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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/2023 in all areas

  1. A good player, respectful style, respectful of the rules, acceptable activity I will give you pro Good luck!
    2 points
  2. Nick : @Palestine. Old grade : Founder New grade : Legend Reason : Retirement
    1 point
  3. your activity very low you must play 30 hours Contra ! #Come Next Weak with Good Activity Good Luck !
    1 point
  4. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  5. I give you a pro, read the rules well and try to respect them. avoid problems.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Good activity, respects rules. I see you pushing other players to respect the rules as well and thats good. Pro for administrator.
    1 point
  8. good activity, you are still something new on the server, but I will give you a chance at least as an administrator PRO.
    1 point
  9. Admin Commands zp_points zp_bombardier zp_reptile zp_hybrid zp_samurai zp_terminator zp_maestro zp_sonic zp_biohazard zp_massacre zp_gift amx_immuneoff amx_immuneon zp_eclipse zp_sniper zp_survivor zp_assassin zp_nemesis zp_giveap zp_allammo zp_jetpack zp_jettoall amx_addfake amx_map amx_reloadadmins amx_reloadvips amx_eliminate amx_blacklist zp_plague zp_lnj zp_nightmare amx_destroy zp_swarm zp_avs zp_multi zp_human zp_respawn zp_zombie same as Administrator amx_kick amx_gag amx_ungag amx_addban amx_banip amx_freeze amx_unfreeze amx_psay amx_votemap amx_last amx_showip amx_t amx_ct amx_spec amx_slap amx_slay amx_nick amx_unban y@ Edited By @7aMoDi
    1 point
  10. Nick : @-Artisan Old grade : Founder New grade : Legend Reason : Retirement
    0 points
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