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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/2024 in all areas

  1. I have spoken with latiff and loco, let this be a warn to both players, no sort of INSULT will be tolerated here. If you have problems with each other, kill each other in game and take your frustations out., no sort of verbal abuse or provocations will be tolerated. Special care on your side @ABDELLATIF, as you are an admin, you need to ignore simple provocations and set a better example. T/C
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. ¤ Your Name: ALDKRORY ¤ Accused Admin: Zu. ¤ Time And Date: A few minutes ago - 7-26-2024 ¤ Reason Of The Report: I was accused of something I did not do and was punished for no reason ¤ Proof: Attached video https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZCMq4qViGXAKCGIJsJNmkGHALR2arnrg/view?usp=sharing
    1 point
  4. #SOLVED! @Zu.28 : Next time be careful when using your commands. @aldkrory : Sorry for that . T/C
    1 point
  5. my bad . i think he forced another player to open lm and i saw he shoot lm , but i m wrong sorry
    1 point
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