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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/07/2024 in all areas

  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. 4 points
  3. 3 points
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  5. 2 points
  6. مؤامرة دوليه وتحالف عالمي واسلامي وعربي وحتى فلسطيني. . بارجات صواريخ طائرات دبابات واضخم وسائل أعلام في العالم بمختلف اللغات . كل هذا !! من اجل قتل هؤلاء المساكين بردا وجوعا وتشريد فزعا وفجعا خوفا وحزن قصفا وقنص . !!!! لعنة الله على الظالمين وعلى من خان وباع واشتراء لعنة الله على الكاذبين المنافقين لعنة الله على المتخاذلين لعنة الله على المغالطين لعنة الله على كل مجادل مع الباطل لعنة الله على كل مناصر لظالم لعنة الله على كل من يستحق
    2 points
  7. name: TreY time: now site: gt.rs proof: Transaction info Transaction ID: GTC-TXN-2e9b2fa9c84473a599904f672aaa69b0 Amount: 10 GTC Sent by: mustu_52 Sent from account: GTC-232014-12 Transaction description: Boosted Boost information Nick: mustu_52 Message time: 2024-05-07 13:03:22 Boosted server: NewLifeZm.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague OutStanding]
    2 points
  8. 2 points
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  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. you were in server in good and bad times even when we was empty am talking about loyalty in here , you deserve to be a manager with us . Pro
    2 points
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  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  14. @XZoro™ @Aronus @Mr.Ares @Wolf.17
    1 point
  15. Your Name: momone ¤ Accused Admin: The Snik ¤ Time And Date: 05/05/2024 ¤ Reason Of The Report:This admin curses a lot and insults the admins, and I warned him, but he did not care. I have proof of this. Note: I do not want his admin to be removed, but I want him to stop this behavior.. ¤ Proof: Algeria Laugh https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1235982764868632596/1236767802581319781/IMG20240505205019.jpg?ex=663b2f86&is=6639de06&hm=d27ffc96977a1f06264441a57750dce9652a1b7843ef8f50e261814db631fe98& He insulted admin hadi dz With no reason
    1 point
  16. Nickname:Otman Age:20 Link with your forum profile: https://csblackdevil.com/forums/profile/68840-otman/ How much time do you spend on our channel ts every day?: - Where do you want to moderate? Check this topic: journalists section How much time you can be active on the Journalists Channel?:- Link with your last request to join in our Team:first Last 5 topics that you made on our section:made 3
    1 point
  17. Hello Othman, I honestly don't see a reason why would I give you my upvote, except that you are experienced in our community. However, your activity is pretty bad to request for journalist right now. Not just you did not mention your last topics, you don't even have 5, which as you see it is one of the rules to request journalist. Nevertheless, I know you are a good active member, and we need such members like yourself. So I'll suggest to keep you in pending. Good luck though!
    1 point
  18. pro good activity and you seem passionate to become a admin. I agree on a 1 week test base.
    1 point
  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  20. Pro Staff need member and good activty Good luck
    1 point
  21. Nickname: Scarleth Video author: Rubius Z Name of the game: Minecraft Link video: Rate this video 1-10: 9
    1 point
  22. same as before you always have good activity, always kind, always humble, and you have a good behavior. for me i am so proud to knowing you momone, also server proud have staff like you. from me definitely PRO and deserved !! note : always keep your good nature and always keep your activity on server my brother ! good luck.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Felicidades por tu trabajo y PACIENCIA, buena suerte! 🍀
    1 point
  27. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  28. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  29. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  30. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  31. Hello, you can post here you're best score from ZM server. ¤ Name: ¤ Date & time: ¤ Screenshoot:
    1 point
  32. Name : Gabriel (AK 47) date Time : 2/5/2024
    1 point
  33. zm_ice_attack2 zm_ice_attack3 zm_ice_Attack3 zm_dust_winter zm_foda zm_2010 zm_gbox5 zm_gbox6 zm_gbox7 zm_deko2 zm_2012_final zm_2012 zm_2day zm_303 zm_3rooms zm_adytzasfantu zm_area44 zm_ark_snowbase_v1 zm_army zm_assault_d3 zm_assault_shadow zm_aztec_temple zm_azteka zm_battle_ground3 zm_battleground_foda zm_biohazard_base_mx zm_biohazard_christmas_new zm_black zm_blackdevil zm_bodiez2d zm_BomBoX zm_canabys_glass2 zm_canabys_snow zm_canabys zm_castles zm_chatovica zm_chatoyant zm_cpl_mill_kamp zm_cross_fixed zm_cross. zm_csdevils zm_defense zm_deko_csf zm_deko2_zg_v2 zm_ds_army_new zm_dust_attack4 zm_dust_kamp zm_dust_winter_beta zm_dust_winter zm_dust_world zm_dust2 zm_dust2build_click21 zm_dusted_foda zm_dusts_fix zm_dusts zm_dustx3 zm_dusty_camp zm_effect_evil zm_effect zm_egypt_v3 zm_electro_winter zm_evil_dustnight zm_evil-dust zm_evil-ice_attack zm_evil-ice_attack2 zm_evil-snow zm_extend zm_fa_world zm_farra zm_five zm_foda_v2 Zm_foda_v2 Zm_foda_V2 Zm_foda zm_foda2013 zm_fortuna_rmx zm_fortuna zm_fox_v2 zm_fox_v3 zm_fox zm_franqeeto_final zm_frosty_f2 zm_frozen_hell_mini zm_funzone2 zm_garden zm_gbox zm_glass_attack6 zm_goblin zm_grass_attack4 zm_greenhill zm_hard-mode zm_hipforestal zm_houses zm_ibero zm_ice_attack_vip zm_ice_attack zm_ice_attack5 zm_ice_devil2 zm_ice_house zm_ice_vk zm_infantry_bns zm_infantry zm_infect_click21 zm_inferno_beta3 zm_inferno_small_fix zm_inferno zm_israel
    1 point
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