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Xenoblade Chronicles X's premise is nothing that video game players haven't heard before. The Earth is no more, so it's time for humanity to explore a new planet. It's one thing to venture to a completely new world, but Nintendo and Monolith Soft have made their game stand out in one major way. The new planet truly feels like a massive, new world and that sizable new setting is home to one of the most gratifying (and lengthy) adventures of the year. The story is a simple one. As mentioned, the Earth has been destroyed by a mysterious alien race that seems to be hellbent on eradicating the human race. The remnants of humanity have set up a colony on a foreign planet called Mira, filled with dangerous wildlife, unfamiliar settings, and enough resources to start up an entirely new civilization, with the player character as a custom-made clean slate. And all would be well and good if that same alien race hadn't decided to pursue the survivors and continue their quest for total extinction, leaving military organization BLADE no choice but to fight back. Brave New World This point cannot be emphasized enough. Mira is huge. It is an absolute massive world, all ripe for open-world exploration. The planet is filled with resources, collectibles, and wild creatures and it is virtually impossible to explore the entire area in any less than a few dozen hours. It'll likely be days before you can explore beyond the sub-continent of Primordia, not just because the enemies are much stronger outside of its borders, but because there's so much to soak in. This is where it should be noted that while off-screen play with the Wii U GamePad is possible, it is absolutely not recommended. The second screen acts a handy map, separated out into clusters. While this is mainly to keep track of what's been collected, it's also essentially to avoid getting lost. And with the world the size that it is, the first few days will be spent wandering aimless around the continent. Fast travel paths open up later and that becomes a godsend, given how long it takes to traverse Mira and how quickly the day-night cycle passes. There's another reason that Mira is so large and that's to give the game's wild creatures space to roam around. While players will find smaller creatures closer to their level, they'll also find some massive dinosaur-sized Level 50 beasts grazing in the distance. Many times, these higher-level wild animals will mingle freely with their lower-level brethren, which is both a cool sight to see, but also a bit of a problem at times. Grinding for experience can get tough, since there are times where you'll be poking at Level 8 creatures during one of the game's real-time battles, only for an errant shot to attract the attention of a Level 35 behemoth. There are also other times when a rare Tyrant (a more powerful version of a standard enemy) will pick a fight with your character on sight. Unfortunately, there is no way to decline these battles other than to attempt to flee on foot and, even then, it's easy to get smacked down in a single hit by a relentless bully of a beast. That can get annoying after a couple of sessions. Growing Pains With that said, Xenoblade Chronicles X is not for the impatient. It will take hours to get used to the real-time combat system, especially when it comes to learning which MMO-style Arts abilities work best in conjunction with one another. Even with the aid of capable AI party members, death will happen quite often. The solution is to grind and, unfortunately, experience doesn't come quickly, whether it's through battle, exploration, or side missions. And there are plenty of side missions to play, especially when story instances often come with prerequisites. This is another reason that the whole experience runs longer than average. There is a rewarding light at the end of the tunnel, though. Not only do characters eventually level up enough to take on larger creatures, but after enough time, they can wield the artillery to match. Leveled-up abilities, as well as character weapons, will vary based on class and the game is generous about allowing players to experiment. New weaponry and armor can also be unlocked after contributing towards a variety of manufacturers, with resources raised through probes placed across the world. There's an insane amount of depth to how characters are raised and while some of the more nuanced ideas can be ignored, it's worth learning the ins-and-outs of these systems in order to create the strongest character builds possible. After all, survival is much easier that way. But while a stronger arsenal is a good incentive to keep on trucking, the true reward comes when earning a Skell. These are massive mech suits and piloting these puppies makes traversing Mira feel like a completely different experience. Sight lines are suddenly no longer a concern, since Skells can go toe-to-toe with just about anything on the planet. In fact, they can kill numerous hostiles in a matter of moments, thanks to their powerful beam swords and missile barrages. It's a powerful piece of machinery, but while it's all-powerful, it doesn't break the game, as there are still plenty of Godzilla-sized creatures that are more than capable of putting up a fight. Earning Your Stripes Xenoblade Chronicles X feels like a truly breathtaking effort, evidenced by how much love has gone into crafting each and every inch of its massive planet. And it's a planet that Nintendo and Monolith Soft have made worth exploring and worth learning. It's not for everyone, as the story gets off to a slow start. In fact, expect the story to last well over 40 hours. The game also doesn't waste much time with tutorials. Players aren't left entirely to the wolves, but the combat, equipment, stats, and party system is far more complex than the simplistic tutorial tips let on. It's also worth repeating that new players should expect to die a lot! With that said, investing dozens of hours into the game does feel rewarding. There are immensely satisfying moments for those that choose to stick with this game, but those moments need to be earned. Nothing will come easy, but nothing truly worthwhile ever is.
Platform: PlayStation 4 Type: Downloadable Content (DLC) Bloodborne (required) Available in: Digital Download Developer: FromSoftware Distributor: Sony Genre: RPG, Action RPG (Fantasy) Players: 1 Duration: 10-15 hours Language: Spanish Texts and voices in Spanish / English Released: November 24, 2015 (Pegi: +18) If you start a game from the beginning or are about to acquire the Game of the Year Edition, you have to know that ancient hunters is unlocked fairly quickly, defeating the Vicar Amelia, but is an area at all recommended until at least the time you defeat Rom, Spider Vacua. The FromSoftware own minimum recommended level of 65, which we consider quite low, especially for the closing stages of this expansion, so it is much better that you continue the main quest and come back fifteen or twenty levels to avoid frustrations. If, however, you start a New Game +, you may find it easier to access it, and you can throw once hunted the Vicar Amelia, since having your armor reinforced to the rock of blood is of tremendous help, you can access to it with a level of 120 on. Anyway, since Bloodborne not retain your full game so far you decide to take another turn, both going to have to play a portion of the base game to get to Old Hunters, a decision, at least, strange. Nightmare Hunter The DLC also takes something to start. The first areas leaves a strange feeling in the player go too familiar places, to the point plantarte inside the Cathedral where you fight like the original Vicar own. And when it does, the repetition of materials, elements and even a final boss of the main quest in the form of spontaneous enemy, they note. What does change, a lot is the provision of enemies. Accustomed to face hordes of basic enemies, your presence here is scarce especially in the first portion of the game, dominating the old hunters; so many that sometimes one has the feeling of playing a multiplayer with bots. No exaggeration, the first section is full of them and some are real sponges life. Change is appreciated, while our main concern will be to find many of the weapons and equipment in these early hours. Weapons give some variety to those who accused the lack of them in the original game, but do not expect any boast. They are very attractive, but with an arrangement very similar to those already seen, we'll visit a powerful rotary saw, the blade bow or sword iconic moonlight present in the Souls movements. The distance also (although less throw, fall short, the Gatling is impressive even a real consumer of mercury bullets while the surprise comes with a new shield, this time useful, but not focused on physical attacks not stop you're going to get rid of the mechanistic basis of Bloodborne). In fact, getting all new equipment is one of the best work done in this ancient hunters, since many of these weapons are actually hidden and attend various actions to be performed before you can make with them. A pity that so hard to improve them all, so that we have to wisely choose our next weapon or wait for the next round. But after this start with somewhat less force, the following scenarios are presented much more attractive and make us to introduce in environments that you still maintain that strange tension in his gloomy and dark atmosphere. Therefore, one of the quietest scenes can reach get on your nerves to stumble and break a bottle of soil, with subsequent alert opponents. There is here an eternal ebb and surge of difficulty. You can scroll areas with fairly simple enemies to run into moments where face not only one but two heavyweights. Quiet moments to reach areas where a trap hides another trap. He stresses the final section where you'll find one of those damn truth areas, with one of the most absurd and crazy all brilliantly designed and Bloodborne enemies of Souls (with sharks say, we say it all). Quite intricate areas where progress can be a matter of faith, and others in which we will have to explore every inch until you find the key (or the lever) that allows us to move forward. Ancient hunters not forget to further expand the universe of Bloodborne. The data offered to expand the story may seem low, but they have something more sense as you collect along with descriptions of new objects to collect. We can only say that still inspired deep into the roots of the cosmic horror of Lovecraft, to the point of reaching the declared one of his most famous stories tribute. Dams It has taken another decision regarding Bosses: placing the lantern relatively close to them. And we appreciate it in part, as some leaders of the base game were quite far from the checkpoint, with consequent race to them that did not provide much difficulty to the equation. Here everyone has a bluff or a shortcut that will allow us to close some best practice techniques until you find your weak spot. They are only four, but one secret (that we know of now) you can find out. Two of them quite dramatic, while others may be rather vague. The final boss is a stinker, but with some of the most interesting patterns we have seen and eliminate alone can be quite a feat. They continue alternating patterns such as subtract them life, which makes your learning is far more difficult to grasp. The new patch that comes with the DLC also brings some new features that are also incorporated into the main adventure, like the ability to be accompanied by an NPC for the battles against some of these enemies, of which ancient hunters fail only one and in the base game it is done in enough. Like the cooperative, their help is invaluable, as it allows you to focus on them while you heal and recover a little breath, but evidently makes things much easier when you experienced the first game. Ancient hunters is a good DLC that will get more for those who plan to take advantage of the new weapons in new items than those who only seek to complete it, given the scarcity of some stones to empower them properly. We do not know exactly how wanted FromSoftware divide the content initially, since there are three major areas, making split them leave pretty lame one. For the price to pay for throwing him twenty euros rounded, can stay a little short if your goal is simply to finish, due to the uniqueness that is accessed, it is highly recommended that you take when planning play a new game, to force yourself to reach it. If instead you just start your adventure Bloodborne, leave it to the final moments. Your nerves will thank you.
Platform: PlayStation 4 Also for: PC Mac Xbox One Available in: Shops and Digital Download / Buy Game Developer: inXile entertainment Distributor: inXile entertainment Genre: RPG, turn-based combat (Sci-Fi) Players: 1 Duration: 50-80 hours Language: Spanish, Ensglish Texts and voices in English Released: October 16, 2015 (Pegi: +18) A great game now also debuts on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One with a improved version, also available as free of charge PC update that incorporates interesting innovations, although the greatest compliment we can devote to this work of inXile Entertainment is that even with its roughness, that is, perfectly adapted to its complex system of using a game controller. It was not an easy task, not with the number of options available to us, but it is a trance that have left gracefully. So, your only concern in this Director's Cut will be to survive as you can to the dangers that await you in the post apocalyptic world of Wasteland. Justice in a lawless world Arizona. Possibly the only region of the habitable world after Armageddon ... and also the most dangerous place you can imagine. Radioactive clouds roam unwary scorching anyone who dares to cross its borders, while hunger, lack of water or hundreds of murderers, rapists and cannibals confined to inside make life difficult for the survivors to insane levels.The world is a hell! But even in these conditions there is room for hope; Wasteland and the universe is by the name of Desert Rangers. A group of brave gunmen dedicated heart and soul to protect the innocent; to restore order in a lawless world where only the strongest survive. Or the smartest. Or the rogue. Or, why not, also the most dangerous. The Wilderness is not governed by a scale of traditional moral values. The good, the bad ... none of that matters when all you knew is gone to hell. So be free to act as you wish, no one will judge you for it. Although there will be consequences. And some transcendental for the development of the game. Also varies widely depending adventure rangers team that we control and can fully customize four of them, to be with us to start the game, a total of seven can join our team. Experts in handling firearms, burly able to withstand pain as anyone versed agile gunmen in the use of sniper rifles, computer, talkative, thieves ... like adventure RPG that boasts, Wasteland 2 offers the playable depth required each player to enjoy a unique journey through the wilderness. And it does really well. More in this enhanced edition includes new customization options encompassed in the call system features. Free will The alternatives to solve most of their missions are, as a rule, quite generous with options such as using brute strength, murders, diplomacy or ingenuity. If that ... you can kill everyone if you wish so! But the best thing, however, is that these tasks are always accompanied by a strong background story that has made us enjoy immensely. The starting point may not be the most original of the world, it is not; but such is the strength of his dialogues, and are so clever game situations posed, just for this as worth getting lost in the vast and dangerous wilderness. A giant game environment which can move with amazing freedom while facing dozens of missions against us in the order you want. Obviously, the story set the course of events, but never feel that forces us to follow a path we do not want. And that's one of the greatest virtues of Wasteland 2. Also mapped design their own, full of secret areas and alternative paths only suitable for players on your team have hardened Rangers thousand and one battles. Radioactive feast Another major bases Wasteland 2 is found in its remarkable design scenarios with a wilderness in that really a pleasure to get lost. The variety of locations is noteworthy, as well as the scale of most of these places, which have been favored with using the Unity Engine 5.0 from the previous version used by the original. Best modeled, sharper textures, more elaborate lighting effects ... now everything looks better in a game that makes its setting one of its greatest strengths. Still not a great title in technology, of course, but there are few games that get caught in the visual mode in which you do Wasteland 2. Also its user interface is well suited to consoles, with a few tweaks here and there that make it much easier navigation such as loaded with facts, statistics and game options menus. The letter is too small, go ahead, but you can say openly that inXile Entertainment has emerged victorious from one of the toughest challenges of this adaptation. The other has to do with the control system, which also responds well. And it was not easy. There are many options available to us, many possibilities playable, and few control buttons. Solution? The commitment to a system based on the use of system triggers and radial menus, where you will find all the options at our disposal. Trailer
Platform: PC Available in: Shops and Digital Download / Buy Game Developer: Black Hole Games Distributor: Ubisoft Genre: RPG, turn-based combat (Fantasy) Players: 1-8 (Competitive: Yes, online and local / Cooperative: Yes, online and local) Duration: 60-80 hours (minimum) Language: Texts in Spanish and English voices Released: September 29, 2015 (Pegi: +12) May be that after two decades making war costs a lot more to surprise the usual, but even having enjoyed this Might & Magic Heroes VII, we miss some of that "magic" or special touch that made the first deliveries only series. There are great successes in the work, so go ahead, but also some drawbacks that overshadow the final result. Especially with regard to the pace of the action. It is painfully slow at peak times of the game. And we do not mean merely to wait long to move tab rivals that good, after all it is usual in the genre. But rather extreme restrictions imposed on the po[CENSORED]tion growth in the cities, forcing you to go and spend shifts to complete a week to increase "another little bit more" the number of troops under your command. Also the design of missions, although it is not original, get trap by challenging challenges: completing certain tasks within a limited time, arm themselves before the arrival of a great army, to go in search of treasure, destroy the strongholds of the rival ... shift after shift, game Limbic Entertainment gets what few do, which is hooked to its strategic action without the passing of the hours the least amount. The appeal of the argument, insist, it helps; but above all we are left with the improvement experienced by battles with adding more tactical options. Hedges become more important than in the previous chapter, rewarding those players who can distribute on board his troops, at the same time opposing flank before beating them allow us to cause more damage than usual. The fighting is therefore less static. Move head leveraging the characteristics of each board will be a constant, just as new spells and special abilities of the troops delve into these new tactical options. The downside is that the artificial intelligence of the enemies is not particularly good. In this sense the design of maps is fairly good. They come in all types: large, small, with underground levels, with snowy regions, sand, forested; with lots of alternative roads, mines, treasures, dangerous enemies protecting valuable artifacts ... and all designed with intelligence and strategic move by encouraging the armies fight over certain areas of power that guarantee a high tactical value. Also back are the caravans, with which you can send resources to allies or troops from any of our castles. Although the management of these "business" is not as intuitive as one would expect with such a veteran saga. Neither design menus to control the cities is a show of good taste. They are clear and easy to navigate between them once you've done with the system, but perhaps Limbic Entertainment should have opted for a more artistic style and not as simpleton. Such as having less background beautiful cities, recreated on this occasion with a 2D image with light animations. There will be who does not like but its design is spectacular. No less important are also the extensive customization options of heroes, both in terms of equipment and in regard to their physical attributes, which we will promote through a wheel of skills with nearly 20 categories to improve. Exploration, diplomacy, physical strength, government cities, magical attributes, specialization in certain elements ... in July Heroes are free to make our unique warrior avatar based on our choices. It is true that the system has been removed reputation of its predecessor, but neither is missing when so many options to discover. No wonder, only in matters of sorcery have more than 70 magic spells. That is not bad. The election of the six factions at stake is one of the great successes of the work. Sanctuary, Academy, Necropolis, Silvan, Bastion and Dungeon. Each in its style, is a great pleasure to explore and deepen all the particularities of these armies to regain mythical units without which there would be the same, but also added new ones that work really well. It is difficult to say at this point whether the six armies are perfectly balanced in terms of power, but the feelings are positive about it. We have not found with large imbalances and in the end everything depends on the player and how to exploit the advantages of their faction. There is no shortage neutral units, we find in our travels we can add them to the army if we believe can help us win. Trailer
Platform: PC Available for: Mac Type: Expanding Guild Wars 2 (required) Publisher: NCsoft Genre: RPG, Massively Multiplayer Online, Action RPG, No fees (Fantasy) Players: Massive online (Competitive: Yes / Cooperative: Yes) Duration: 30-40 hours (minimum) Language: Texts in Spanish and English voices Released: October 23, 2015 (Pegi: +12) Domain and Master It has not increased the maximum skill level does not mean that Heart of Thorns there is that sense of progression own adventures role. Yes there is, and in this case by the name of Domains. We have to enhance skills to learn new ways to explore the dangerous jungle Maguuma, in a manner somewhat reminiscent of the typical metroidvania adventures, because without these skills will not be able to continue the game. The most prominent and, why not say it, the most fun of all is the option plan; the skies of some truly spectacular scenery as presented by this expansion. But there are other equally striking as the possibility of using air currents, or jump on mushrooms and giant mushrooms to reach high areas. As we use these skills demonstrate greater skills with them gaining certain advantages that will make us more powerful, but the fact is that the sense of progression in this case is too slow. Horrors takes to increase these skills and without them, we insist, you can not continue the story of Heart of Thorns nor explore some of the best areas of expansion. Another problem is that is not always entirely clear what kind of skills you have to unlock to move forward, which artificially lengthens the duration of the game. Fortunately, once you have unlocked these improvements available to the other characters in our user account. Thank detail. Heart of Thorns also introduces new specializations elite for existing heroes who, needless to say, are spectacular and very effective in combat, but also difficult to achieve. Both ArenaNet has chosen to reduce the experience points needed to unlock them due to criticism from some fans. Not that it seems to us something bad in itself since this expansion is thought to veteran users, but it is true that the difficulty in reaching them felt more like a way to extend the duration of the game deceptively, and not as a way to test the skill and dexterity of the fans. They are of offensiveness, with skills designed to cause all kinds of altered states and further damage; and other more defensive support or grant advantages to the Allies, the option to increase stamina, style and other improvements. Why speak of Returned as one of the most difficult kinds of control? Basically it allows equip two of these spirits so that during the course of the battles we alternate between the use of one or the other skills. So the most experienced players, who perfectly master these new combat techniques, become formidable rivals. And not just because this kind of heroes are inherently more powerful than the rest. Unlike. The balance of power between them is achieved noteworthy. Something always addictive check in PvP, which expand with new maps, one intended for World vs World War that takes advantage of the option plan, and the gameplay Fortaleza, which seeks to recover the spirit of the first Guild Wars. There are not many developments in this facet of the game, which is a shame given how much fun these meetings, but at least we ensure a handful of hours of pure entertainment. Also players with clan can enjoy their own base of operations, which previously have to conquer some troubles. The option to customize this habitat and meet there with friends to tackle new missions is all great pleasure, but also a waste of gold and materials that seems to us somewhat excessive. Trailer
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Platform: PC Available for: Mac Available in: Digital Download Developer: Christopher Bischoff Distributor: Daedalic Entertainment Genre: Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi Players: 1 Duration: 10-12 hours Language: Spanish Texts Released: August 31, 2015 (Pegi: +18) A marvel of another era The approach is classic, though: you you arranged to make a trip to Titan (one of the satellites of Saturn) with your wife and daughter, using the cryogenic chamber to pass the rest of the journey sleeping, but you wake up in a different place in a ship where something terrible seems to be happening. It is difficult to get some points in the history of Stasis, but throughout the game its good twists, surprises and details that puts the developer in not trying to tell the same old story make this one of the graphic adventures classic cut more to consider today. Stasis is an adventure game. Point and click, no less. With its "pixel hunting" and everything to make matters worse. Deceives by its isometric except those who know the great Sanitarium, which is inspired enough, but this adventure will appeal to fans of a good story and the traditional puzzle solving. No Quick-Time Events, go. The puzzles are the most controversial section, so to speak, as in plot and setting the work met, and notes. In general, all puzzles comply with the basic rule of an adventure: not get you out of the story and ask tasks that have nothing to do with her lack of creativity of developers. In short, do not break the line connecting sacred story and gameplay that many adventures and have avoided falling into oblivion. Stasis do not, but that does not mean that at times (and more tracks to give us some newspapers found in PDAs) can come to feel stuck, not knowing exactly what the next step to take. At the end of the course, is not the most important, because usually you'll be able to find the way and move forward. It is perhaps Stasis does best: create a good rhythm between history, puzzle and exploration stage. It also accompanied with moments of tension, where terror is present and takes more importance than ever; to the point even that we can even die. But do not worry, heirs of LucasArts, here death is not punishable by starting loads or dead ends. Stasis death is more a gimmicky resource. A poetic way of saying that you're in a hostile place, without the need to take the player into a corner to mourn. No need. Trailer
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Platform: PC Available for: Xbox One Mac Available in: Digital Download Developer: n-Space Distributor: Digital Extremes Genre: RPG, Action RPG (Fantasy) Players: 1-5 (Competitive: Yes, online / Cooperative: Yes, online) Duration: 30-40 hours (minimum) Language: Texts in Spanish and English voices Released: October 20, 2015 (Pegi: +16) Of good and evil is the thing With a fantasy universe as exciting as the Forgotten Realms, where there are so many good adventures to tell, the truth is that it is hard not to be disappointed with the story told Sword Coast: Legends. Not bad, is not it so, but by the lack of originality that follows virtually from start to finish. Nothing special. Neither the protagonists, nor villains or situations posing ... nothing in the work of n-Space away from the hackneyed struggle between good and evil so often seen in other games of this style. There is mystery, intrigue certain to discover the reasons why our union, the Dawn Ardent, has suddenly become the target of so many righteous. But little does the interest. The script writing is clumsy, very simplistic in most cases, with little worked dialogues they not invite delve too in the life of our allies nor of the other inhabitants of the Sword Coast. Neither the work poses great moral decisions that make you question your actions as we have seen in most recent games; and when it does it is just too simple, too extreme. You're either good or bad you are. No between, those situations you keep for several minutes studying the options available to you. Which, moreover, they are not great ... and almost always focused on the fight. Which brings us to another of the great problems of the work. While we are free to explore the world around us either looking for treasure, overcoming side quests or seeking alternative routes, the fact is that Sword Coast: Legends is an adventure RPG playable too limited in its base. Or fights or struggles. There are a few alternatives in overcoming the challenges. What already is a major disappointment. But if we add a simple combat system with few strategic options, the result is fatal. Intense, yes, because the battles are developed with great ferocity, but lacking the tactical depth that is required of a game like this. The battles feel more like a struggle of resistance. Hit it with everything you have and how you can stand it recharged again while special skills, because "normal bumps" are ineffective. So there is little tactic and a lot "mash buttons". In Sword Coast: Legends there is no limit on the use of certain spells or unique skills, or the strength of the Allies is affected with the passing hours. Take you a potion and you will be healthy as a rock. If it is possible to raise the allies at any time and with any kind of character! What makes this a title too easy. Each in his role, attacking enemies with all they have over the cooperative multiplayer is one of the best excuses to enjoy the game. Too bad there are not more archetypes from which to choose, because these strike us as too little. Namely, paladins, warriors, priests, mages, rogues and scouts; each with multiple pathways to focus their expertise to combat the use of certain weapons or special abilities. Although not many alternatives from which to choose. So ... too bad at this point. Heading heading Beyond the story mode, which it will take us about 40 hours to complete from the beginning Sword Coast: Legends has drawn attention to these editing tools that includes so we can create our own adventures role.As in his day the great Neverwinter Nights! The problem is that options currently available are not very high, so most modules have been limited to pose as the game itself endless fighting and little else. Ease of use of this editor, of course appreciated, but really you are missing more depth. Fortunately, the development team has already made clear that update the program with new options, so there is still reason for hope. Trailer
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Platform: PC Available for: Mac Available in: Digital Download Developer: 5 Lives Studios Distributor: 5 Lives Studios Genre: Strategy, Real Time (Sci-Fi) Players: 1 Duration: 15-20 hours (minimum) Language: English Texts and voices in English Released: August 28, 2015 Satellite Reign grabs you from the beginning, as if the concept proves novel. The reality is that it took so little to its mechanical are fresh. There is great freedom to choose how we want to approach each mission, and it is this free will that makes the work of 5 Live Studios a great experience. Want to infiltrate a unit to hack the camera system of the district? You can do it, using stealth and piracy. You want to come through the front door with all units and artillery that you have? There's nothing stopping you. The isometric perspective with a fixed camera facilitates the raid. The strategy takes place before putting it into practice, but you can adapt as you go along each mission. Your unit consists of four soldiers (which can sometimes add a clone) each specializing in one area. The soldier, expert in weapons and combat; support, perfect for analyzing our surroundings and find weaknesses or citizens who bribe; The hacker, hacking indispensable to any device; and sniper good bet that could be key to the battle. Satellite Reign never tells you how you should carry out the mission, only asks you to pay. No bonus for doing it in stealth or feel that you're doing it wrong if you choose the more violent option. All that matters is results. Of course, as our units and our economy are improving, we can get implants and weapons more focused on either side. Your city is, in fact, so large and complex that could even treat open world. You can perform certain tasks such as hack ATMs or activate new checkpoints to move faster while you move around the map peacefully, avoiding at all times of the police and drones lurking. All to prepare your next shot. The possibilities are varied enough to objectives which, basically, are less so. Always have to sneak in a complex where sabotage and decimate get more control of the mega-corporation that dominates everything. Yet it is not as repetitive as it seems thanks to this sense of constant progression. Not only in your units, but also in small achievements and side quests that you can facilitate the task, getting better resources, weapons or surveillance of a district is less. Technically also behaves Satellite Reign solid form without many frills. Perhaps his palette mix too many bright colors creating a pastiche difficult to identify, but it does clearly inspired by the neon cyberpunk in which anything goes. The sound is not as an excuse, with little effect, but did not bother much as a "soundtrack" too tiresome and repetitive that it almost can deactivate if you play long hours. Trailer
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Platform: PC Available in: digital / Translation Book Download for only € 49.95 Developer: Blue Byte Distributor: Ubisoft Genre: Strategy, Real Time (Sci-Fi) Players: 1 Duration: 15-20 hours (minimum) Language: Texts in Spanish and English voices Released: November 3, 2015 (Pegi: +16) Which it is not easy considering the huge variety of products and raw materials have to generate to bring happiness to those citizens of the [CENSORED]ure world. You threw our less these headaches? As Anno 2205 is the game you were looking for. Because it is downright fun, demanding to some extent in the challenges, and really spectacular when it comes to what you feel is the head of thousands of people who depend entirely on you; your ability to manage resources without sink into poverty. That sometimes happens. And more in a title like this where we should be concerned not only a city alone, as had been the case so far, but three completely different regions will progress only sharing resources with each other. Expanding borders "Do nothing changes," many will think nothing more start the game Anno 2205. And it is true, to some extent. Because while the gameplay is exactly the same basis that has delighted us during the last fifteen years, little soon discover that the new Blue Byte is more ambitious than any other installment of the franchise. In particular when we are entrusted go to the Arctic to establish there a kind of city of scientists, who will be responsible for supplying our other big business with raw materials and products unique in its kind. That is all? Nope. For another couple of hours later, once enough have prospered and improved certain infrastructures, we will get to the moon to found there also another city, in this case a space colony, which also obtain resources and other impossible objects acquire otherwise. So there will be three large plots on which act simultaneously managing resources so that never miss anything any of our citizens. And it's not easy. The three regions should work with the precision of a Swiss watch; otherwise the minimum cut in the supply of a product could scupper work hours, as it would affect several industries at once. Detail because although we love the pressure is very large, so is the satisfaction of seeing three completely different cities each other in unison progressing step by step, enhancing our skills as managers. Also surprised by the huge variety of materials and objects to produce, to the point of seeming at times that will never end action. Not so, of course, but they will be at least 15 hours before you have completed all phases of expansion to the Moon; and even then you have to overcome some headaches. Anno 2205 because there is always room for improvement, to continue growing with taking new territories also will get special benefits like extra energy supply, or the acquisition of new decorative elements that embellish the cities of the tropics. Trailer
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Platform: PC Available for: Mac PS4 Xbox One Available in: Digital Download Developer: Larian Studios Distributor: Focus Home Interactive Genre: RPG, Action RPG (Fantasy) Players: 1-4 (Cooperative: Yes) (2 in story mode) Duration: 60-80 hours (minimum) Language: Texts in Spanish and English voices Released: October 27, 2015 (Pegi: +16) Freedom above all things When we talk about Divinity: Original Sin as an adventure RPG old school we do not fulfill that stay nice as tagline. If anything characterizes this work is the brutal freedom of action which gives us to act as we please in the fantasy world of Rivellon, however absurd that may sound our ideas. Are you going to massacre innocent that without rhyme or reason? Steal? ¿Intimidate or bamboozle people to tell you what you want to hear? Go ahead. Do not be corteis. Act as you please because nothing and no one will prevent it. We are facing a surprisingly ambitious game that already from early on, when I proposed to give life to the two main heroes who iniciarás the game, flying proudly the flag of absolute freedom for each player, depending on your preferences, type with fire and blood his own story. And it is not an exaggeration. In Divinity: Original Sin to the smallest detail is taken into account in resolving the relentless challenges posed by this adventure RPG in which the vast majority of missions can be overcome in many different ways. It all depends on the skills of our adventurers who specialize after one of the twelve archetypes available as standard options as warriors, mages, rogues, clerics or archers among others; They evolve and develop their offensive power on three different routes personalization: attributes that determine their strength, dexterity, intelligence, and others; skills that will give us access to more and better options for specialization (bonuses for using certain types of weapons, defense equipment, magic schools, etc.); and talents, which are frankly a number of attractive advantages that will allow us, for example, talk to animals, enhance our ability to move with stealth and even have a "second chance" in case of receiving a thrust by mortal enemies. the options are quite high. Therefore, we can start the game with a pure warrior versed in the use of a certain type of weapons like two-handed swords, and later take the path of magic apart from what we already know can also use a couple very specific spells. Everything depends on you, on how you please face the game.It will be a alternative! Because I mentioned above should also add about 200 spells and special abilities that can learn along the adventure ... as long as we buy or collect along the way precious books that contain within these new powers. But I say, unlike the original, this new edition of Divinity: Original Sin includes a handful of tutorials that help you better understand its intricacies. Trailer
Platform: PC Available for: Xbox One PS4 Available in: Digital Download Developer: Fatshark Distributor: Fatshark Genre: Action, First Person Shooters (FPS) (Fantasy) Players: 1-4 (Cooperative: 2-4 online) Duration: 10-15 hours (minimum) Language: Texts in Spanish and English voices Released: October 23, 2015 Warhorns roar. Are getting closer. You can hear it. And they come in droves. Hundreds and hundreds of male rat with one goal: to kill us. Ending our life and that of all those who cross his path. They are a deadly plague. A tidal wave of death and destruction that has swept in one night Ubersreik City, and now craves extend its evil throughout the Empire. But there you are. Face to face with the implacable mass of monstrous creatures embodied by the Skaven. You and three other heroes. Your allies. The only ones that you can and should trust this brutal adventure cooperative action if something does well is precisely generate such a feeling of helplessness before the rival army, which sometimes run without looking back may be the best solution. They are coming! Four heroes against dozens. Hundreds.Thousands of enemies! Or to know. We have not stopped to count the Skaven we have exterminated during the game. Many. Definitely. But that will not fool the frenzy of the visceral action nor the bloody melee in which we wrapped. Vermintide is primarily a team game. Yes, it sounds obvious at this point in the film but not as much as imagine. Because there are few titles that encourage such cooperative action as iron, and fewer still so harshly punish the individuals.Leaving the training involves death! Without exaggerating.. Not only because of the massive presence of rat men, who at any time can corner us and end our life with astonishing ease, but rather by those special units in the line of Left 4 Dead, assail us leaving us completely differently helpless unless we have the support of allies. This is the case of the murderers, who pounce on us to acuchillarnos; or the Lords of the Beasts, which cast the tie and drag us into their domains, away from the protection of other players. The presence of these creatures gives the heaviest variety, because although the purpose of the mission does not change, it does the position of the enemy and the frequency with which they besiege us in the form of waves. Which is a big plus replayed facing each of the 13 levels that make the adventure, although it is true that ultimately you are missing a greater variety of enemies; more different creatures that force you to radically change your combat strategy, as for example with the fearsome Rat Ogre by -suele be a mission-, which are clearly the most dangerous creatures of the game for strength and ability to generate damage. To face any of these creatures might think Vermintide is not too complex machacabotones in action. And it is true. His battle system is not deep to say, but not too much simpler: we fast, upload, the option to push the enemy attacks, block their attacks, dodge, different response times and range depending on the weapon that empuñemos ... in addition to several ranged weapons like pistols, muskets, crossbows or bows that complement each other perfectly. We can also use grenades and firebombs, which is well used can wreak havoc among enemy ranks Pity not abunden-; and potions of strength and speed, two separate attributes that will enhance our hero making a fearsome warrior if possible. And speaking of the hero. A grotesque sight to see. That's another. The great stage of this game that admirably portrays the dark world of Warhammer. Both savagery and visceral action, it almost seems that the blood splatter enemies ourselves, as by the design of scenarios, surprising for its variety and the very structure of the levels. There is much to explore, so much to see and many well used areas can become the best bulwark against waves of enemies. And this shows a great work by Fatshark, which mines gold in many of the battlefields in which we are immersed. Especially those who have to defend a position, or collect certain objects like food or gunpowder to the constant lookout for the Skaven. Trailer
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Hitler was a great leader, the release of fund to Germany after the First World War. Germany was devastated after the first war. came Hitler and almost takes over Europe : )) . About Genocide was evil.
Platform: PC Also for: PS4 Available in: Digital Download Developer: Psyonix Distributor: Psyonix Genre: Driving, Arcade, Football (Sci-Fi) Players: 1-8 (Competitive 8 online / Cooperative: 4 local) Duration: Priceless Language: Texts in Spanish and English voices Released: July 7, 2015 Balls [CENSORED]ure Everything can seem very complicated but the key lies precisely in its simplicity. The movement is maximum and total freedom of action, at the wheel of our car can rotate at high speed, jumping, or even use the turbo blow to rivals in spectacular collisions. The concept of management is totally arcade, so the movements are not restricted by anything and can even scale the sands vertically if necessary. Rocket League is based on a concept totally exaggerated physics that has nothing to do with real life, so the whole movement of the cars is absurd but also fits logically into the concept of fantasy where speed and stop action is most important. In fact the ball is more like a beach ball one football, so everything goes in the direction of the pure and simple fun. The ball itself as the central point in any football game and at each end of the field there is a goal, so that the operation is the standard for a game of this type. But instead of players are no cars, which start at full speed toward the ball when the game begins and so unleash chaos that only stops when one of the two teams mark. The stage is full of details like the walls on which we can we move, the fact that the corners are curved so that our speed is not interrupted at any time or are scattered turbos on the lawn, which accumulate as they pass over them, and that can give us that extra speed we will need many times to finish making the difference between a win and a loss. They are encounters five minutes, but we have the ability to play off-line in exhibitions and tournaments against the computer (actually fill the items if a player is disconnected for not unbalance teams), the best choice as always in these casesIt is to do it through the Internet in rapid games, only alternative online. During these meetings we are rewarded for almost everything we do. We receive points for the kick, clearance by sticks, by centering a makeshift ball after area, to blow an opponent who was going to score ... Of course the most important thing is to introduce the ball into the goal without But it is encouraging that even defensive duties have their reward. Also there is a very interesting component of release, and that scores wins and getting things going release: as an extra vehicles and other additives to customize our fireball. Also we can enter the garage to customize your car by changing its paint, wheels, antenna, type of rocket footprint and adding details often absurd but always friendly, for example, caps. All are, yes, purely cosmetic and do not affect the balance of the car, so they have to do only with our interest to give it a distinctive touch to your machine. In fact, the game has that friendly and colorful in modeling these touch within a graphical section without fanfare but fulfilling, so everything is at the service of our pure and simple fun. The total of "circuits" in which competing is seven arenas, although two of them are identical with small changes such as the weather can be sunny, stormy or day and night. Trailer
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