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  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  2. I'm happy that Ramadan will come very soon.. Ramadan Mubarak for all <3
    3 points
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  4. يأتي رمضان اليوم ونحن أحوج ما نكون إلى التجدُّد والارتقاء، والتجدُّد دفقةٌ ضافيةٌ من الحيوية تنقل الفرد والمجتمع إلى وضع أفضل، ممّا يحقِّق ارتقاءً في مسيرة الحياة إلى الله العلي الكبير. ومعالم التجدُّد والارتقاء في رمضان بارزةٌ جلية، إذ ما إن يدخل الشهر المبارك حتى ينقلنا إلى بيئة جديدة، تمثُّل تغيُّراً مقدَّراً في أنماط حياتنا اليومية، ناهيك عن تغيُّرات غيبية حدثنا عنها النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: " إِذَا جَاءَ رَمَضَانُ، فُتِحَتْ أبْوَاب الجَنَّةِ، وَغُلِّقَتْ أبْوَابُ النَّارِ، وَصفِّدَتِ الشَّيَاطِينُ" (رواه مسلم). فتجدُّد الصلة بروح جديدة مع الصوم والصلاة والإنفاق والدعاء والتلاوة وقيام الليل وخدمة الآخرين والاعتكاف وليلة القدر وزكاة الفطر والعيد... كلُّها مفردات إعادة برمجة الإنسان ليرتقي بنفسه، إنها ورشة عمل متكاملة لتجديد الحياة الإيمانية وفاعليتها بعد تقادم وهمود. وهكذا، لا حياة لفكرةٍ أو مؤسسةٍ دون تجدُّد واعٍ مرنٍ يُحسِن قراءة المراحل، ويجمع بين الثوابت والمتغيِّرات، وبين الأصالة والمعاصرة. وها هو النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم تميَّز في سيرته الشريفة بقدرةٍ فائقة على التجدُّد والمبادرة في الاستراتيجيات والأهداف والوسائل، بناءً على قراءة الواقع ومراحله المتغيِّرة، مما أدَّى إلى إنجازٍ لا نظيرَ له في التاريخ الإنساني خلال ثلاثة وعشرين عاماً من عمر دعوته عليه أفضل الصلاة والسلام. اللهم أهلَّ علينا رمضان بروح جديدة ترتقي بالتقرُّب إليك وتأنس بنفحاته المتجددة. إنّه تجدّد للروح بالإيمان، وتجدّد للجسد بالصيام، وتجدّد للخير بالعطاء، إنه تجدّد لحياتنا مع الله إنّه... ‫#‏رمضان_تجدد_وارتقاء Nchallah Ramadhan Mabrouk W Siyém Ma9boul l Ommét Sayédna Mouhamed Salla Lahou 3alihi wa sallam <3
    1 point
  5. Welcome to CsbLackdevil.com Enjoy here
    1 point
  6. ASUS is a company with a tradition of making tablets, smartphones not mandatory. By Zenfone series last year, Taiwanese giant attempted to perform hybrid between Android tablets and the Padfone and Fonepad ranges, devices that have failed to find a concrete identity in the market. Zenfone 2 is the second generation of Android 100% from Asus, the company are trying to prove that cheap phones can be powerful and handsome, despite competing offer. Details, construction, design, ergonomics Zenfone 2 manages to keep most elements of design of the previous generation. The front is constructed largely from a large piece of glass from Corning Gorilla 3 covering the display and illuminated houses three capacitive buttons, speaker and camera calls the front. At the bottom was kept a piece of plastic with a radial texture, which reminds Related Series notebook, Zenbook. The back of the device has a slightly rounded, not very different from what we find on competing terminals HTC One and LG G3. This means that Zenfone 2 is thicker in the middle than at the edges, providing an ergonomic shape, very pleasant to use. The phone adapts to the user's hand practical, offering a comfortable experience in most situations. The back is covered by a plastic cover which is painted entirely in brushed metal model. Zenfone 2: Volume buttons are located behind the phone The top of the lid are some very important elements smartphone. The highest place is dual-LED flash tones, camera, centrally placed, and below it a button with two contacts used to up or down the volume of the sound. At the bottom is a grid intended main speaker. Although it covers almost the entire width of the phone, there is a single mono speaker on the left, the rest of the grid is covered with adhesive tape factory. Since the volume buttons have been moved on the back, sides not include distinctive elements. At the top we find but audio jack for connecting stereo headphones, microphone, secondary and Power button located on the center. Positioning the controller is at least strange, since we are talking about a device large screen of 5.5 ", which does not encourage pushing the top, especially when used with one hand. No button is very slim that does not help, by far the biggest drawback of the phone in terms of design. At the bottom is centrally located micro-USB port used for charging and data transfer and the main microphone, facing left. Despite the plastic back is removable, ASUS chose to carry a smartphone with integrated battery that can not be replaced without disassembly. Once you remove the cover, the battery is visible but inaccessible. Above they are two places for micro SIM card and microSD card abode. The cap is integrated NFC module, which comes integrated way in official accessories ASUS products. Despite the fact that ASUS has opted for a housing entirely made of plastic, Zenfone 2 do not provide the feeling of a cheap smartphone. Perhaps the closest comparison is within G3 model from LG in terms of quality of construction and the design. To target price segment, the Taiwanese company has achieved objectives, providing a flagship smartphone in 2014 compared to the outside and with performance equivalent to the price of mid-range 2015.
    1 point
  7. Google improves Maps navigation function alerts the possible mismatch estimated time of arrival with the program of work of the premises concerned, helping users avoid choosing a destination that can not be reached in time. The new function is automatically activated after an update to the Google Maps application, calculating routes for navigating to your destination will also include automated comparison of estimated time of arrival with the work program of the premises concerned if this information is available. Where the estimated arrival time work falls outside users are greeted with a warning message informing that the chosen destination could be closed at chosen destination. Google Maps will alert you to destinations that could be closed at the estimated time of arrival Furthermore, users are able to quit your destination, or to continue ignoring the warning message. The Google Maps app is available for free installation in Play Store catalog.
    1 point
  8. Known so far only rumors, mysterious oversized screen iPad tablet seems to be a plan to launch this fall, Apple having already prepared a series optimizations prepared for the next version of iOS. According to evidence uncovered by Steve Troughton-Smith, a known developer of applications for Apple devices, iOS version 9 includes a larger keyboard, the tablet only enabled screens high enough resolution. How Apple does not currently offer includes such devices, it is understandable that alternative keyboard is reserved for a [CENSORED]ure iPad model. IOS keyboard hidden from 9 reserved for iPad model with larger screen? Seeming to confirm rumors circulated so far, oversized keyboard is not very different from the usual tablet iPad, the same color scheme and several keys. Extra space is utilized with an additional row of keys narrow corresponding number key group met in laptop systems or some other keys: Tab, Caps Lock and Redo function. Other optimizations and may be present and package the applications for iOS in September, aimed to highlight the benefits of a larger screen. Moreover, some of them have even been made public, such as split-screen multitasking support necessary to use several applications in parallel.
    1 point
  9. Mai sunt cateva zile pana cand AMD va introduce “noua” generatie de placi video Radeon R300. Am pus ghilimele pentru ca, dupa cum stiti, singurul GPU cu adevarat nou care va sosi acum, Fiji, nu a fost inclus in aceasta gama, ci va fi botezat Radeon Fury (in stilul GeForce Titan). Deci generatia Radeon R300 va fi compusa numai din redenumiri, unu la unu, din actualele Radeon R200. Ba unele GPU-uri au o vechime de mai bine de trei ani, provenind din familia Radeon HD 7000. Azi vom vorbi putin despre cele mai performante modele ale seriei, Radeon R9 390X si R9 390. Ele au la baza acelasi GPU din R9 290X si R9 290, Hawaii, care insa pentru a ne duce putin in eroare a fost redenumit Grenada. Am sperat ca macar Hawaii va primi tratamentul Tonga, si va fi adus la arhitectura GCN 1.2, pentru a beneficia de compresia texturilor. Si sincer nu stim ce investitie ar fi presupus o astfel de schimbare. Cert este ca AMD a ales sa nu o faca, si a preferat sa ne aduca acelasi Hawaii pe care il stiam, de 438 mm2 si 6.2 miliarde de tranzistori, cu arhitectura GCN 1.1 si proces tehnologic de 28 nm. GPU-Z a confirmat, afisand acelasi Device ID. AMD a umblat totusi putin la frecvente, si a dublat cantitatea de memorie disponibila. Ca sa mai indulceasca pacaleala. Pe scurt, Grenada in Radeon R9 390X va avea 2816 Stream Processors, 64 ROP-uri si 176 unitati de texturare, plus 44 unitati computationale. Va atinge frecventa de 1050 MHz si va avea la dispozitie 8 GB GDDR5 la 6000 MHz pe 512 bits. Iar in R9 390 va include 2560 Stream Processors, 64 ROP-uri si 160 unitati de texturare, plus 40 unitati computationale, va urca pana la 1000 MHz, si va folosi tot 8 GB GDDR5 la 6000 MHz pe 512 bits. Unele surse spun ca s-a reusit si reducerea semnificativa a consumului electric. Cum? Procesul tehnologic de 28 nm este matur de mult timp, si fara alte schimbari nu vedem cum ar fi putut AMD sa scada TDP-ul si sa creasca in acelasi timp frecventele. Nu ma intelegeti gresit. Nu este un lucru rau sa pastrezi un produs in oferta, atata timp cat este competitiv (bine, nici bun nu este cand concurenta vine cu lucruri noi mai interesante). Sau sa-l tii competitiv prin pret. Iar AMD este o companie cunoscuta pentru astfel de tactici. Insa parca in ultimul timp a renuntat complet la lupta, pe toate fronturile. Procesoare fara grafica integrata din seria FX nu am mai vazut de la Piledriver, iar in ultimii trei ani au aparut numai trei GPU-uri noi… Si mai rau este daca se vor adeveri preturile zvonite pentru R9 390X si R9 390, de 390 $ si respectiv 330 $. Cand R9 290X este 300 $, iar R9 290 pleaca de la 250 $.
    1 point
  10. Ty you too ! Ramadan Moubark to all muslims رمضان مبارك لجميع المؤمنين
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. Va Rog Frumos sa dati T/C acestui TOPIC deoarece serverul a fost platit astazi de catre mine - sunt noul detinator , pentru detalii legate de server add id skype: poke_zm
    1 point
  13. Welcome Arthur Enjoy your days here Have fun !
    1 point


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