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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2024 in all areas

  1. Experienced and old school designers if they return will be returned to the rank co-leader and will have a trial for 1-2 weeks, depending on the activity. Leaders will be those who have been with us for a long time with experience and confidence, as a guarantee of their work they will receive a Moderator in the forum as a reward for their effort and their work as a designer in the community. If the leader and the moderator have inactivity for 3-4 days, they will be removed directly. It will not be necessary if you have another project, design activity will be enough for your future Moderator. Idea: That the community is very active in requesting avatars and that they learn to be professional community designers. Authorized by the owner of the community @S e u o n g.
    6 points
  2. 4 points
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  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  5. The user unknown4graphics. got warned on 01/04/2024 11:59 PM by FNX Magokiler. Reason: Use of abusive or inappropriate language Note for member: Topic considered: Warn issued via profile. Punishment: Points: 5 (will expire on 01/14/2024 11:59 PM) - Restrict from posting content: : Until 01/05/2024 11:59 PM PLEASE READ THE RULES TO AVOID PUNISHMENT!
    2 points
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  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. Binds Para Artículos Con ammo Primera Página: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 1" // Vision Nocturna bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 2" // Granada De Explosión bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 3" // Granada de fuego bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 4" // Granada Helada bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 5" // Granada asesina bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 6" // Francotirador AWP Magnum bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 7" // M249 Para Machinegun Segunda Pagina: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // Francotirador Automático SG550 bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // Francotirador Automático G3SG1 bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" // Jetpack + Bazuca bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Clip Ilimitado bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" // 100 - Armadura bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" // 200 - Armadura bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 7" // Multisalto +1 Tercera Página: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // Tryder bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // Murciélago bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" / /Ballesta bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Balrog bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" // Escopeta Recortada bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" // XM1014 (Oro) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 7" // M4A1 (Oro) Cuarta Página bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // AK-47 (Oro) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // Águila Del Desierto (Oro) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" // Survivor bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Sniper bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" // Nemesis bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" // Assassin Binds para artículos con puntos Primera Página: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 1" // Doble Daño bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 2" // Ranura Del Servidor (Deshabilitada) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 3" // Habilidades de Sonic bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 4" // 100 Ammo bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 5" // 200 Ammo bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 6" // 300 Ammo bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 7" // Modo Dios Segunda Pagina: bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 1" // Ronda Armageddon bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 2" // Bombardier bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 3" // Hybrid bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 4" // Terminator bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 5" // Samurai bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 6" // AK-47 (Diamante) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 9;menuselect 7" // Reaparecer Binds Para Zombies bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 1" // Antídoto bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 2" // Locura Zombi bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 3" // Bomba De Infección bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 2;menuselect 4" // Parpadeo Del Cuchillo Binds para Vips bind "KEY" "say /vm;menuselect 1" // M4A1 Glaciar bind "KEY" "say /vm;menuselect 2" // Reptile bind "KEY" "say /vm;menuselect 3" // Magnum Maestro Si Estás Muerto Y Un Zombi, Todavía Puedes Comprar Estos Artículos bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 1" // Ranura Del Servidor (Deshabilitada) bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 2" // 100 Municiones - Paquetes bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 3" // 200 Munición - Paquetes bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 4" // 300 Munición - Paquetes bind "KEY" "jointeam;menuselect 4;menuselect 5" // Reaparecer Enlace Para LM bind "KEY" "say /lm" bind "KEY" "plant_mine" bind "KEY" "take_mine" Binds Para Administradores bind "KEY" "say @[Zombie's Go Attack Or 3x Slap -> 1x Freeze -> 1x Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Shoot Other Player's LM Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Place LM On AFK Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Ask For Ammo/Mod/Jetpack/Points Or Gag (6 - 12) Minutes!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Buy Any Mod Before The 4TH Round Has Started!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Block Other Player's Or Direct Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Zombie's Go Out Of Water Or Direct Freeze!]" bind "KEY" "say @[Do Not Go On The Top Of The Map Or 3x Slap -> 1x Slay!]" bind "KEY" "say [You Want To Have A Tag Or Admin? Join Discord! = https://discord.gg/K6Xs7xQMej]" Hola queridos administradores y jugadores de NewLifeZM. Recientemente, recibimos muchos jugadores y personal nuevos, miembros y con esa cantidad de AFK, eso puede llevar a que el servidor sea prohibido, así que lo que te pido que hagas es un enlace simple que te permita atacar y moverte automáticamente, habilítalo cuando Te vas a AFK y puedes desactivarlo cuando quieras volver a jugar. Binds para estar AFK Habilitar el enlace: bind "/" ";+attack ;+forward ;+left" Deshabilitar el enlace: bind "." ";-attack ;-forward ;-left" Información Nota para los jugadores: Cualquier persona que permanezca AFK demasiado tiempo sin usar esos enlaces será expulsado del servidor. Nota para administradores: es obligatorio utilizar Bind, de lo contrario podría provocar su eliminación.
    2 points
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  10. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  11. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  12. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  13. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  14. @Dark @-Sn!PeR- @MehrezVM @Inmortal™
    1 point
  15. everything resolved, now I can put an end to myself!
    1 point
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  17. السلام عليكم اخي انت تعمل طلب على رتبة Devil Harmony انت تعرف كيف تحصلها وتعرف شو هي؟ ولا بس تعمل طلب عشان تحصل؟ اذا تحب تحصل قول انا اعلمك ما يصير تعمل كل شوي طلب وتنرفض راح يعطوك باند
    1 point
  18. It is one thing for your friends to say something to you, it is another thing for a stranger to say something bad about you.
    1 point
  19. @Joosh. como esta todo como te cojio el año parado o sentado jajajajjaja
    1 point
  20. smito csblackdevil w bnadem kayposti l3fasi w sa7i7 lbokhari wli 3rbi f north africa irj3 lblado hhhhh
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. :v I quit, I can't handle Magokiller's photo, what an ugly thing xd
    1 point
  23. Make the Request again in 3 days.
    1 point
  24. 1 point
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  27. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
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