioare!!!! multa, multa, multa sanatate!
  4. Numele celui care il provoci:» Unkn0wn GFX-™, ShKoDrA-™ Tema Lucrari: http://s22.postimg.org/u7a041eyp/anime_girl_render_by_josechibi_d60qfpp.png Tipul lucrari (semnatura,banner,avatar,userbar,logo,Large Piece):Signature! Marime:500x250 px Text:Free Watermark:Free Timp de lucru:1 days Finalizare (voturi):15
  5. Accept. P.S: Daca provocati pe cnva nu mai provocati cu poze asa, provocati pe ceva pe render! Edit: sterge din mesaje nu-ti mai pot trimite, s-au add skype: sava.cazac | Mess: collection.cs16
  6. Refuz, scz nu prea am timp, am un concurs la scoala, si nu prea am timp. Poate alta data
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