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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/02/2015 in all areas

  1. ¤ Name in game :Knowing ¤ Age : 22 ¤ Name : Roman ¤ City :Roma ¤ Country :Italy ¤ Favorite Games :The Last Of us ¤ A short description about you :I Am Helpful and i Love Helping People . ¤ How did you find CsBlackDevil :My Friend invited Me ¤ Server preferred ( server only from community ! ): i didnt play Yet ! ¤ A picture of you ( if you already have one and want to post ): -
    3 points
  2. is very simple process, To Installing a new set of Photoshop Patterns. Step 1: First copy and paste your Patterns (.pat file) in the Photoshop Patterns folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Presets\Patterns Step 2: Then Open your Photoshop Program, Click on a “Paint Bucket Tool“ or click “G” on your Keyboard. Your Pain Bucket tool will become active, and then go to option palette and click “Foreground” drop down and change to “Pattern”, Click on the Pattern Picker as shown in below figure. Step 3: Click on the Load Patterns Option, you will see the Load Option with some patterns which are already installed in your Photoshop patterns folder, Now just select the Pattern you have copied. That’s it you have done it successfully. Now you can see the newly loaded pattern in your Available patterns Box. Download More Patterns from here.. Enjoy!
    2 points
  3. Name of the oponent:Mr.TaLaL Theme of work: Type of work (signature, banner, avatar, Userbar, logo, Large Piece) : Avatar Size: 150x250 *Text: Swag Watermark:CSBD/CSBlackDevil Working time: 1 Day [24 Hours]
    1 point
  4. What is the name of the song? Note : the link is not available
    1 point
  5. Mai exact, de la mine. Mă bucur că ai venit aici.
    1 point
  6. Bine ai venit , Paul ! Daca o sa intimpini probleme, nu ezita sa ma contactezi!
    1 point
  7. Hello, We can give you just 1 link Here. Rules: It's forbidden to open any topic about piracy (warez). Read Rules Good Luck T/C
    1 point
  8. nVidia tocmai a lansat placa video GeForce GTX 980 Ti, la un pret de 650 $. Si avand in vedere performantele extrem de apropiate de Titan X pe care le ofera, face respectivul model de 1000 $ practic redundant. Dar nu numai Titan X sufera din cauza noii GTX 980 Ti, si si GTX 980. Aceasta, la pretul sau de lansare de 550 $ (vechi de aproape noua luni) practic nu mai are justificare, avand in vedere diferenta de aproximativ 21% de performanta dintre cele doua, si de numai 18% ca si cost. Asa ca nVidia a decis sa-si ieftienasca vechea placa, la 500 $, majorand astfel diferenta la 30%. Pentru cine nu mai tine minte, GeForce GTX 980 are la baza un GPU Maxwell GM204 de 398 mm2 ce inglobeaza 5.2 miliarde de tranzistori, cu 2048 Stream Processors, 64 ROP-uri si 128 unitati de texturare. Frecventa sa nominala este de 1126 MHz, iar prin Boost atinge 1216 MHz. GPU-ul comunica cu 4 GB memorie GDDR5 la 7000 MHz pe 256 bits. Astfel, placa dezvolta 4.6 TFLOPS, intr-un TDP de numai 165 W.
    1 point
  9. Welcome To CSBD
    1 point
  10. Welcome To CSBD!!
    1 point
  11. Hello, Try this system to add music, it will be audio music but still you will have something ! 1. Post in I want .swf music which song you want to add in your profile ! 2. When you have to song in .swf then you can see in Adauga muzica in profilul tau ! / Add music on your own profile how to add the music ! Good Luck
    1 point
  12. Cele doua procesoare desktop din generatia Broadwell, Core i7 5775C si Core i5 5675C, urmeaza sa fie lansate de Intel pe data de 2 iunie 2015. Ele sunt modele cu multiplicator deblocat, gandite pentru overclocking, si cu TDP de numai 65 W, ceea ce le-ar conferi un spatiu destul de larg de manevra. Fapt cat se poate de adevarat. Pentru ca primele incercari de overclocking cu CPU-ul mai puternic, Core i7 5775C, au avut rezultate destul de bune. Mai exact, de la o frecventa nominala de 3.3 GHz (3.7 GHz prin TurboBoost), acest quad core a urcat fara prea mari batai de cap la 5 GHz, fiind racit numai de un cooler cu aer, Gelid CX-7. Toate cele patru nuclee si 8 thread-uri au fost active. Totul s-a facut prin intermediul multiplicatorului (care a ajuns 50x), bus-ul ramanand la 100 MHz. Insa a fost nevoie de destul de mult voltaj pentru aceasta frecventa de 5 GHz: 1.42 V (de la un standard de 1.225 V?). Placa de baza a fost un ASRock Z97 OC Formula, iar memoria, doua module de 4 GB DDR3 Patriot Xtreem la 1333 MHz.
    1 point


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