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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/26/2015 in all areas
8 points
Activision and Treyarch studio released a new trailer for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 dedicated to launching the game will take place in two weeks. This time we have the trailer made entirely of gameplay sequences. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will focus on three main modes of play: campaign proper, which will be tackled in cooperative multiplayer (only PS4, Xbox One and PC, will miss versions for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360) competitive multiplayer component; and how zombies, called Shadows of Evil, whose action takes place in the early 40s. They are joined Free Run - a game in which different routes be taken against time travel using the skills of Treyarch designed specifically for this game. Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 will launch on November 6, 2015, in versions for Playstation 4, Xbox One, PC (made by Treyarch), PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 (produced by Beenox Studios and Mercenary Technology).8 points
v2 - Border, Brush. PS: Totally great!8 points
8 points
Publisher-ul Bigben Interactive îşi va uni forţele cu studioul Frogwares pentru un nou joc al seriei Sherlock Holmes. Este vorba despre Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter, descris de producători drept un thriller poliţist ce-şi va face apariţia în primăvara anului viitor. The Devil's Daughter va fi cel de-al optulea joc al seriei ce-l are în prim plan pe celebrul detectiv al lui Sir Arthur Conan Doyle şi primul realizat în exclusivitate pentru consolele de generaţie nouă şi PC. Cu această ocazie, echipa de la Frogwares promite un mediu de joc open world, în care Sherlock Holmes va fi nevoit sa solutioneze nu mai puţin de cinci cazuri. Nu vor lipsi nici secvenţele de acţiune, şi nici elementele oculte. Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter va fi prezentat în premieră la Paris Games Week (eveniment ce se va desfăşura în perioada 28 octombrie – 1 noiembrie în capitala Franţei), jocul fiind aşteptat pe PlayStation 4, Xbox One şi PC în primăvara lui 2016. Other Images: Click! & Click!7 points
Fanii seriei Back To The [CENSORED]ure ştiu că data de azi, 21 octombrie 2015, este ziua în care Marty McFly şi doctorul Emmett Brown au ajuns “în viitor”, cu ajutorul faimoasei maşini a timpului pe roţi. Evident, ocazia nu a fost ratată, Universal Studios alegând această zi pentru lansarea boxset-ului Back to the [CENSORED]ure 30th Anniversary Trilogy, care, pe lângă cele trei filme, oferă numeroase bonusuri, inclusiv documentare dedicate procesului de realizare a celor trei pelicule. De asemena, Telltale Games a relansat jocul Back To The [CENSORED]ure într-o ediţie adăugita 30th Anniversary, care include interviuri cu Bob Gale, producătorul şi coscenaristul trilogiei de filme Back To The [CENSORED]ure, actorul Tom Wilson (Biff Tannen în film şi joc), membri ai echipei Telltale Games, precum şi cu AJ LoCascio, vocea lui Marty McFly din joc. Cu această ocazie, nici fanii Back To The [CENSORED]ure pasionaţi de Grand Theft Auto V nu au stat cu mâinile în sân, realizând o replica fidelă a uneia dintre scenele faimoase ale filmului cu ajutorul editorului inclus de Rockstar Games în joc. O puteţi urmări în clipul de mai jos.7 points
Ne-am obişnuit ca precomenzile pentru anumite jocuri să fie însoţite de tot felul de bonusuri. Mai puţin obişnuite pentru ţara noastră sunt bonusurile oferite de precomenzile realizate la un magazin anume, acestea nefiind disponibile la concurenţă. Un astfel de exemplu este Apex Predator Preorder Pack pentru Rise of The Tomb Raider, promis pentru precomenzile realizate în lanţul de magazine GameStop de peste ocean. Apex Predator Preorder Pack include o costumaţie specială pentru Lara Croft, o armă exclusivă (Venom Hand Cannon), precum şi Holy Fire Card Pack, un set de abilităţi… trăznite. În trailer-ul de mai jos puteţi observa punerea în practică a acestor abilităţi, dintre care nu lipseşte… găina explozivă. Rise of The Tomb Raider va avea două medii de joc open world, dintre care unul va fi Siberia, iar producătorii promitpuzzle-uri mult mai numeroase şi complexe decât în titlul anterior. Eroina Lara Croft va fi capabilă să urce în copaci, să înoate, să se ascundă în vegetaţie, să mânuiască mai multe arme de acelaşi tip sau să-şi facă pierdută urma dacă a fost deja detectată de inamici. Rise of The Tomb Raider va fi lansat, pentru Xbox One şi Xbox 360, pe 10 noiembrie 2015. Versiunea pentru PC va fi lansată în prima parte a anului 2016 (în variante pentru Windows 10 şi pentru Steam), în timp ce Rise of The Tomb Raider pentru PlayStation 4 este programat pentru sezonul sărbătorilor de iarnă din 2016.6 points
Hello my family , i just want to say some things , from now I will leave CSBD , i no longer have the time that I had and it is time to dedicate myself to work and study. It hurts a lot to do this but there's no turning back now, only i want to thank you all for having me in this community and to pass myself off good times. I would like to thank you GFX Designers fo all and thank you for accepted me on your team , you are the best . Of course I can't leave without saying goodbye to my family of zmoldschool , thank you for everything, you are my second family, the best server of all the times of csbd , I know that very soon we will return to what we were before i promise , thanks raziel , Gerardo , Lexman , Dangerous , enginer , Unknown for all your support, you have all my respect , thanks my family , See you later Giovanny.5 points
Good bye ! Good luck for you'r [CENSORED]ure mate ! Take care of you'r self - Study more ( Keep it Up (y) )5 points
Bye Dude We Really Miss you Enjoy your life Be Happy and come back again with rock in CsBlackDevil Family Good luck P.S: We Really Miss You Dude , We All Staff/members Hope That you Will Come Back Soon... :)3 points
Well there isn't really a need to open a topic for this. You could have sent a report or contact a staff member, don't you think? Besides, your topic isn't very understandable. My conclusions: You are telling people that you didn't post those replies and that someone else did. WELL Don't share your private informations again and change your PASSWORD. Topic closed.2 points
2 points
The development of Primal Carnage: Extinction is strange in the sense that it has seen developers come and go as well as having the rights to the game exchange hands. When Primal Carnage first launched on Steam, it was largely received with a distinct lack of interest and a wave of complaints from gamers. The game was originally said to have been riddled with bugs that were eventually, for the most part, fixed with patches With that in mind, it was decided that the game should receive a massive recode, reworking the game from the ground up and effectively rebuilding the very core of its gameplay systems. Pub Games came in to work on this rebuild, but not too long after a number of the previous developers abandoned the project, including Lukewarm Media’s co-founder Ashton Anderson. Version 2.0 of the game was eventually scrapped entirely and instead replaced with a new build that would serve as a sequel to Primal Carnage. This was revealed on October 27th 2014 as Primal Carnage: Extinction. Understandably, the news was met with some confusion from gamers who were simply expecting a large patch or update. Instead, the Extinction game was released a mere two months later on December 3rd 2014. A common complaint is that the current build of extinction is still buggy. One reviewer has written, “What started out as a recode to fix the increasing issues of the original PC became a whole new game all together that changed eveything about it. What was once a well balanced and competitive game that I spent over a 1000 hours playing turned into a buggy mess and now in the latest incarnation has completely wiped out the balance and competitiveness of the game and turned it into a loot generator.” Speaking about the game’s appearance on the PS4 at 1080p at 60fps, Aaron Pollack from Circle5 Studios has told GamingBolt, “Well, UE3 doesn’t officially support PS4 so we’ve been working this build off of some of the work by the now defunct Zombie studios who have done a stellar job of getting PS4 support into the engine. To get this playing well we’ve also made a lot of optimisations under the hood and we’ve allowed the PS4 to push our game to the highest quality textures, shader quality and post processing. “We’re running at 1080p and are aiming for a solid 60fps frame rate. The biggest challenges so far have been that Unreal 3 wasn’t made for PS4 so there’s been a lot going on engine-wise to get things running so that we can support PC players and PS4 players with the same level of quality. It’s important that games have a stable, high frame rate so that gameplay appears smooth. Achieving a high framerate is really important to create a great user experience, and developers have to make trade-offs to achieve good looking games…” Primal Carnage: Extinction is first person multiplayer shooter that is made different and interesting by the inclusion of player controlled Dinosaurs. The player classes are what lend the game a sense of depth. It is how they are different from each other and how they function that makes them the core of the gameplay. The game currently supports two gameplay modes. One of these modes is a typical team death match styled mode where players divide into teams and duke it out until the match ends. The team with the highest overall score is declared the victor. The second game mode is Get to the Chopper that is an objective based gameplay mode. Primal Carnage: Extinction sports a variety of gameplay classes that enable the player to counter2 points
Good bye bro,we really miss you,take care about you,and good luck in life! Come Back Soon!1 point
1 point
no no no no no tu no giovanny por que no chamo no me dejes aquí con estos locos yo te mantengo si quieres pero no me dejes amigo con quien voy a competir ahora no te vallas feo primero tris segundo rock ahora tu que es esto que date con migo feo trabajar es malo para la salud quedate1 point
Platform: PC Also for: PS4 Available in: Digital Download Developer: Psyonix Distributor: Psyonix Genre: Driving, Arcade, Football (Sci-Fi) Players: 1-8 (Competitive 8 online / Cooperative: 4 local) Duration: Priceless Language: Texts in Spanish and English voices Released: July 7, 2015 Balls [CENSORED]ure Everything can seem very complicated but the key lies precisely in its simplicity. The movement is maximum and total freedom of action, at the wheel of our car can rotate at high speed, jumping, or even use the turbo blow to rivals in spectacular collisions. The concept of management is totally arcade, so the movements are not restricted by anything and can even scale the sands vertically if necessary. Rocket League is based on a concept totally exaggerated physics that has nothing to do with real life, so the whole movement of the cars is absurd but also fits logically into the concept of fantasy where speed and stop action is most important. In fact the ball is more like a beach ball one football, so everything goes in the direction of the pure and simple fun. The ball itself as the central point in any football game and at each end of the field there is a goal, so that the operation is the standard for a game of this type. But instead of players are no cars, which start at full speed toward the ball when the game begins and so unleash chaos that only stops when one of the two teams mark. The stage is full of details like the walls on which we can we move, the fact that the corners are curved so that our speed is not interrupted at any time or are scattered turbos on the lawn, which accumulate as they pass over them, and that can give us that extra speed we will need many times to finish making the difference between a win and a loss. They are encounters five minutes, but we have the ability to play off-line in exhibitions and tournaments against the computer (actually fill the items if a player is disconnected for not unbalance teams), the best choice as always in these casesIt is to do it through the Internet in rapid games, only alternative online. During these meetings we are rewarded for almost everything we do. We receive points for the kick, clearance by sticks, by centering a makeshift ball after area, to blow an opponent who was going to score ... Of course the most important thing is to introduce the ball into the goal without But it is encouraging that even defensive duties have their reward. Also there is a very interesting component of release, and that scores wins and getting things going release: as an extra vehicles and other additives to customize our fireball. Also we can enter the garage to customize your car by changing its paint, wheels, antenna, type of rocket footprint and adding details often absurd but always friendly, for example, caps. All are, yes, purely cosmetic and do not affect the balance of the car, so they have to do only with our interest to give it a distinctive touch to your machine. In fact, the game has that friendly and colorful in modeling these touch within a graphical section without fanfare but fulfilling, so everything is at the service of our pure and simple fun. The total of "circuits" in which competing is seven arenas, although two of them are identical with small changes such as the weather can be sunny, stormy or day and night. Trailer1 point
Bye - Good luck in you'r life. But. If you don't get what you want to mean you'll leave forum? it's not a way to stay in this Community. and you saying that i lost my reputation? mean if you ask for rank and you get banned so mean you lost you'r repu.. nahh it's not a way.. Peoples always learn from their mistakes. Btw.. it's your life , if you want to leave so you can! Bye !1 point
ohh me? with proffesionals. Accept.1 point
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1 point