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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/2016 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. Name of the oponent:Nadeem Vs Stay-high Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece):Render Size:400x200 *Text:Render Watermark:csbd............ Working time:12h
    1 point
  3. In Windows there are certain programs that are configured as the default one to use for certain tasks. Windows will then use these default programs when a person performs a particular action in Windows. For example, even if you have multiple web browsers installed in Windows, only one will be configured as the default. This default web browser will then be used whenever you perform a particular task in Windows that relates to web browsing such as clicking on links in emails or opening up HTML documents. This tutorial will walk you through configuring your default programs in Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. Though this tutorial will not cover setting your default programs in Windows XP, the concepts are the same. To configure your default programs in Windows Vista and Windows 7, you can click on the Start button and type Set default programs. When the Set your default programs search result appears, please click on it. In Windows 8, type Set default programs from the Start Screen and then click on the Settings category. Then click on the Set your default programs search result. You should now see the Set Default Programs control panel screen. On this screen you will see a list of all the installed programs that can be configured as a default in Windows. Each program is configured to be able to handle certain default actions in Windows. When you select a particular program to be the default one for its type of program, you can either configure it to be the default for all related tasks or you can specify the specific items that you wish it to be the default. The easiest way to select a program to be the default one for all related actions is to just click on the program name and then click on the Set this program as default button. For example, if Internet Explorer is currently configured as the default browser and we wish Chrome to become the default, we would click on the Google Chrome entry and then click on the Set this program as default button. All of the default actions that are related to web browsers will then be assigned to Google Chrome and Internet Explorer would no longer be used. It is also possible to specify that a particular program will only be the default for certain actions. To pick and choose what actions you wish a particular program to be the default for you can click on a program and then click on the Choose defaults for this program button. This allows you to fine-tune exactly which programs you want to use for certain tasks. For example, if Internet Explorer is set to be your default browser, but you want Google Chrome to be used to open any locally saved HTML files, you would single click on the Google Chrome entry so it is highlighted and then select Choose defaults for this program. You will now be at the Set associations for a program screen. On this screen you can select the specific actions that you wish this program be set to the default. As we want to make Google Chrome the default for opening .html documents, we would put a check mark next to the .htm and .html extensions and then press the Save button. Now Internet Explorer will still be configured as the default web browser, but when you double-click on a .html or .htm file, Google Chrome will open them instead. As you can see, having the ability to customize what programs are the default for a particular action, or for all related actions, allows you to fine-tune exactly how you wish your programs to interact with Windows. This allows you to choose the programs that are best suited for your particular tasks or needs.
    1 point
  4. What successful people have more than us? Optimistic, sensitive, and are simple to create relationships with others. And although in large measure, is something innate optimism, yet we can learn to see the glass half-full! But you also have incurred these six qualities that make people all to himself? They think shpejt- to have excellent interlocutor Karizma- withdrawal of some people that makes others to përulen- is a significant characteristic of a glamorous man, and a recent study shows that charisma is closely related to the ability to think quickly. Researchers from the University of Queensland have discovered faster than anyone, have the thinking, the more desirable is it from others. They call confidence! When someone feels good with what is, and is easier to take leadership roles and to gain the respect of others. It does not mean you should take the attitude of pispilluqi to reflect confidence. Just do not compare yourself with others, because if you do, you start to feel inferior and distracted from yourself. They are always yourself It is their authenticity and ability to stay faithful yourself, what makes so happy. A search of the University of Pennsylvania shows that being himself, also helps to be healthy! If you are unclear about who you are and the stands themselves, feel more satisfied with life and the world, which improves the well-being! They speak fluently Even if you do not know what they are talking, they take themselves all the elegance in every conversation. Speakers wise have the ability to motivate others and to encourage them feeling good, as faith. This is a skill that have generally presidents, who have always the right answer to every question, even according to a Harvard study. They have a lot of humor If you make people laugh, it makes them feel better. Humour is an excellent icebreaker, which also shows more understanding. If you have a smart humor, meaning that you have multiple mental abilities.
    1 point
  5. Hello, 1. The section F.A.Q is only for support related to this Community (servers, offers web hosting, organizing or events etc...). 2. From now on IT Problems is Need Support section, if you need support you can make a topic there. Good Luck & Have Fun T/C
    1 point
  6. Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) are listed Stranger of Sword City, from NIS America, for PC. NIS America PlayStation Vita version distributor, retail and digital formats, with a release date of March 22 in US and March 25 in Europe. Experience will be the distributor of the game on Xbox One, which will arrive in digital format on 22 March in the United States. In December, Stranger of Sword City appear in a list informal with lots of games that will arrive on Steam.
    1 point
  7. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  8. ø Method of contact (Y!m / Skype):Teamspeak3 / Channel Server Mangement ø Item(s) on sale: http://steamcommunity.com/id/oncetimedead/ ø Price of the product(s):25 keys csgo OR [ 54 $ ] ø Product photo(s):all u can find here : http://steamcommunity.com/id/oncetimedead/ ø Payment method:Through Easiy paiesa , skrill, paypal nowadays blocked , use wastrn union, or bank transfer ! ø Other specifications: Account i'create two years ago . Steam level 30 Games 71 Inventry + Wallet 1 $ NOTE: if you are not interested dont try to even post... ! you has the keys 25 or u got money 54 $ then reply others offers idont need keep it in mind
    1 point


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